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*Jamies POV*

I walked up to the door and knocked forgetting about my keys, soon My mom answered the door. I walked in
"Jamie Anne Teller get in this kitchen right now" My dad was mad I could tell, I sighed walking into the kitchen he sat at the table and my mom walked in behind me
"I want you to stop seeing this boy" my dad spoke in a hush voice. Like he was trying to stay calm, I place the box on the counter and turned to him.
"Why?" I asked raising my eyebrow
"He is to old for you"
"Dad I promise we are just friends" I began
"Jamie I don't want to hear it, he is to old for you what if he try's to get you to sleep with him?" he sighed
"Dad, he is just a friend he is nice enough to give me a ride somewhere, I asked for a car three times" I felt upset
"Don't try change the subject, I Forbid you to see this guy" he stood up and raised his voice
"This is unfair, just cause you read something bad about him doesn't mean he is going to hurt me, you don't know him-"
"Jamie Anne if you do not obey my wishes I will send you to stay with Gemma and Clay for a week" he slammed his hand on the table making me jump
"Jax! Stop it, you need to listen to her" My mom tried to defend me
"Tara you alway have to take her side!! Why am I the one being the parent all the time" he tried to argue with her
"No Jax, I don't see anything she is done wrong, she comes home before dark, she never brought a guy home, she doesn't drink, she ain't like the regular kids that don't listen, she is a beautiful young girl that is mature, I think you are to protective of her. Everyone she meets you go and research on them, I think you should meet this kid and find out if he is worthy of our daughter" she spoke calm and Dad sat down letting out a big sigh
"I'm sorry" he said
I felt a lump in my throat, but my mom spoke the truth. My dad opened his arms to me and I fell into them and bit my tongue so I don't choke and burst into tears. I held onto him as he held onto me, we stayed like that for a few seconds "I see you brought donuts, the boys are asleep" mom said placing them on a plate, then two little children came walking around the corner "mommy I woke up" Abel said rubbing his eye
"Yea" Tommy said sounding cute
"Awe my boys, okay here have a donut and I'll tuck your back into bed" she said as they both grabbed a donut and walked back to their room, soon mom went after them.

"Dad, he is just my friend. But if you still have intensions to meet him, I'll tell him" I said as I sat on his lap and he smiled as I played with his beard hairs
"I think I will decide when to met him" he said

I got up walking to the donuts and taking one, dad came over and took one as well "Gemma was wondering if you would go by TM and help out for the weekend" he asked and I thought of long beach
"Oh dad I was going to ask you something and it would make me so super happy if you said yeah, please" I smiled and gave him a puppy dog look
"Okay what is it?" He asked and I jumped up and sat on the counter
"Uh, James and his band are going to play In long beach and I really want to go-"
"Jamie, I can't let that happen." He said and my heart broke
"But dad"
"Letting you drive around with him is one thing but leaving the town with that guy. I won't let happen" he was like a brick wall
"Daddy please, I'll leave with Jessica and I'll be safe, and I'll text you every two hours and I'll phone you, please please and you won't have to get me anything for my birthday..."I pled
"Man you, I love you and phone me every hour. I'll wait for every call, you don't reply to my texts I'm sending Op or one of the prospects after you. Got that and you'll never be let out of your room" he demanded and I screamed with excitement
I hugged him as I got off the counter and took one more donut and headed to my room.
I got into my room and dialed Jessica's number
"Hey boo what's up"
"Oh my god my parents are the best"
"What did they get you?"
"Actually their letting me go to long beach with Jimmy" I squealed
"Wait what?"
"Yeah but I told them you were driving me so we are going to Long beach"
"Really?! Why?"
"Cause Jimmy is in a band and his band is playing out their, that means you can find someone in a band to date" I giggled and so did she
"Oh my god I'm down" her laugh was cute and squeaky
"Okay that's all I wanted to say talk to you later"
"Kay bye"

I hung up the phone and changed into boxers and a tank top and then got out my binder and began working on my school work, after a while I started to get bored so I started looking for clothes to wear for the weekend. But before I can find anything I was called by my dad into the kitchen, I left my room and walked down the hallway "yea?" Calling out
"Jamie, would to want to go to Opie's to watch the kids for a couple hours, Lyla has work and Op needs to handle club business" he asked getting his vest on
"Okay, if I can pick weed on the way?" I smiled and he did also
"I guess hurry get changed" he said and I went back into my room and put on a black oversized shirt that was my dads and had the words samcro printed across it, I slipped on grey sweats and grabbed my leather jacket and bag, I herd my dads bike started up and I started running. I slipped my slippers on and headed out the door, I walked over to my dads bike and he handed me his helmet and I placed it on my head and then I clutched onto him and he pulled out of the driveway and we drove off.
I convinced my dad to stop at Jimmys and he wasn't too pleased with the fact that he was a drug dealer, but he shook it off. I got off the bike and walked to the door of Jimmys house seconds later the lil window slid open "pass-" but seeing it what me he opened the door right away, I stepped inside and he smiled big "just one" I held up one finger, although I still had weed I wanted every chance to see him.
"Thanks, uh I will see you later" I said and he raised his eyebrow like he was expecting something
"Yeah okay" his smile was no longer visible
I smiled stepped out the door and Jimmy stepped out behind me his fingers touching my hand but moved away as I turned around, his eyes met my dads but the sun was gone down and it was dark nearly enough to see him
"I'll just tell you some other time" he turned around and shut the door, I walked back to my dad and got back on the bike. I wonder what he was going to tell me, I wish I had time to listen
Minutes later we pulled into Opie's garage and parked, I got off the bike and headed for the door and as I got to it Opie answered the door before I could knock. He smiled looking far down at me and I hugged his waist as I was like the size of his daughter "where's the kids?" I asked departing myself from him "their sleeping" he said stepping out of my way
"So I'm house sitting?" I laughed and he nodded smiling as well
"Yes I appreciate it kid" he kissed my head and I walked inside, stepping inside I looked around the living room, it looked like an old couple lived here, it hasn't been changed since the passing of his wife. A small picture frame stood out in my eyes and I walked over it. It was her, Donna.The door opened but I didn't turn to see who it was, I stared at Donna she was so beautiful. Just a few memories popped into my head thinking of her, her smile was bright and Opie looking at her looked like her was in love but now I never see that smile "It's my favourite one of her, she's so beautiful" Opie stood behind me now looking at the picture and the pain in his eyes were strong "she loved you"
"Yea but it's cause of me she's gone..."
"No it's not...who knows who's fault it is" (I know who's fault it is)
"And what about this one, do you love her like Donna?" I asked turning to him
"I don't know I try but its so different" then the door opened and Dad was at the door and Opie quickly moved and grabbed his jacket and they both left, I grabbed my pipe out of my bag and packed a bowl of weed and began to smoke it. This is going to a lazy night.

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