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         Two days later

I woke up to my alarm clock, 7 o'clock. I groaned at the time. The first person to pop into my head happened to be James, Ever since that day I just felt like there was some kind of a connection between us. I could just be crazy but he did continue to talk to me, he made some jokes that were kinda like he was flirting with me, He sent me pictures of his plants which were huge. I also found out he was 21 years old which was surprisingly scary, I didn't mind but I kinda lost the thought of us getting closer. I pushed myself off the bed to get myself up. I walked off the furry rug beside my bed, I walked over to my dresser pulled out a black corset with roses on it, A big puffy black skirt that go's up to my knees, I put on my black converse. I walked to the washroom to fix the troll looking thing known as myself, I began to brush my hair 'Last night James told me he has a guy who researchs other people. And the night we met he asked me if he can research on me? What can he find out? What if he finds out where I live?!' I couldn't help but think as I applied makeup to my face and left the room, walking back into my room and grabbing my sweater and vest, then throwing my bag over my shoulder before walking out of my room and heading to the kitchen "Dad!?" I yelled getting to the end of the hall.
Then a head poked out from the kitchen doorframe "over here.."
I walked into the kitchen, where my dad was cooking my two little brothers, Abel and Thomas sat at the table playing with their cars waiting for my dad to finish cooking "breakfast?" He asked
"No but you have ten bucks?" I asked
"Yeah in my jacket take twenty, I have no change" he sat pointing to the chair Thomas was sitting on "watch out Tommy" I said as I scooted him up in his chair, I grabbed my dads jacket and dug in the right pocket..keys, I dug in the left pocket and pulled out an envelope. I opened the flap, a lot of bills were filled in it "Payday?" I asked taking one of the bills he smiled as he picked up a pancake from the pan and placed it on a cars plate "can you give the boys juice?" He asked and I turned around to the fridge and grabbed the juice and poured it into my brothers cups "when's mom going to be home?..." I asked breaking the silence "yeeaaaa" Thomas turned to my dad, My mother was a doctor right now she is gone to organ to do some work
"Just two more days my kiddies" he said "sweetheart, I need you home today. I have to go to a meeting at the clubhouse alright?" He stated
"Can't you take them with you? Please?"I pled putting both my hands on his shoulders "I guess maybe Wayne can watch them or Gemma?..." He said
"I'm going to wait at the bus stop alright" he nodded before pulling me into a hug and kissed the top of my head
"I love you" he said
"I love you too, bye boys" I said and they both smiled and waved goodbye, I walked out of the kitchen and walked to the front door pulling on my boots.

I got to the bus stop and grabbed my phone and started looking through the music I had, I stopped when the bus pulled up. I walked onto the bus flashing my bus pass to the driver he nodded and I walked onto the bus and found a spot where I sat down.

The bus driver slammed on the breaks and I jumped up and walked off the bus, I began to walk down the street and Changed the song on my phone. Metallica Nothing Else Matters begin to play as I continued to walk "so close not matter how far...." I sang until I got to James house.

I walked up the steps and knocked on the door, I looked down at my phone '8:12 am' I hope it's not to early
Then the multiple locks unlocking echoed in my head and the Little window on the door slid opened James blue eyes flitched at the sun shining and he unlocked the door without asking for the password.
"Uh I hope I'm not waking you" I said as he rubbed his eyes
"Oh no you didn't. I was up all night with my band mates practicing.....I didn't even know it was daylight out...heh so what can I get you?" He went on
"Uh you have change for a twenty?" I asked
"You came here to ask for change...are you sure you not making up excuses to see me?"he smirked and I blushed
"No my dealer is locked up for a while..he used to give me a deal...two for fifteen....I kinda need lunch that's why" I said and he nodded
"You still go to school?" He asked and I nodded, perhaps that question means he doesn't go to school anymore?
"Yeah...I'm graduating this year can you do that deal or I could just get one and a half" I said
"No it's alright I can do that deal..." He said digging in his pocket
"Since when did you start doing deals?" A guy in the kitchen said I honestly didn't see him
He sat at the table with a coffee cup in hand, he had black shoulder length hair and a few tattoos on his arms, he had black eye liner. I don't know if he was around my age through..
"Since today" James said as I handed him my money, was he doing this to flirt? Or I don't know.. He just seems to always be nice to me

He dug into his back pocket and pulled a five out of his wallet and placed the twenty in it, I took the baggies and smiled at him "thanks" I covered my mouth hiding my smile
"Your very welcome, and I like you taste in music" he winked and heat rushed to my cheeks, I forgot my music was playing. For Whom The Bell Tolls was playing "thanks again" I said and I turned around
"See you later" his words sounded soft and sweet I couldn't help but blush, good thing he can't see my face "see you" I said as I stepped out side and took a deep breath of fresh air.
I stuck my weed in my pocket and headed off for school.

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