Thirty Seven

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I woke up to drunks yelling over loud music, I never understood why drunks would turn up the music if they were just going to yell over it. I sat up and felt around not finding Jimmy, I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and turning it on blinded me, It was four thirty. I got out of bed and hooked my bra as it was still unhooked from when I fell asleep, As I got to the door I was able to hear their conversations through the door.
"DUDE! Take this fucking shot" Brian yelled
"Nooo!!" It sounded like one of the Berry's, wasn't sure but it sounded like Matt. They were having a conversation, I then started to focus on another conversation that could be herd..
"Matt remember..rem-Remember when We tried to jack up Those liquor bottles from the liquor mart..and we..and we got caught on our way out.." Jimmy sounded wasted, I could hear the girls laughing about something but I was too focused on Jimmy.
"Awe yea man, that was crazy.." Matt laughed
"Hey did you guys know.. Jason likes Jessica" Zacky yelled over everyone
"Yea" Brian, Jimmy and Johnny said at the same time, Then the girls started talking about that with Jason. He denied it which kinda irritated me cause like thats my best friend, I thought she actually means something to him. If not, I don't want my bestie wasting her time someone who won't stand up for what he has..
I opened the door and was blinded by the hallway light, I squinted but got used to the light soon after. No one noticed me until I got to the end of the hall, Valery noticed me
"Jamie, have a beer with me"
"Sorry bro but I am not too happy with what happened last time I drank"
"Jamie, my dear come sit sit" Jimmy patted his lap and I kindly smiled but used my finger and used it to tell him to come with me. I walked back down the hall, into his room and flopped onto his bed. Soon he entered the room
"Put me back to sleep.." I smiled and he laid next to me, he cuddled close to me and Started rubbing my back, I laid with him until the sun started rising....

Three months later~

I tied my hair back into a ponytail, tightening it. Then I did my make-up, I was dressed in a grey shorts with a black tank top and a Nirvana pullover. I can't wait for Jimmy to get here, He has been busy alot, we only get a couple days to be together. Then he goes off back to work, they are almost done their CD, Then they go off on tour..which is sad but Thats the cost of dating a Drummer.I can't wait to listen to the CD
I grabbed my phone and texted Jimmy cause I needed something to do while I wait.
'Where are you?'
'Still at the studio, sorry if I am late. Brian broke his guitar stings again and its holding us up here, I will text you when I am on my way'
'Oh okay, I love you'
"I love you to"
He seemed odd but he must of been that busy. I threw my phone onto my bed and laid down, Now I have to wait a couple hours. I sighed really loud, then my mom walked inside
"Is something wrong?"
"I don't know, its just boring"
"Well I am going to Gemma's to help want to come? Something happened last night"
I got out of bed "uh okay" I got up and put on my shoes, jacket and vest. My mom was all ready and waiting for me at the door, She had her medical bag. I walked out first and she followed locking the door behind her, I stopped and looked at our cars
"Mine or yours??"
"Mine, I have to pick up the boys later"
I got into hers as she was just walking around the car, Shortly after we got to Gemma's, Unser's truck and a car was parked outside with three motorcycles.
"Do you know what happened?" I asked as she parked as close as possible
"Not sure, I think something happened to Wayne"
We both got out at the same time and walked together to the door, After my mom knocked we waited a couple seconds then my dad answered the door.
"Hey.." We walked inside, Wayne was sitting on one of the stools with a cloth on his head and his back towards us, Gemma was washing dishes, Dad and Opie were talking with Clay. My mom started walking over to Wayne he slightly turned and I got a good look at his face, jesus he looked like he got a bad beat down.
"What happened Wayne"
"Got attacked last night, he was here alone..."
"Oh my- Wayne are you okay?" I walked over to him as my mom cleaned his open wounds with a rag
"Yea I am alright-" Suddenly their was a knock on the door, I walked more into the house and Entering the hallway, there was a painting of a leafless tree with at every end had a picture. Yes a family tree, I looked at a picture of Clay, And Tig with each other's arms over their shoulders. And another with my dad and Opie as kids, both on bikes. Another had one with Gemma and Clay they looked young and Clay's hair is brown and not white which is weird. I wonder how my mom and dad met, I wonder how Clay and Gemma met, I was pulled out of my thoughts when my phone started ringing.
Finally it is Jimmy
"Hey babe"
"Jamie? Hey uh yea The guys and I Are late on this one song so we have to pull all nighter and work on it, but if we finish it tonight I will see you in the morning"
"Oh, uh okay. Which song?"
"Brompton cocktail, k I have to go bye"
The line went dead, Jimmy seemed different his voice didn't sound happy like it usually does when he talks to me. I don't know if I am right, maybe he is just having to work and I am just getting jealous. I trust him, He has my heart..

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