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Pindi: Mighty Joe Young 

Forgotten Disney Character

Many years ago, when I was little, I remember watching a movie on my VSH and remember seeing a trailer Mitghty Joe Young.

It wasn't until many years later, when I was playing around on the TV when I saw this movie pop up. Lucky for us, we get some movies for free, so I clicked on it and watch it. 

Oh. My. Gosh! What an incredible movie. Some parts made me fill like it was a King Kong rip off, and when Joe almost died, I cried thinking, "It's beauty that kill the beast all over again!" But it's nothing like King Kong(except the large gorilla part)

The character I chose that I believe that's forgotten is Pindi, Gregg's guide and poacher for Strasser. We last see Pindi talking to Strasser on the phone. Strasser doesn't believe that theirs a 15 foot gorilla, until he saw Joe on TV. So what happened to Pindi? Did he lose his job? Did he continued to be a poacher again? Did he become rich? Did he die? Theses are the questions that I'm asking people....hello!

Oh and before you say anything, Jill Young is played by Charlize Theron.

Rewrite Out and Thanks for the reads! 

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