Thirty Three

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              *Jamie's POV*

I jumped awake to the sound of Jimmy's phone ringing, it was on top his chest. I grabbed it and the clock on their says 5:46, he had four missed calls.
I answered his phone
"Oh hey hows life? By the way, wheres our drummer?"
"He is here we just fell asleep"
"Okay well we are going to be leaving soon can you wake him up?"
"Sure he will be right their"
"Okay" I hung up the phone and then a picture of me and him showed up, I was sleeping. I smiled and put his phone down, I had to let it soak in till I was fully up. I moved myself up and kissed his lips repeatedly until he woke up, After like eight kisses his eyes fluttered opened and he began kissing me back.
"Jimmy, its almost six"
"His eyes shot opened and he kinda sat up"
"Shit for real?"
"Sorry babe but I got to dip, I will come back after my show just leave this open.." He unlocked my window and I nodded, I rolled over and got under my covers. I grabbed my bong from the floor besides my bed and grabbed my bag of weed from my nightstand, I packed a bowl and started burning in, holding the shot gun and letting go when it was cashed. I blew out the thick cloud of smoke towards him and he turned to me with a smirk
"Hey you want one?" I smiled and started packing a new bowl
"Fuck yea" he got on my bed again and took a hit on my bong before kissing me and pushing the smoke from his mouth to mine, After he leaned back I let out the smoke and we both watched as it scattered around the room.
He kissed me before grabbing his jacket and leaving, After he closed the door I took another bong rip and stopped to see if I will feel it. I got out of bed and closed my curtains, then I went to my dresser and pulled out my night gowned. It was silk and I stripped down to nothing but panties and got my nightie on, then I put on my robe. I walked out to the kitchen where my mom sat with Abel and Thomas at the table eating dinner, My mom smiled and pointed to the microwave for her mouth was full.
I walked over to the microwave, opened it up and took my plate, filled a cup with juice. Then walked back to my room, Eating it slowly "shit I am high"

Finished my plate and took it back to the kitchen, Rinsed it off.
"How have you been feeling baby?"
"I don't know, same I guess."
"Okay sweetie" I walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek
Then went back to my room, I got in my bed and grabbed my weed, a book and rolling papers.
I was in the middle of rolling my joint when my mom walked inside my room, I stopped and looked at her and she smiled
"I used to smoke if you didn't know"
"Seriously? Want to smoke this with me?"
"I would but your brothers aren't asleep yet"
"Oh well maybe another time"
"Yea, So You and Jimmy.."
"We're fine"
"When I saw him at the hospital last week he said to me, he was sorry, he was sorry he let it happen... Jamie I think he's the one "
"Mom, Jimmy is a drug dealer/Drummer, does that sound like the right one?"
"Baby its not about what they do its about whats inside them."
"I know but I don't really even know if he speaks the truth, its easy to say I love you, Your beautiful but am I actually? Does he really?"
"If he came back maybe he does, and of course your beautiful. Don't ever think otherwise"
"Yea sweetie?"
"Uh, Can you tell me about my childhood like do you know who my birth parents are?"
"When you were inside your mother, I women cut open your mother and took you out, your father also passed It aint a happy thing my dear.."
"Baby Don't worry, You got what you need here" she smiled and got up, kissing my on my head before she left. I just laid back and lit my joint, Inhaling the smoke. I ignored the burn in my throat and took another puff, After holding it in for a couple seconds I blew out and watched it float a bit then get sucked out my window. The sky was orange, I took another hit and choked which  caused a pain in my left side. I actually forgot about the wound, I don't feel it but when I cough I do. I pressed play on my phone and let the music play as I smoked my joint
"She sits up high
Surrounded by the sun
One million branches
And she loves everyone"
I took a hit finishing it off my joint, then threw the roach in my roach box with the rest.
I laid in peace listening to music, I was stoned.
I wonder what Jimmy was doing? Its after seven so he is probably in the middle of his show, I wonder if he is coming back here? Probably
I grabbed my phone and saw I had a message from Jessica
'Hey boo how are you?'
'Lol stoned what about you?'
'Getting stoned with Jason'
'You guys should get married'
'Only when you and Jimmy get married'
'Oh my I don't think that will happen'
'Have faith my dear'
'So Jimmy came over earlier'
'Really?!? But does your dad know?'
'My mom knows lol'
'Wow your dad got pretty mad at him in Long beach'
'Yea he said he didn't want him to see you anymore'
'Oh wow'
'Yea but your eighteen so its up to you'
'I know, eff my dad'
'Ttyl boo'
'Ttyl bee'
I dropped my phone, got up and turned off my light. My red lights were still on, Which made everything else red. It was pretty trippy, I closed my eyes for what felt like a minute but when I opened them. It was already dark, I felt around my bed for my phone and was blinded when I turned it on. It was almost ten, I rolled over and unplugged my lights and went back to bed.

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