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Yay! The World of Forgotten Disney reached chapter 50!

But I won't celebrate because in my last book I celebrated on 50 and since Disneyland celebrated their 60 Anniversary, I'll do the same: on chapter 60. 

Today I want to talk about being popular. Why? Well yesterday, LeslieTheSorceress updated her book, "The Twisted Chain" and having to re-read the update, I found my name her mentions. BUT, that's not why I'm here to talk about. This is why and I quote, "Here is a list of popular people who have been such amazing friends and have made my day on several occasions."

ME!!!! I'm one of her popular friends and one of the people who made her day! I feel so special! Gif on top is how I'm feeling.

Am I popular? I mean compare to Leslie(who I believe is wayyyy more popular than me) I have 300 more followers than her and she has more reads than me on her book. I feel like I really not popular on wattpad, but somehow I guess I am. Even compare to my Deviantart I have way more followers on Wattpad then my DA. I mean am I a better writer than a drawer? (I draw really well) 

Do y'all think I'm popular?

I may not have a thousand followers and I may not get comments all the time but I'm happy for the reads and respect I get from the readers. Thanks for reading and commenting. If I make people's day, I hope my spirit will rub off and y'all will do the same for me.

Always a D.R.E.A.M. (Disney Rules Everything Around Me)

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