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        *Jimmys POV*
I was in between snoozes when I realized their was weight slightly pressed on the left side of my body, it was dark in my room but I could see her glistened skin, pale looking bright in the dark. She is here in my arms with her chest raising and falling in repeat, I was shocked to see her here but she was here and that was it. I loved it...
"My queen" I whispered pulling her closer to me, It feels almost to good to be true. I have her as mine, for once...
Her face was inches from mine and this was the best thing I had woken up to in my life, I softly kissed her nose as I let myself fall back asleep. I hope to see her in my dreams.

        *Jamies POV*

I woke up to myself left alone in bed, I sat up yawning and stretching at the same time. I almost forgot I came here last night, I wonder what my parents would think? Probably not much of it, I usually wake around noon speaking of noon the afternoon sun shines through the curtain and i was too attached to the comfy bed to leave it. Where did he go, why couldn't I wake with him, I wish he would come back. Then I felt like the lord answered my prayer and the door opened and my head turned to it and Jimmy smirked at me "good morning gorgeous" he kneeled on the end of the bed and then started crawling upwards towards me not long after he was hovering above me "not that good I didn't wake with my handsome boyfriend" he peeked my lips with his and I kissed him back then He lowered himself into me, feeling his body against mine was electrifying my hands travelled up his back and around his neck kissing him passionately he smiled into the kiss. I really wanted him, I won't deny it but I don't know if I am ready... What if I give in to quickly..I was pulled from my thoughts when he spoke up
"Your beautiful" he stared into my eyes I lowered my head blushing
As his lips kissed me then slowly moved down to the crook of my neck slightly sucking, I tugged his hair "Hmm" he slid down to my side and I put my head on his chest with my hand slightly beside it.
"Want breakfast?" He pushed the hair out of my face and behind my ear
"Sure what you got?" He got up and took my hand
"Come on"
We walked down the hall and into the kitchen, he started looking through the cabinets "we have cereal"
Then he moved to the fridge "or I can make some eggs and bacon"
"Anything is fine" I said looking around the kitchen, the guys left a few beer cans on the table and in the sink. He grabbed the milk out of the fridge and opened the cabinet where four boxs of cereal were "what kind. We got lucky charms, corn pops, fruit loops, and rice Krispy" I pointed to the lucky charms
"When did you get here?" He ask taking the box out and placing it on the counter
"A little after one, the guys were drinking" I said as he grabbed two bowls and handed me one, I poured the cereal into my bowl and then poured the milk
He opened a drawer and picked up two spoons
"Yeah, didn't really want to drink" he put the box and milk away after he was done
"Really why?" I asked
"I don't know, when I got drunk I felt good but now I don't need to drink to feel that way" he said kissing my forehead and taking my hand in his free hand, we sat on the couch and I began to eat my cereal as he scrolled through the channels. We went through all of the channels two times before putting it on V for Vendetta, I loved this movie so much
"ever watch this?" He asked "only like a million times, I will never get tired" I took a scoop of my cereal,After we ate we place our bowls in the sink and then went back into his room.
I walked over to my bag and grabbed my wallet that was inside it "here" I said handing him a ten
"One- hey is this the ten I gave you yesterday?" He gave me an evil yet cute grin
"Yea" I smiled and he nodded and left the room, while I had the chance I locked the door and changed into a mid waist jeans with a black tank top. I pulled my brush out of the bag and brushed my hair down. I was startled by the doorknob being turned to open, I walked to the door and opened it to Jimmy smiling with something behind his back, he stood in the door frame for a couple seconds scanning up and down my body. I felt my cheeks heat at the fact that he was checking me out, he bit his lip and cocked his eyebrows up and down "I got you a present" he walked in and closed the door behind him, I gave him a confused look as I started braiding my hair back
"what is it" I tied my hair as I placed my hands on my hips.

"Close your eyes and sit down" he demanded and I sat at the edge of the bed
"Put your hands out" and I did as told, then I felt something cold and hard put a heavy weight on my hands and then I could tell Jimmy sat beside me cause I slightly went down on the bed,then I opened my eyes and it was a bong. It was black with a skull and red rose on it
"oh my god this is so perfect" I smiled big

"Thank you thank you thank you" I hugged him with one arm cause I was holding the bong with another

"I bought it last month and ever since then, when ever I looked at it. It just reminded me of you" he smiled and rubbed his nose on my cheek as I had my head turned to the bong. This is so cool, he is so sweet.
I got up and put the bong on the dresser in front of us, then I turned to Jimmy and jumped onto him causing him to fall on his back, his hands rested on my lower back as I sat on his thighs. My legs felt tingly feeling him right under me, he shifted causing me to move up. Then I felt it, my eyes shot open and he chuckled... I blushed his grip on my waist tightened He was hard, I could feel my face turn red so i covered it with my hands
"Does your dad know your here?" He asked Knowing I was nervious, I bit my lip and shook my head slightly he sighed
"Let's go find him" He spoke with joy, my eyes widened
"Why?" What could he be possibly thinking??
"Cause I want him to accept us"
"So do you know where he is?"
"Maybe if he ain't home, chances are he is at work"
"Let's go" he playfully pushed me to the side to get up and held his hand out of me, I grabbed my jacket and we exited his room.
"My jacket is in the living room just go start my car" he tossed me his keys and I went running into the garage, I hopped into the drivers seat and pushed the keys I the slot and turned it all the way hearing a roar sound as the engine came to life, I revved the engine and Jimmy smiled as he walked in front of the car "I'm driving" I said and he turned Around going to the opposite side I was on
"Have you driven before?" He got in and looked at me
"No" I spoke in the most serious why I can
"What! Let me drive"
"I was joking my dad is an automatic he used to let me take the cars he was working on for test drives"
I laughed as I pulled out of the garage and drove off into the street, I turned on the radio as we left the area.
"We're first?" He asked he had on aviators
"My house" I turned into the street I lived on.

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