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Dolphins: Finding Dory

Deleted Pixar Characters 

Hiiiiiiiii! Huh not sure if I done deleted characters for Finding Dory. I don't know. I forgot. Oh welllllll.

Quote from Oh my Disney:

"One of the more tantalizing (and mysterious) images in the Art of book showcases a bunch of grizzled old dolphins, like war veterans swapping stories year later (kind of like Quint from Jaws). Turns out that the answer for this one was fairly simple. "We thought it was funny we have hearing impaired dolphins because of all the horrible Navy exercises they've been tested with," Stanton said with a laugh. "And they talk very loud and they were very funny. The storyline just changed and there was no reason for it." Dolphins, we thank you for your service, even if you didn't make it into the final movie."

Wonder what the movie would have been like with cracky old war dolphins.

Now what we're we talking about again?

Source: Oh my Disney 

Always a  D.R.E.A.M. (Disney Rules Everything Around Me)

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