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We pulled up to the sidewalk and James stopped the car
"are you sure your okay?" He asked
"I get caught every now and then but I admit they have no proof of me being high and they send me to class" I said
"Okay well go to class" he moved closer to me as our faces were an inch away from each other he smiled and my cheeks heated then the door popped open "see you later" the smell of weed was on his breath made its way into my nose
"See you" I said moving away and jumping out of the car
I began walking towards the school and the feeling of someone watching me made my spine tingle, I could hear his engine finally roared and drove out the school yard.
I looked back to make sure he was gone and turn back around to see Jessica "well now everyone has something to talk about" she said putting her arm around me
"What do you mean" I asked raising my eyebrow
"So Anatashia saw you leave with James and the whole school probably knows by now" she said and I sighed
"As if this school doesn't know enough of my bizz" I felt abit anoyed
Walking to class I can feel eyes on me every way I turned, I looked down as I made it the rest of the way to my class. I knocked on the door and waited four seconds before the door opened "late lunch?" The teacher smiled as she opened the door
It felt like everyone was their before me, I scanned the room finding a spot at the far corner and walked to the spot I now claimed. There were students looking back at me and giving me glares and other guys were sending me kissie faces but I just rolled my eyes at them "unbelievable" I said to myself.

     After school

I slammed my locker shut wanting to get out of here as soon as possible, I picked up the speed I was in to another level "who you running from" Jessica said catching up to me
"I just want to leave before anyone tries to come be noisy" I said
"Jamie!!" I herd a high pitched voice yelled from afar but I didn't turn, I kept walking "Jamie, I know you can hear me!" I finally turned and Anastaisha came up to me, the queen of the news.
"Today you left with a guy who graduated two years ago, who is he?" She asked
"None of your bizz" I stated
"Are you ashamed? Shy? Indenial?"
"Are you trying to get an answer? Because I ain't telling you shit, you and everyone else in this school don't need to know what happens in my life" I started to get mad
"Ugh, I am not going to miss this school at all" I said as Jessica made it to the front doors
"Where you going?" I asked
"Home, you want a ride?" She offered
"No I'm going to take a cab to TM" I said and she nodded
"Okay well text you when I get home" she said hugging me and walking off to the parking lot and I stopped where I was and pulled out my phone and I had a Text message from James
"Want a ride home? 😊"
"I ain't heading home 😅"
"Where you going, I can take you 🙂"
"It's okay, I'll just take a cab"
"Did you know 14% of homicides are done by cab drivers? 🤓🕵"
"I did not need to know that"
"You want a ride now?"
"Your asking me if I choose to live or risk my life in a cab for ten minutes. I choose life 😇"

I waited on a bench in front of the school, it was mid November  and trees and bushes were fading of the color green and orange and brown were rusting onto them.

Soon the sound of a monster truck filled the air and a black car came around the corner, it stopped in front of me and I smiled as I got into the car "how do I know your not going kill me?" The question popped out of my mouth before I knew it
"Your right but would a serial killer give you a bong rip?" He handed me a lime green bong and the bowl was packed, he gave me a lighter and I began to take my hit with hesitation, I blew the smoke of the window and remembering we were in front of the school. I handed James the bong and he took a hit before passing it to me "here finish it" he said and I did as told as he pulled out of the school yard "so where you heading?" He asked as I was in the middle of taking my hit
"TM automobile repair shop, it's on twenty first street" I said with smoke coming out then I blew the remaining smoke out of my lungs.
"Your car in the shop?" He asked
"I don't own one, my grandparents own the shop" I stated and he nodded
"I see, ever work on cars for them?" He turned towards me
"A couple times before, my dad used to show me when I saw a kid" I stared at his light skinned face, he was so good looking. How does he not have a girlfriend? He then noticed me staring and smirked, my cheeks heated in embarrassment. I smiled but covered it with my hand, I looked out the window trying to calm myself. Soon we got into Twenty First street.
"slow down" I said he did as I said then turned into the parking lot between the two buildings both on opposite sides, I scanned seeing the garage doors open and some of the guys were in there working on a couple cars, only four bikes were in their spots and I can see Chucky walking from the office to clubhouse, as we pulled up to the front of the garage doors James stopped and killed the engine. I'm not sure why though, Gemma soon came around the corner from the office and walked up to the driver side door "looking for someone?" She asked
"Actually it's me, hey Mama Gemma" I smiled and her face lit up
"Well finally decide to stop by after a month?" She laughed and I giggled
"Gemma, Clay wants to see you" Chucky came up behind her
"Hey Chucky!" I smiled and waved at him
"Oh, hey Jamie. How you doing?" He awkwardly smiled and it made me smile cause Chucky can make anyone smile. If you seen him without his fingers.

"Oh look it's your mother, finally back from Organ" Gemma chuckled and began walking over to Clay
I looked back and saw her Ford pulling up and my dad and brothers coming out of the clubhouse, I turned back to James and he smiled "thanks for the ride and thanks for the high" I smiled giving him a kissie face and got out of the car before he can reacted. I was happy right now and I don't care. I closed the door and began walking to the clubhouse where my mom was walking to my brothers and they went running into her arms, as I got closer her hug went from the boys to My father and kissed him as they wrapped their arms around each other. I finally got to them and she turned around to me "hey sweetie" she said pulling me into a hug and I squeezed her tight "I missed you so much" I said
"I missed you to" she kissed the side of my head
After departing from each other James was pulling out of the parking lot but stop once he got to us "see you later" he smiled at me
"Ya, see you" I smiled back but my hand covered it
"Remember what I said" he said before driving off

"Jamie, who is that guy" My dad asked picking up Tommy also having a concern and suspicious in his tone
"Uh, just a friend" I said
"Just a friend who has you blushing?" My mom smiled and it made me blush
"Jamie I want to know who this kid is and I'm going to find out" he said and grabbed Abels hand
"Jax, she's seventeen" My mom defended me
She put her arm around me "come on, give her a break. Let's go home and have a family dinner please" she pled and Jax smiled
"Okay, I love yous" he said kissing both our heads as we began walking to my mom SUV.

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