Muir(Feat. 007fan)

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 Muir-Planes Fire and Rescue

Forgotten Disney sequel characters

(To avoid confusion, guest star's conversation will be bolded)

Hello readers! I brought you another guest with me today!

Hello fellow Disney lovers. I'm 007fan. Feel free to applaud as I make my entrance lol.

*Applauds* What? Someone gots to be the Genie in the house, am I right?

Ha ha that's right. Hold up your applause sign cause you've never had a friend like me

Oh please stop, lol, if we keep going like this, our nerdyness will explode on the fellow readers. Let's talk about trains.

Oh dear that would be bad. *sighs* OK so trains....

Eh, it's okay, we're fellow Disnerds! ;)

Anywho, today we bring you a forgotten character from Planes fire and rescue.

007, tell us about this character and why you chose him as forgotten?

OK so this guy's name is Muir (don't ask me why). He barely has any bio on Planes wiki except stating he chugged or drove (whatever trains do) past Dusty. So I chose him because although he did end up getting a huge amount of campers to safety, he never talked, was never named, and basically just seemed underrated. I think a character like him should've had more stamina in the movie or at least a few memorable lines. But there I go babbling on and on about the injustice done to this poor unfortunate soul.

What? I think you did wonderful! Two gold stars! Plus, thank you for checking your sources, seems like people don't check their sources when the want to write crap on comments.

Ha ha thanks. Yep I like to make sure I get it right. that's one thing I hate that people do and I've seen it a few times on your stories. They really should think and research before picking everything apart. But this was fun. I'm honored to have done it with you ;)

Aww thanks so much. You do like to check on my book at times. I'm flattered. And I hope to get more volunteers as guest. Now I hate to say this but it's time to go. Good bye 007fan you done a stunning job.

OK no problem at all. Had a great time going this. See ya later!

See ya as well and it's a pity that Walt's favorite play thing is forgotten....pity.

Thanks for the reads and Always be a D.R.E.A.M. (Disney Rules Everything Around Me)

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