Twenty Nine

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                   * Jimmy's POV*

I stubbled into the lobby of the hospital "I need some Help!" I yelled out getting a few stares
"HELP!!" I yelled as two nurses came running up to me, one stopped to get a near by gernie. I laid her down "what happened"
"We were at a party, a fight broke out she got shot I don't know how or what exactly happened" my breathing was heavy and they started pushing her off, I grabbed her hand as we walked down the hall. One if the nurses said something and walk off, I was to focused on Jamie. Her hand was cold and covered in blood, Soon a doctor and the nurse returned and as we got to a pair of doors I was stopped
"Please come with me, we will do everything to keep her alive" They closed the doors and I slowly began walking with the lady, I rubbed over my shaky hands. I was zoned out..How could this have happened?...How could I let that happened?... I should of went to look for her myself, if I wasnt with Leana the whole time...I mean I am with Jamie now...well idk now.. She could fucking die because of me... Then I was pulled back into reality by the nurse tapping onto my hand
"Sir, are you okay?" Her question triggered me, I feel angry with myself "SHIT!! FUCK!" I slammed my fists into the wall, leaving barely a dent, I am the one who should be blamed this is all my fault...
"The cops will be hear to talk to you, What was the girls name?"
"Jamie Teller"
"Okay whats your name?"
"James Sullivan"
"How old is she?"
"She just turned eighteen..."
"Does she live here in Long Beach?"
"No, she lives in Charming"
"Do you know the name of a relative I could get a hold of?"
"Yea uh Jackson and Tara" I took her clipboard and wrote the numbers down
"Thank you, Just come sit and wait in the waiting room" she stopped and pointed into the waiting room, I walked in and took a seat.

Five minutes later

Matt walked inside the door frame quickly seeing me and rushing to my side, I sat up as he rubbed my back
"How is she??"
"I don't this is my fault...Man..How the FUCK could I let this happen.." I clinched my fists
"Dude you didn't know that shit was going to happen"
"Dude...I didn't even try to look for her...fuck man..I was with Leana..."
"Jimmy what do you mean you were with Leana?"
"No, I was drinking with her while Jamie was off somewhere.." I slammed my fists on the arm rests of the chair, causing a few people to jump..
"FUCK! How could I be so stupid Matt" I broke down with my face falling onto my hands, Matt rubbed over my back
"Come on dude, She will be fine...Don't blame yourself"

*Matt's phone ringing*
"Hey Val"
"Did you guys make it? Is she okay?"
"Yea we are waiting, she passed out before we got here..We just have to wait now"
"Geez That's scary I hope she is fine"
"Yea okay uh The police are here so I have to go bye"
He tucked his phone back into his pocket, I sat up as two Police officers walked inside.
"James Sullivan?"
"Right here" I lifted my hand and they walked over to me, I rubbed my hands together as they were still shaking.
"Jamie Teller?"
"Okay tell me what happened, what you know"
"It started with my friend Brian and a drunk guy they got into a fight, then about five guys came after him and then Me and My friend Matt right here got involved and next thing you know a gun shot goes off and everyone stopped, then My girlfriend...Jamie who was behind one of the guys was the one who got shot.." I rubbed my eyes
"Uh okay did you get a clean look at him?"
"Yea a couple of them"
"Okay do you mind if I get someone here for a sketch?"
"I don't mind at all, I want those bastards to pay"
"Do you any of their names?"
"What they drive?"
"Uh I saw they had a black range rover, it was the latest edition" Matt butted in
"Great licences plate?"
"And how many did you say their were?"
"Okay thank you" The officers walked out and I sat down again, Oh god please keep her safe...Please I can't lose her, I lost myself once again and began crying.

An hour later

My head rested on my hands, I couldn't open them I felt like I could just sleep,Matt was laying along the chairs. Jesy's voice can be herd yelling Jamie's name from down the hall we both looked towards the door as she made her way into the room "w-where is s-she?" She stumbled in and dropped into a seat as she began to sob
"Is she g-going to be okay??" She cried to me, All I could do was shrug my shoulders. Everyone's head in the room turned towards the door as a doctor came in, it was the one
"James?" He held his notepad
"Yea" Jesy jumped up
"Come with me" I looked at Matt and we got up and walked with him
"I was able to remove the bullet from her left rib, it got her good cracked the rib but it is good now. The wound might take longer to heal-"
"She's okay? Take me to her" I cut him off and my heart felt like it was reopened, She was okay..
"She's okay thats a good thing, her dad would have killed you.." Jesy began talking but stopped
"Yes she is okay but...But she is in a coma.."

What, I froze and for a second I felt like the earth stood still...
"You know... I think he just might do it..." I spoke staring off
"Where is she?" Matt asked pulling me from my thoughts
"Right here" we stopped at a room with the number 336 on it, He opened the door slowly.
I took a couple steps in, then a couple more.. Their she is, Jamie... She laid perfectly still, with her arms to the side. Her hair had a little bit blood in it, I walked up to her with my heart breaking each step I got closer. "Oh god Jamie" Jesy started crying her hand holding up to her mouth
I rubbed down her jawline stopping at her chin, A lump grew at the back of my throat, I grabbed her hand. I closed my eyes and got down on my knees beside the hospital bed, Please god don't take life Please let her remain in mine, for once I don't want to lose something I don't want to lose her...Cause I love her...
The hate I feel for myself was unbearable... if Jax doesn't kill me I just might...

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