Discovery Island(Feat. f-girl4444)

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Discovery island: 1974-1999

Abandoned Walt Disney World Island

(To avoid confusion, guest star's conversation will be bolded)

*Spins around with open arms*

Guess who? Haha it's rewrite but with guest!

Aria, aka f-girl4444! I'm happy to be here!

Anddddd we're glad ya came!

Say, f-girl, you been to Walt Disney World?

Yeah! Actually, I'm going in two weeks! To all four parks!


Well I can't complain, I'm going sometime early 2017, for one day and in August 2017.

They're for graduation pictures AND my graduation present.

Woah! Graduation, huh? That's insane!

So, what are we talking about this fine day?

Oh, me forgotten! How ironic. XD

Let's talk about islands! Most importantly, abandoned islands from Disney.

Even more specifically, Disney's Treasure Island, which name was later changed to Disney's Discovery Island.

*queue the oohs and aahs*


The island open in April 8 1974 and closed on 1999 on the same date it open.

You can see the island all the way from Animal Kingdom.

It changed its name towards the end of it's days as an open attraction. It was Treasure Island, but they changed it to Discovery Island because is was more of a zoo park than anything. If that made any remote sense.


And here are a few pictures of the island now.

And here are a few pictures of the island now

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                               A light that stayed on from 1999-2008 

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                               A light that stayed on from 1999-2008 

Oh and just like River Country, if you happen to step one foot on the island, you'll get banned from Walt Disney World

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Oh and just like River Country, if you happen to step one foot on the island, you'll get banned from Walt Disney World.

Yet, a few people did swim there in 2009. They found paperwork, photos, and preserved snakes in a storage building. They also found baby vultures on the island.


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Awww. Good thing the animals are having a good time.

Speaking of: Their are rare and common wildlife on the island. Which was the island was about and why it's near Animal Kingdom.

Reasonable enough.

And since it hasn't been visited or taken care of in 17 years, the signature landmark of the island, a shipwreck, is now covered in plants and you can barely even see it anymore.

And since it hasn't been visited or taken care of in 17 years, the signature landmark of the island, a shipwreck, is now covered in plants and you can barely even see it anymore

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Also, Disney close the island due to the success of Animal Kingdom, which opened in 1998

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Also, Disney close the island due to the success of Animal Kingdom, which opened in 1998.

The video on top explains wonderfully but not as good as our guest here.

Aww, thank you! *takes a bow* *falls on face* Dang it, not again.

And you've been a great host! Thank you for having me!

*Helps ya up*

Well that's one way to end a character.

Source: Look Inside A Disney Island That's Been Abandoned For 17 Years

Always a D.R.E.A.M. (Disney Rules Everything Around Me)

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