The Disney Fandom

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*A flash of light blinds you for a second. It's Tinkerbell. She appears and guides you to an secret entrance, deep within The World of Forgotten Disney*

*You follow Tinkerbell and she flys towered a figure in a chair, a story book rested in their lap.*

*The pixie whispers into the figure's ear and the chair turns to reveled yours truly: rewrite.*

Oh, hello! I see you found my secret hid out! I like to his here whenever I'm not on Wattpad. Hmm? Oh, you're wondering why you're here? Well I'm here to tell you a story and when I'm finished, you can tell me yours.

What's it about? It's about how my love of Disney started. Here sit down and listen...

My obsession for Disney started at a very, very young when I was a baby. Why? My mom loves Disney, so when I was a baby, she would dress me as a princess and or pumpkin. I know. And surround me with all kids of Disney toys.

When I was about....2, the first movie I saw in theaters was Dinosaur, which is a Disney movie. Then the next year, I went to Walt Disney World for the very first time, with my cousin and baby sister, she was just born around that time. This may sound weird but I remember my visit in Walt Disney World. I remember fireworks and the Rainforest Cafe.

Anyway, as I grew all I wanted to do was watch Disney movies. Sometimes i would watch a movie again after its finished, like my half sister said that she had to watch Bambi at least five times because I was the boss over the DVD player. >:D

I was also obsessed with animals, mostly horses, and I was more obsessed than Disney BUT I never left Disney. For example, I was obsessed with animals in elementary through seventh grade. But, when it comes to movies, all I wanted was Disney......and Dreamworks Spirit stallion of the Cimarron.

Ever since I heard that we were going to Walt Disney World again in 2013, we also went in 2007, I pack all kind of Disney stuff cause I was obsessed with All3, Pizza planet truck and hidden Mickeys. Also I reading Kingdom Keepers at the time. When we stayed in my grandmother's house before we went to Disney, I gotten my very first Disney dream, which I'm currently making into a book. No no, it use to be on Wattpad but people wasn't reading it. I'll may post it back and or just publish it whenever. Didn't you know? I'm making books outside of Wattpad.

After Walt Disney World, my obsession sky rocketed. And after that I gotten into other fandoms, like MLP.

I gotten into Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Keepers in late 2012. Kingdom keepers was first, I think. The newest Keeper book was out, Shell Game, and I heard it was about Disney. I wanted to read the books but I couldn't find them. Then on Halloween, my six grade sister came to me at our school's library and hold a book in my face. It was the first Kingdom Keepers book. It took me two days to read it and I wanted to continue.

Kingdom Hearts, at first I didn't know it was Disney. One day I saw my friend read a manga and my 8th grade self though that all mangas had bad stuff in them, so I stayed away from them. But this manga was different, it had Alice, from Alice in Wonderland! What? My friend told me that it was Disney and that's all she had to say and I was hooked.

I started to play the game in April of 2013. My first and only Kingdom Hearts game was Dream Drop Distance and I love it! Then a memory came to be of a kingdom hearts commercial long ago. That's why I said I didn't know it was Disney because when I was little, I remember seeing the commercial and when you are a kid, stuff like that goes over your head. The commercial is the VSH version in 2002.

Now I'm a huge fan of Disney and all the challenging quizzes and test I take, I bombed them! I can quote from any movie, break out into a song and whenever we go to the mall, I immediately want to go to the Disney Store.

And so that's how I started to love Disney. I'm not like some who left Disney and got back into it and or discover in later on like some people on Wattpad, no offense.

Now it's your turn to tell how you gotten to love Disney.

Time to tell your story and be a D.R.E.A.M. (Disney Rules Everything Around Me). 

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