Fru Fru's Husband and Little Judy

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Fru Fru's Husband and Little Judy

Forgotten Disney Characters

Hi guys! I know it's early but I found a Zootopia forgotten character! And yes, I know that today (March 4 2016) that Zootopia came out today but I saw saw the movie yesterday! Yay!!!!

Okay so here comes spoilers. The forgotten character I chose is Fru Fru's husband and his unborn shrew child. (I know!) why? Well when Judy and Nick go to her wedding, we may have a glimpse of him but not really sure who he is? And next time we see Fru Fru, she's holding her stomach saying, "I'm going to call her Judy." ...THAT WAS FAST!!!!!!

And for a Zootopia review for all you peeps who want to see it...GO SEE IT!!!! The movie reminds me of the Lion Guard episode, Never judge a Hyena by it's Spots.

I and many others can relate to Judy. I really paid attention to the theme of the movie and which I recommend that you all need to look closely at.  The theme is is....something that everyone needs to take in life. Yes, it may be true that things you thought in life were going to be great and you learn that it's not. But that can't stop you. You can make it better! Zootopia teaches you that you need to look beyond you and or other's race, class, size, height, stereotypes or anything else! Look beyond that stereotype! Way beyond! If you have a dream, GO FOR IT! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Go, live your dream, try everything, it will may the world of difference.

Zootopia is a place were anyone can be anything.

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