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       Friday afternoon

I walked into the cafeteria scanning the areas looking for my dark blue haired friend, soon I spotted her a few tables away and I made my way to her "Ray!" I yelled getting closer to her and she turned towards me with a smile on her face, Ray. She was a couple grades down from me but she acted like she was my age, by the way she drank and got high a lot by the way she allowed herself to be used by numerous of guys, she was abit of a slut but its her life choices I have no say in it. We weren't really that close, we were pretty much each other side friends. Only hang out when we have no one else, We had no problem with it either.
"Bro what's up?" She hugged me
"Nothing looking for friends" I laughed and she smiled
"I herd Anastasia was up in your business?" She asked holding her arms up
"Yeah I don't give a shit" I stated and she nodded
I jumped alittle when my butt vibrated signalling I got a text
'Where are you, want to chill'
'Sure can't go far, break almost over'
'Good I'm outside'
'What if I said no'
'Then plan B'
'What's that, On my way'
I smiled stuffing my phone into my pocket
"See you later" I put my hand on her shoulder and she nodded

I exited the cafeteria shortly before I bumped into one of the school conciliar
"Jamie there is an older guy outside the school waiting for you-" she said
Then a few pairs of eyes shot to me and I herd whispers walking past the lady and looking down to the ground not wanting eye contact with anyone, if I were to look up I say all I get will be ugly mean mugs and looks of disgust. It's unfair about how judgemental this school is they don't even know what's going on with me and Jimmy and- I was pulled out of my thoughts by my face slamming into someone's chest, seconds later arms wrapped around me the scent of clone of mix a weed filled my lungs and my legs felt weak, I lifted my head and saw a white neck above it a beautiful face his Adam Apple stuck out like a ball in his throat his smile made me smile
"sorry just let myself in" he chuckled and released me "shouldn't say sorry, it's a school"
"Yeah I was thinking of staying here for your break" he said as we walked down the hall, it felt like their were hundreds of eyes were on me and Jimmy with the sounds of whispers and laughs coming from everywhere but I pushed the sounds out and tried to focus on Jimmy the way he was focused on me. We made it to the front office and I stopped us "we can buy lunch from the cafeteria?" I suggested
"Really how?" I asked
"Everything is perfect when your around" that made me blush but my hand covered it up, then he sighed "sorry.."I spoke quitely
"You don't have to be sorry, it's a habit" he smiled taking my hand and removing it from my face

We walked into the cafeteria, my heart started to pump as we walked in, but somehow he remained calm. I felt shaking but i didn't want that to ruin our time together, so I took a deep breath and continued to walk.

After we got our food he greeted the lunch lady cause he knew her "Gee, what are you doing here. Didn't you graduate last year?" She asked smiling
"Two years" he corrected her as we walked away
"Wow I feel old" he chuckled
"Awe poor baby" I giggled rubbing his back
"Let's find a beautiful spot to eat this food" Jimmy pulled me to the closest table and pulled the chair out for me "thank you" I smiled
"Your welcome my good lady" he said sitting in the seat next to me
"Your friend? Have I met her?"
"Uh I'm pretty sure, she is the one who introduced me to you" I smiled as I peeled the wrapper off my muffin
"Her name?" He took a piece of my muffin and smiled
"Jessica, she has blonde hair blue eyes and about my size" I tried my best to describe her
"She has kind of a squeaky voice"
"I think I met her, oh does she have a piercing on her left eyebrow?" I nodded unable to speak for my mouth was stuffed with a chocolate chip muffin, then from the right corner of my eye I noticed the buff body walking towards me.
"Excuse me sir, why are you here?" She asked I looked up at the women with a mullet
"He is with me-"
"Sweetheart I wasn't talking to you"
"Chill Cynthia I am here cause I have adult Ed" she squinted at him and walked away
"You know the man- uh-oh of course you do... Do you really have Adult ed?"
"No" he chuckled
I began but instantly failed cause I forgot he graduated
"Sorry, you don't look as old as you are" I tried to cover up my embarrassing mistake, but blushing didn't help Jimmy smiled after he noticed I was embarrassed
"Your so cute when your embarrassed" he softly poked my nose I smiled but shut it out of Jimmys sight with my hand
"You and your friend should come over after school" he toke a sip of his drink "you know so we are all together when we leave"

