Twenty Four

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After Jimmy left I showered and changed into a oversized Samcro T shirt and boxers. I was now laying in bed, it was eleven and I didn't feel tired. I was usually asleep but not right now. Maybe it was cause Jimmy wasn't holding me, the room was lit with only my red lights. Then I rolled over to the left side of my bed, unplugged it. Now it was pitch black, it helped. I was falling deeper and deeper into asleep....


"Okay my girl, just sit their" the guy, that's the guy from the hospital. Their was a little girl sitting behind a drumset, it was white with silver rims. The girl had black hair a little pasted her shoulders, the guy was paused taking a photo of the little girl she was four five maybe.
"Thats enough for tonight, you got to go to bed early. We're going to the fair tomorrow" the guy picked up the little girl, carried her into a pink filled room. A toy box and a shelf filled with tests, on the other side was a desk and a little table set with tea cups on it. He placed the little girl in her bed with a castle shelf around it, he gave her a teddy...A teddy that sparked my memory, it was Elliot Moose. The little girl was me? Who is this man? He kissed the little girl on the head "Good night my lovely princess" he turned on a night light and closed the big light on his away out, then it went black.
"Daddy!" A high pitched scream pirece into my ears, then the little girl turned in her night light and grabbed her teddy holding it close to her chest, thuds and banging were herd in the next room. "Daddy!!" The girl screamed and got off the bed slowly making her way to the door, when her hand touch the door knob the banging stopped. She stood still then the door flew open and the girl was knocked unconscious on the ground. Again it went black.
I opened my eyes their was banging on the door, I realized i was the girl, I got up and opened the door and looked down the hall and slowly moved into my dads room, as I walked in more I notice his feet sticking out from behind the bed. I walked closer "Daddy!?" I didn't need to go close it was clear what happened and fright washed over me, the image burned into my head of my dad laying in a pool of blood, I screamed loud and the banging on the door got louder and soon I herd someone bust through the door. My head suddenly felt heavy and I fell onto the ground passing out once again. Next thing I know I was laying in the hospital as I remember every other nightmare this is where I would wake in, it's unusal to find out this much though. Maybe it was just cause I didn't take the pill the past three days. I don't understand anything, who was this person.
After Hearing my dads heart monitor stop, a doctor came out and took me into the room I woke up in.
"Sweetie stay here, someone will be in here to speak to you" He left me on the bed and left the room.
Not long after a lady came into the room and sat next to me.
"Sweetie, My name is Agent Prentance. Can you tell me your name?"
"Uh...Jamie Flanagan" Flanagan??
"Okay, can you tell me what happened?"
"Uh, I woke up to...uh.. Loud noises...and I went to open the door...and something hit me..."
"Okay, and then what"
"I woke up to more banging....and I went to see my dad....and he was...laying on the floor.." I began crying
"It's okay sweetie" the lady held me in her arms as I cried
"Is my daddy dead?.." I cried more
"The doctors are trying to fix him right now, okay so is their anyone you can stay? An auntie or friend?" I shook my head
"I don't have family, my daddy always said they were far away"
I cried and cried until I fell asleep...

I woke again, this time in my own bed. I was so confused and lost. My thoughts were only on what just happened. It was five in the morning, I laid in bed for half an hour thinking of what it all ment, I couldn't take it.
"DAD!!" I yelled
"DAAAAD!!" I herd his door open and soon he and my mom entered the room, they say on the bed still kind of in the sleepy state.
"What's wrong"my mom yawned
"I don't know what to think right now. Why do I have to take those pills?"
"Jamie...this can wait till the morning" my dad attempted to get up
"No cause I can't sleep unless I know"
"Jamie It would be best to explain it in the morning okay, I promise" my mom kissed my head and got up
"Okay" I felt some closure and it was enough to put me back to sleep, my parents left the room and I got comfortable and let the sleepiness take over.

I woke up to Abel in my room standing next to me, he looked like he was just about to wake me up "Jamie, come eat breakfast" he said while I was in mid stretch
"Okay I'll be right out" I looked at the time and it was quarter after ten, I sat up and took a couple minutes before I got out of bed.
I walked down the hall and saw my dad sitting in the kitchen and my mom was carrying Tommy, when I entered the kitchen I made a cup of tea and sat at the table, I was nervous. Alittle shakey. My mom put down Tomny "go play with Abel In the room okay son" she said and he took off running.
"Jamie..huh...we adopted you when you were four..."My dad laid it out and It hit me like a bus.
"Your mother and I wanted a girl so we just decided to adopt one, you had no memorie of what happened. The pills made you forget, that's what made you think we were your real parents...I didn't think this day would come..." My dad spoke and I just froze the words came to me. Slowly
"You are our daughter still, and always will be." My mom came over to me and hugged me
"Oh, uh can i asked who is my parents?" My dads head dropped
"I don't think we should tell you right away" he said pushing his hair back with his hands
"Gemma got something for you, birthday present" my mom said
"Yeah, we're going to the clubhouse and everyone wants you to see you today" he said getting up
"So get ready" my mom went down the hall
"Uh, Dad" I stopped him
"Can I have my phone?" I asked and he opened a draw and grabbed my phone then handed it to me.
I went into my room and changed into a mid waist skirt and it hung to the floor, a black t shirt under it. With converse. I waited in my moms car as she buckled in Tommy, my dad was making sure everything was locked. Then takin his bike to the clubhouse, soon we left the house and were on our way.

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