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       *Jamie's POV*

Jimmy held my hand as we walked into the St.Vital theatre, the guys were setting up and sitting around talking "Jamie!!" Jessica came running
"Jesy!!" I forgot she said she was coming,our arms flug around each other.
"Jimmy I see you did something about your problem"Matt yelled pointed out Jimmy and I were holding hands, all the guys were saying awe or ow and I blushed covered my face. I am so happy, Jimmy confessed his love for me and I did the same, he makes me so happy. I find it so hard to expect the feeling he was making me feel, but I know I am in love...
"Come on" he pulled me through an open door and Jason was on the stage fixing the Amps, Jimmy sat down at his drums then pulled me into his lap. The theatre was huge "we sold out" Jimmy smiled as he noticed I was scanning the view of all the chairs where everyone will be sitting, I would definitely faint if I would to stand here while the crowd was staring at me.
"Sing for me" he said and my eyes widened
"Uh-I can't"
"Why" he pulled me closer
"Because Jason is here" I laughed
"Okay its my break anyways" he said chuckling and then walking off. But now that we were alone I didn't want to, I bit my lip. I an used to singing alone in my room, I started getting nervous "what do I use?" I asked
"Anything you want" I got up and started looking around the stage, I spotted what I want and A song popped into my head, it would be so perfect at this moment, I walked up to the acoustic guitar "that's the start" he said and I walked back to him and he placed me back on his lap. I faced away from him and then that's when I realized the lights were blinding me and one light was faced at me and him, I nervously bit my lip. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes helping me better, I started strumming the guitar
"Wise men say...only fools rush in...but I can't help....falling in"
I paused
"Shall I stay....would it be a sin...if I can't help...falling in love with a river flows..Shorely to the sea....darling so we go...some things were meant to be....take my hand..take my whole life too...cause I can't love...with you" I stopped and open my eyes as he stared into my eyes, his were sparkling the blue reminded me of the ocean.. When he looks at me with his ocean blue eyes looking brighter than usual makes me want to melt, he was truly amazing. I can't get over the fact that he spoke what I have been hiding for so long.
"What?" I asked as he just stared at me, then he smiled and pressed his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss feeling sparks and fireworks going off in my head, He tasted like noodles but I didn't let that bother me suddenly we were both startled by a sound of applauds, we turned and all the guys were standing at the door. I felt kinda embarrassed I don't know why, but it's a feeling I get after singing in front of people
"Jamie your really good"Brian said as they all started walking on stage
"You were right Jessica, mind blown" Johnny said
"Sorry Jamie, I just thought they would like to hear you sing" Jesy said walking up to me, This seems like a stunt she would pull. She always complains about me hiding my voice, but I don't think of it as hiding.. I think of it as not really showing it off. My mother used to sing to me for so long, I can remember the lullaby she always sang. One day I will sing it to my children, Jessica watched the guys get ready.
"It's okay" I said and I didn't feel embarrassment I felt comfort, and safe around these guys which is unusal. My dad makes me carry a switch blade, but I don't feel like I need it  when I'm with these guys.
"You should play a song on stage?" Zacky suggested and I dropped my head sighing loud
"I can't"
"Why not"Brian asked he sounding disappointed
"She has stage fright" Jimmy let them know, Most of then nodded and agreed understanding.
"Plus she can't stay long"
I handed the guitar to Jessica then, grabbed Jimmys drumsticks and started pounding on the drums going in a beat and wondering if any of them would get the sound I was making, I finished off and waited with a smile on my face "anyone?"
"One by Metallica" Jimmy smiled and kissed my head
"That's not fair you guys play drums" Johnny gave us the finger and folded his arms
"I play piano and little bit guitar sometimes" I said as Jimmy took the drumsticks from me and started beating on the drums, and the guys picked up their things. I attempted to get up but Jimmy stopped me
"I don't want to be in the way" I said
"Your not" he whispered into my ear sending chills down my spine
"Are you sure?" I asked and he nodded
"I have a birthday present for you" he dropped his sticks onto the bass drum
"Really?" My eyes widen my birthday wasn't for another three days and he forgot until my mom reminded him, I raised one of my eyebrows "what is it?" I asked and he smiled oh god his smile can make an Angel faint. His perfect teeth with his pink lips hugging around them and a small silver ball sitting under his bottom lip, I placed both my hands on Jimmys cheeks and pushed them making his face look chubby, I smiled and kissed his lips while his face was still pushed together.