Jimmy and I were almost finished our food when my phone started ringing, Jessica's and my face were on the screen
"Where are you, ugh I think my cat knocked my alarm clock off my desk"
"School just hurry and get here break is almost over"
"Yeah I'm going to get lunch first see you in Music" she hung up before I could answer
"It was my friend Jessica she slept in" then the bell rang and I sighed, I feel like we didn't have enough time but it was time for my favourite class.
"Wanna ditch?" He asked
"Your going to make me choose" I grabbed my chest and started pretending to breath heavily
"Why not?" He asked rasing his eyebrows, smiling. We grabbed our food trays and walked to the nearest trash can. I snatched Jimmys muffin before he tossed the filth into the can, he smiled and it looked like he was going to say something but Ray came out of nowhere "sup bro, hey I'm Ray" She said walking to me and turned to Jimmy
"I'm James"He looked at me and grabbed my tray as I stepped closer to Ray
"Nothing he just came to eat lunch with me" I smiled and attempted to make Jimmy sound like mine without stated the fact.
"Why is he yours?" She asked she looked shooked which irritated me badly but she was kinda my friend so I didn't want to be rude, I took a deep breath as Jimmy walked around her and wrapped his arm around mine, she turned him again this time bouncing off her toes to her heels causing her boobs to bounce and I rolled my eyes.
Jimmy didn't seem to notice her though, his sight was focused on me, which made me wonder if he saw me roll my eyes.
"Well peace you got class and I got class"
"Want me to walk you?" She asked I remained silent
"It's okay I got her" Jimmy said and she smiled walked in the oppisite direction
"Is she your friend?" He asked as we exited the cafeteria
"I guess"

We got to the Music room door and we stopped "thanks for walking me to class" I smiled
"Wait wait you got music, what do you play?" He asked sounding really interested
"Come on tell me, or I'll go in and see" he started walking towards the door
"Well what I'm playing right now is the Piano"
"Cool I know alittle on the piano, but drums were totally for me" he looked through the window on the side of the door
"Yeah that cools, hey I'll see you after school, I'll be waiting in the parking lot" not sure if he was going to wait in the parking lot or he is coming back but I was lost in my thoughts I didn't realize he was gone until my teacher tapped on my shoulder "Jamie- is it?.. Come inside" I followered her inside and made my way to the piano stand and sat down
"Okay Girlies and boys just work on what I taught you yesterday and after break we will move onto the next step" The teachers said and I started pressing the key under my thumb and pinky on the piano listening to the notes and then with my second hand I used my index finger to tap on the last two keys. Music is my favorite class it make me feel confident and unique.

        After school

I breathed in the fresh air stepping outside the school doors, teenagers walking out of all accessible doors.
"See you later girlie" Jessica patted my back
"Byye" I smiled as she walked off
My eyes roamed the cars and trucks in the parking lot but none looked like the one I was looking for, I walked down the sidewalk more and I finally spotted it as I began walking "Jamie!" Someone yelled from a far
I couldn't see anyone all I saw were students shoving and walking past each other, my eyes were drawn back to the car as it started up and I continued walking "JAMIE!!!" Finally I knew that yell from anywhere, my dad...
I turned away and started looking again when his bike pulled up closer to me, I turned away to look at Jimmy and he was getting out of his car "Jamie I'm over here" his strong intimidating voice raised high causing a few stares
"Hey dad"
"Why the hell is your councillor calling me saying their an older age man coming to see you during school hours?!?!"
"Dad, it was just Jimmy and-"
"Where were you planning to go with this guy, no where your coming home"
"Dad you said I could go this weekend remember?!" I protested
"No I said you could go with Jessica, you can wait for her at home" he held out his helmet
I sighed walking to him and grabbed the helmet, I looked back to Jimmy he was leaning against his car and when he saw me his jaw tensed and his back straighten. I didn't want to leave without telling Jimmy...I put the helmet on my head and got on the bike.... Driving past Jimmy he looked disappointed as he got inside it, he was angry with me....and my heart broke..

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