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         *James POV*

I walked into my house to all the guys smoking in the kitchen except Zacky and Johnny, they were cooking, Brian had a girl over. "Duuude, where the fuck were you" Matt said holding his arms up
"Out, none your bizz" I said grabbing a beer off the table I pushed the bottle onto the corner of my counter and made the cap pop up and I took it off "I went to lunch" I said before taking a sip of my beer.
"Here" Zacky said giving me an envelope
"What's this" I asked scanning the package
"Its the money from the weed we sold today" he said and I nodded and then I made my way to my room. Walking into the room that was bright enough to leave the light off, the sun was shining from the curtains. I walked to my bed and sat down, then I reached down and grabbed my safe from under my bed. I unlocked it with a key I kept on my necklace, then opened it and put the envelope in the safe and locked it, after I put it back I fell back on my bed and sighed. Jamie was running in my head, with feeling I had was something similar that I felt before but I didn't want to believe it "fuuuck" I shouted
I don't know if I should stop talking to her to avoid being hurt or maybe it's different this time...

I closed my eyes and felt my eyes growing heavier and It was becoming hard to attempted to open my eyes up, so I gave up and I let myself fall into a deep sleep...

   *2 hours later*
I was rudely disturbed from my sleep by Brian walking into my room and yelled "Jimmy your girlfriend is here" My eyes shot opened as I began to rub them, the sun has gone down almost fully and Brian started jumping on my bed "it's your girlfriend!" He yelled
"Dude she is not my girlfriend! she is just a fucking customer" I said harshly but I was making a statement, I mean as much as I did want her as a girlfriend.. We weren't together
"Really, well maybe I shouldn't of brought her in here" he said with a shocked face, I rolled my eyes at him and noticed Jamie standing in the door frame
"Uh-hey" I felt like I made a mistake but it was true
"Shit-" I spoke under my breath
"It's okay...got anything.." She asked not making eye contact

I got up and we all walked down the hall "Jimmy, there's pizza in the kitchen" Brian said going to the living room and I went to the basement with Jamie
"how much?" I asked
"Uh- three" she spoke soft and quite
"You can pick" I said picking up my treasure chest and opening it for her, the silence was painfully thick and long
"Thanks" she said and headed for the stairs right away
"Jamie?" I stopped her
"Yeah?" She stopped not turning her head
"Are we okay? Cause I sense the feeling we ain't" I spoke putting the chest back
"I'm just a customer, your the dealer...we're fine.." She said but still didn't turn around, I could tell she was hiding something
"C-can I see your face?..." I asked and she slowly turned and nervously bit her lip
"Are we still on for this weekend?" My hands made their way to her cheeks and she looked down
"Yeah....but I'll find my own way okay?" She said and turned around, I wanted to stop her but I was scared. Scared she wouldn't listen, when she got to the top of the stairs she hesitated to open the door, then she took a deep breath and went out the door.
I feel so horrible for what I said but it was the truth why did that upset her, did it upset her? Is it possible that somehow she likes me too? Or was it something else? I stood in silence thinking oh how I should react or if I should say something, Jamie..she gives me a feeling..a feeling like no other.
I grabbed my phone from my pocket, I Dailed her number taking deep breaths before she answered
"Are you okay?Do you have a ride home?" I asked speeding up the stairs and headed into the garage, I don't care what she says I am taking her home. We are at that stage in friendship where I should be aloud to take her home.
"It's okay, I have a bus pass" she didn't want a ride but I didn't want her to leave without me taking her home
"Did you know the homeless people on the buses are the ones to fight for what they want and not care regardless to whoever they might hurt" I stated a fact, a fact that I knew would change her mind
"I do see a lot of hobos on the bus"
"And if they smell the weed on you, it's on"
I got into my car and quickly pulled out not allowing her to get far, half a block down I stopped to let her in "thanks" she smiled
"No problem" I said and the air still felt thick
"Listen I'm sorry, I know I spoke pretty harshly but I was just waking up, I didn't mean to offend you in anyway. My heart feels broken, I need your kush to heel it" I pushed out my big lip
"Ever hear of the phrase 'don't get high on your own supply?" She raised her eyebrow
"Of course, but my weed it home grown and I know when to stop" I stated and grabbed my bong from the back seat.
She smirked nodding her head to the ground of my car, she reached into her pocket and pulled out the weed
"Who you riding to long beach with?" I asked as she packed the bowl with weed
"My friend... Bought off you a couple times I believe" she said and I nodded
"Oh. Your going to be on the road for a few hours is that okay?" I asked and she nodded
"Where are you going to?" I asked as she handed me the bong, I grabbed my lighter and had only one hand on the wheel, I could see she was getting nervous. To be honest it was cute, I put the bong on my lap and held it down so it was there tightly, I bought my hand down to the bong and lit the bowl with my lighter and One of Jamies hand made it way to the wheel as I inhaled the smoke and handed her the bong, as the bong went from my hand to hers the feeling of her soft warm skin made a tingle in my hand and down my spine "I was going to head home, but that's boring. I can drive around with you" she smiled and her hand attempted to move to her face but she realized what was happening and she held it down but stopped smiling
"You drive good?" I asked
She sat their looking out the window for a few seconds and remembered I was there
"yeah, I guess" she sounded shy and began to pack herself a bowl
"Ever go to a demolition derby?" I asked and her eyes lit up and smiled
"Yeah..when I was a kid"
"Same, i sat beside my mother watching my dad slam into other cars with his old GMC pick up" I smiled thinking of that memories, I could feel that one bad memory trying to force its way into my head but I brushed it off
"Wow your dad must of been legit" she smiled turning her whole body towards me,her small body fragment made my mouth water. I could see at the corner of my eye her hair slightly over her left shoulder and most of it surrounding her face, the smile on her face was perfect
"what does your dad do for a living?" I asked
"He is a auto repairs guy, he works on cars for a living sometimes he does charity for the town and helps out with his club"
"Oh, club?" I asked
"Yeah motorcycle club"
"And your mom?"
"She is a doctor at St. Thomas"

Although I know things about her I want to know all.

         *2 hours later*
The sun was gone down most ways and I sat in a robins donuts parking lot waiting for her to come out with donuts, Troughout the day talking to Jamie I feel very close to her and I don't want the day to end, Everything she has told me about herself makes me like her more..I have been pushing my feelings for Jamie away but it's killing me, I don't know if I can hold any longer..a few seconds later Jamies body shifted in my direction and she carried a box her hips swinging side to side and her thighs looking glued together her curves looked outstanding, soon she got to the car and hopped inside sliding the box between us
"It's getting late, I better get you home" I said and her smile dropped
" why?"
" I don't want to make a bad first impersonation to your parents"
"Oh I understand"
"So I'm going to eat a couple donuts and you can have the rest"
"I'll get fat"
"I mean you can share with your family"
"I live on Elexis and Killdaroach"

I pulled out of the parking lot and began driving in the direction I was told, not long we began driving up the steet
"first time dropping you off at your house, want me to meet your parents?" I asked nudging her arm smiling like a weirdo
"Next time, goodbye James"
"Hey, please call Jimmy"
She smiled leading in closer to me and I smiled, I wish she would put her lips on mine. I wish She could be mine the feeling I have mad me crazy, I wanted to tell her my feelings but I couldn't get enough courage to do it and we only known each other a couple weeks, but it feels like forever She moved back and grabbed the box "bye" she waved closing the door
"Bye" I yelled driving off
Fuck! I feel like the stupidest idiot ever like why couldn't I kiss her, but maybe slow is good...

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