Fourty Three

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*Jamie's POV*

I cried into my dad chest as he rubbed my back, My heart was broken and I couldn't bare to live, I don't think my child will survive all this pain and stress and that just makes everything more painful. Today should of been a perfect day, a day to remember but it marks the day My best Friend was murdered and the day I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me, it marks the day of me probably losing my child..
I cried until my breathing was almost impossible, Squeezing my dads arms. I wish crying could just bring back her, I don't want to live anymore...
"Jamie, she is with god now" My mom put her hand on my head and rubbed my arm.
The pain was unbearable I don't want to live without her, Why?! Why the only one that means everything to me, she didn't deserve this its just this hellish town. Charming. This town is hell itself. I got out of the chair and climbed onto the bed where Jesy laid perfectly still and cold as ice, If praying could do the job I would pray my life away.

"Jax, found out who the guys was and why he was their" My Uncle Tig stood in the door frame and spoke
"Lets step outside" My dad stood up
"No- I want to know to" I sat up and whipped my eyes, my dad sat back down and Tig closed the door and sat down.
"His name is William Greyson, he was hired by the Russians to take out anyone who was found.. Look Did something happen with the Russians Jax cause last time I check we were all right" My uncle Tig had a confused look on his face
"Dad" I looked at him, if this was all his fault I swear to god-
"Look I have no idea why the Russians are coming after us but until I find out I need everyone at the clubhouse tonight, we are going on lock down" My dad got up and left with Tig, my mom sat in silence as she looked like she was praying to herself. She took a couple breaths and got up, She came over to me
"Sweetie I hate this, I hate this all I wish your father wasn't like this I wish he took his chance of moving us out of here" she looked like she was going to cry
"Mom I hate this too, I really do. And I don't want to leave Jessica, I want to stay"
"Well you can, I will send Kip or Rat to come sit with you" she got up left, I laid back down and placed my head on Jessica's shoulder.

An hour later

I cried until I couldn't anymore I just feel numb, nothing Is more painful than this nothing. Everything is just fucked up and I can't live here anymore being alone and thinking I made a decision. Even if it means hurting the ones I love, I looked over to Kip who was now sleeping on the chairs. Some watch out, I don't care it makes me feel like I ain't being watched constantly.
I got out of the hospital bed and snuck right pasted Kip and left the room, I walked down the hall and saw my mom down the hall talking with another lady, I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. I made a turn and went into the chapel, I looked around and took a seat next to a big portrait of Jesus. It was peaceful and I felt safe and a bit calm in this room, the room of god. I don't understand why he had to take her from me, why my best friend? I sighed
'Why god? Why I just need to know why did you take her, she just became free-' I was ripped from my thoughts when the door behind me was opened, Halfsack was standing there
"Jesus Jamie, you dad would kill me if I didn't know where you were" He looked like he was going to have a heart attack
"That would of been your fault, falling asleep on the job"
"Yea..yea I guess it is my fault" he kinda chuckled rubbing the back of his neck
"Look I know its hard but its just how life is, Life is unfair but life is unfair to everybody. Does that make it fair?" His words sounded wise and something you wouldn't think he would say.
"Where did that come from?"
"I don't know but we should go back to Jessica"
We both got up and walked in silence back to the room, getting closer sobs could be herd from her room. Finally getting to the door frame I saw him, Derek. Looking like he was lost in pain, His mom rubbed his back and got up
"I am going to get more tissues" Her voice cracked
I walked over to him and sat next to him, He put his arm around my shoulder as I rested my head on his shoulder
"I want to know what happened but at the same time I don't" he sounded broken
"I have no one now" I began to sob and he rubbed my arms
"I am here for as long as you need" he kissed my forehead, I felt comfort with Derek. I'd say this is the first time he was different, I never met the caring and loving Derek. The one I knew was a gaming loving geek who only left his room for more pot and food. I liked this Derek.
"Jamie, do you want to sleep in Jessica's room tonight?" He looked at me with his tear stained face.
I slightly nodded and just then Jenny walked inside again with a new box of tissues, She grabbed one out of the box and handed it to me.
"Kip, go find my mom and tell her I am sleeping at Jessica's.." I blew my nose and he nodded and left, I got up and put on my leather jacket and Derek put on his sweater.
"Mom Heading home now" Derek said and she nodded, we both walked together closely.

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