We sat at the drumkit for twenty minutes and then he told me to wait here cause he needed the washroom, my feet aimlessly wandered around the stage. Watching the guys practice, I walked up to Brian as he worked on a guitar riff but he always ended up hitting a sour note at the end causing him to curse.
"Your good" I smiled and he smiled back at me
"Thanks, so your Jimmys now?" I shrugged my shoulders
"What do you mean?" He raised an eyebrow
"Well he didn't really ask me, I guess..." He made an 'O' shape with his mouth
"How long you known Jimmy?"
"Uh since grade nine, we actually got into a nogin knocks, and now he is my best friend" he continued to pull strings and made it father then before but hit a sour note at the end of every riff
"Why don't you use tape"
"Tape?! What the fuck is tape going to do?" He began to laugh
"Jason, do you have coloured tape?" I asked and he stopped to think "yeah I'll get it" he left the room, then Jimmy came in seconds after. I smiled as he walked up onto the stage, he walked to his drums "Guys, to end the rapture. Let's go" he said and started tapping on the clash symbol and they all began at the same time, I was impressed. They were good, on beat. Very talented, I can tell they are going to be big...Jason came up to me and I took the green coloured tape and took the acoustic guitar and applied the tape under the strings just to help me know where my fingers belong. I waited for the guys to be done their song, after they finished Brian took off his strap and placed his guitar on its stand and walked over to me
"I use it to show me were your notes are, it helps better with different colours for different courses" I said as I put the guitar strap over my shoulder and started playing the intro to walk the line by Johnny Cash
"Impressive" he nodded his head and I handed him the guitar, my phone buzzed in my pocket and I reached into it and my mom was calling me
"Hey mom"
"Sweetheart, your dad texted my saying they are finishing up. I'll meet you at the food court"
"Okay mom"
I hung up the phone, I turned to Jimmy and he already had his eyes on me "Jimmy walk me back" I pouted my lip and he smiled
"Your so cute how could I say no" he walked up to me and leaned over in front of me
"Want a ride instead" a ride from a six foot beautiful creature, yes please. I jumped on his back and he pushed me up more as I wrapped my arms around his neck "bye guys" I yelled and waved as Jimmy walked off with me on his back. We exited the building and he stopped "Jamie?" And then he started walking again
"Will you be my girlfriend?" His words echoed in my head and my heart melted
"Jimmy of course" I hugged him tighter and he gaged cause my arms were around his neck.
"Sorry" I kissed his back and he stopped and stood up straight, I slid off his back and he turned to me and crashed his lips to mine, I kissed him back and our mouths stayed together for a few seconds lips moving together, it was amazingly long and perfect...after a while he pulled away I took a big gulp of air and he smiled. We walked the rest of the way with our hands connected everything about this was so joyful to me. I prayed to god that my dad would change his mind and let me leave, but he is too stubborn. I love Jimmy I could feel we got into the food court Jimmy said "I will give you ten bucks if you beat me at finding your mom" he said and I shook his hand I was already holding "no backsie" I smiled and began scanning the area and not long I spotted her black short hair
"Found her"
"Your lying"
"For real"
"How did you-"
"It was easy for me I used to get through all of the find Waldo books in grade school my friend used to call me ninja eyes" he smirked and I started pulling him towards her and we met up with her
"Mrs.Tara Teller, I would love to have your blessing in Marrying your beautiful daughter someday, I can see already I want no one else" he said and I just wanted to kiss him and love him up, I love Jimmy..
"Tara!" My dads voice echoes through the food court and I drop my head, shit.
"Well you have my blessings but It may be a little harder to get his blessing through" my mom laughed
"A little?" I looked at her as he walked up to us with my brothers
"Jamie what did I say?" He said and I didn't want to argue with him right now
"Dad I would much rather argue with you in the car or at home than here" I said trying to stay calm
"Here's your ten bucks" Jimmy said handing me a bill "see you later ninja eyes" he winked and kissed my cheek before walking off, I didn't look at my dad cause I know he probably would of gave me the look. I can't wait till I turn eighteen.

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