The British Professor and Irish Policemen(feat. NumberOneDisneyFreak)

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The British Professor and Irish Policemen-Lady and the Tramp

Forgotten Disney Characters 

(To avoid confusion, guest star's conversation will be bolded)

Chapter 90 Whoop!

Hey, hey, hey! I'm back! Wow, I've done a lot of things today that y'all won't believe. Like drawing for example. But I'm not here to talk about that, I'm here with yet another guest! Yayyyyy!!!! Introduced yourself if you please.

Hi I'm NumberOneDisneyFreak and I'm crazy and tend to go on rants so I'm sorry if I do. How y'all doin.

Ha ha! Way to go! It's alright it ya rant. This book is about opinions anyway.

Very true. Before we start I just want to say I love your books and I've always wanted to do this.

Awwww I'm touched. I appreciate your comment and it really means me out a lot to me. im really grateful! thanks again. I'm always trying to get more guest on here but no one responded back to me...

Buuuuut, I'm happy you're here!

So am I. So let's get down to what we've decided to talk about today.

Right you are, Number1. But first before the readers start to rant, yes I know I already done a Lady and the Tramp character, BUT their are more than one forgotten characters in a movie.

Today we have the British Professor and the Irish Policemen. Don't remember them? They're from the scene when Tramp and Lady tried to get into the zoo.

This is actually really one of my favorite parts in the movie just because it's funny. I love how the policeman gets so upset over practically nothing.

Yeah, I mean he didn't believe that dogs are that smart to walk next to a stranger and believeing that Tramp was the professor's dog. Like look at this picture:

Would you believe that he belong to him and be fooled?

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Would you believe that he belong to him and be fooled?

I think after the fact that the professor threw him down and tried to get away from Tramp that you would assume that it wasn't their dog.

Oh Tramp you the "No dogs aloud" sign.

Exactly. And technically the professor wasn't in the zoo at that time so he could have a dog by him.

Exactly! Plus, come to think about it, I wonder what happened to them? Did the continue to argue? Did the professor go to jail for lying or something?

Come on people who write the movies. We need answers!

These are the questions we're asking people!

*Gasp* I just thought of something brilliant! Let's make a movie about all of forgotten Disney characters and answer the questions ourselves!

OMG that would be amazing. Creating happily ever afters for the people nobody remembers.

Which is basically my book here.

Pretty much.

Welp, Number1, thanks for your time and it's time for a close.

Alright. Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. I know I did. BUH BYE *Markiplier smile and wave*

Thanks for the reads and 660 followers

Always a D.R.E.A.M. (Disney Rules Everything Around Me)

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