The Nightmare Before Christmas 2

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The Nightmare Before Christmas 2

Lost Disney Film

*Sparky packs a suitcase while listening to a song with headphones on*

"I rather be shiny-

Like a treasure from a shrunken pirate wreck  

Scrub the deck

And make it look shiny

I will sparkle like a wealthy woman's neck-"

*Rose comes in*

 "Uh...Sparky. What are you doing?"

*He takes the headphones off*

"Packing. Arn't we leaving for Florida tomorrow?"


"Yes, but what are listening to? Sounds catchy."

"It's Shiny from Moana! All their songs are catchy. Man, I can't wait to see it this Wednesday!"

"Me too but first, time to tell the readers a lost film before we leave." 

Right you are, Rose

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Right you are, Rose. I'll start us off first: Disney planned to make a sequel of The Nightmare Before Christmas, but instead using stop motion, Disney wanted to use computer animation.

Rose: However, Tim Burton convinced Disney to drop the idea. "I was always very protective of Nightmare not to do sequels or things of that kind," Burton explained. "You know, 'Jack visits Thanksgiving world' or other kinds of things just because I felt the movie had a purity to it and the people that like it... Because it's a mass-market kind of thing, it was important to kind of keep that purity of it.

Hmmm speaking of thanksgiving-

Right! Well folks time for us to say goodbye for a week. Hope y'all will have a fantastic Thanksgivings week or whatever holiday you celebrate around the world.

Byeeeeeee and see ya in a week!

Source: Disney Wiki, Shiny from Moana soundtrack (2016)

Always a D.R.E.A.M. (Disney Rules Everything Around Me)

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