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We pulled into Johnnys bar once again and parked in the same place "cash" Jason held out his hand I placed twenty dollars and so did Jessica, then Jason exited the vehicle and walked towards the doors, that moment brought me back to when Jimmy stopped to talk to someone, I don't know who but he certainly knew it was cause they hugged, like a long hug... From where I was siting she looked beautiful...then Zacky and Jimmy were talking about her, oh yeah her name was Valarie.

I unlocked the door to the room just finishing the last sip of my cup as I walked in, I tossed it into the trash can right away. Jessica placed the bottle Jason got us which was Captain Morgan on the counter.
"Hey we still have a 40 and two 83 bottles"I stared into the fridge, I grabbed one of the 83 bottles and filled quarter of the cup then I brought out the ice tray dipped three ice cubes into my cup and I made another cup exactly the same way for Jessica, I walked to the couch with the cups "guess we can just drink until they get back" I sat down and Jessica took one of the cups from my hands sipping on it slowly, I pressed the cup to my lips and tilted my head back a burning sensation tickled my throat, my eyes squeezed closed as I forced myself to drink have of what I had. As I took off my jacket a joint fell out of my pocket, I grinned picking it up and snatched Jessica's lighter when she got the hint of me picking the joint up. The rolled weed sat perfectly between my lips, I could smell the weed as I lit the end and inhaled, exhaled. I passed it on and Jessica and I took turns puffing and passing until it was a roach. I butted it out at the bottom of the lighter, I grabbed my cup and took a shot of it. Two cups later I felt oozy and a feeling close to high but not their, Jessica and I got our buzz on. I pulled out my phone and opened my camera taking a picture of us holding up our cups, after posting it I put my phone on the side table as Jessica grabbed another joint..
One hour later
It was probably the guys break cause I received a text from Jimmy, I opened it
'Why did you leave 😏'
'I felt uh, bummed but its okay..'
'Are you okay? Was it cause of me? I am sorry'
'I said its okay..'
'Jamie..Uh Want to share a room with me?.. I totally understand if you don't and if your not okay with that'
'Uh, you guys got the room arrangements?'
'Yea 🙂 so is that a yea?'
'I don't know, I will see when you get back..'
'Jamie I feel like something is wrong?'
'Its nothing see you when you get here'
I stumbled from the couch almost losing my balance but stopped and let my Breath catch up with my body and went to one of the bed rooms I turned into the first one and climbed into the bed "don't sleeeeeeeep" Jessica yelled from the kitchen and came running into the room jumping on me and began bouncing up and down "but I'm burnt out" I winned
"Want to smoke?"
"No, I want to have a bath" the guys were going to be gone for another half hour so perfect timing
I got back up then grabbed my bag and went into the washroom "Jesy can you bring me water with ice!"I yelled as I took my brush out of my bag a couple minutes later Jesy knocked on the door "here no hangovers yea" she smiled and I chuckled grabbing the cup, I brushed my hair down pulling it back into a ponytail. I stripped down placed my dirty clothes in my bag then my phone started ringing but I knew it was my dad so I didn't bother to grab it.
I began to run the hot water, I waited as the tub filled. Then I grabbed my ear phones from my bag and plugged them into my phone after the tub was filled I tied my hair into a messy bun so it didn't get wet. I plugged my ears with the headphones and played my music list, the first song that came in was Scar tissue by Red Hot Chilli Peppers, I stepped into the tub and laid down letting the water rub over my body and I felt my muscles loosen up. I began to relax listening to my music singing the lyrics not knowing how loud I was.

Half an hour later

I was disturbed by a sudden knock on the door I took one of my head phones out "yea?!" No one answered
I got out of the tub and drained the water, standing up I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around myself. I totally forgot I wasn't sober until I stepped out of the tub almost losing my balance, I placed my hand on the counter holding myself up. I dried myself off and hung the towel to dry, I grabbed my bag and placed it on the toilet seat, I dug into the bag grabbing a pair of black Nike short and I pulled my knee high socks up, then I slipped on my bra but I couldn't find my shirt I packed for this outfit, of course I could just use another one but ruining one of my other outfits would kill me. I can't allow it, I dug around for a couple more minutes before giving up, I opened the door slightly just for Jessica to hear "Jesy I need a shirt led me one" I herd stuff being moved around and draws being opened and closed, seconds laters knock on the door startled me, I took out one of my earphones and opened the door slightly but not to find Jessica instead it was Jimmy, I was shocked to see him he smiled weakly avoiding contact with my chest as I realized I had no top.
"Jessica is across with the guys, you can wear one of mine" he said Handing me a Shirt, it was black with a design on the front but the design was faded, I don't know what to think my brain isn't working due to the alcohol in my system
"Uh thanks" My cheeks heated fast as I shut the door and quickly stuck my head through the shirt, then I poked my arms out. My Brain was still fuzzy but I tried to make myself sober as much as I can.
I packed my things and tossed my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the washroom, I walked into the room Jessica and I were going to sleep in.
"What's everyone doing?" I asked as Jimmy walked into the room behind me
"Drinking, listen I'm sorry for being a jerk earlier, I didn't want you to leave and I feel real-"
"Jimmy it's fine..."
"It doesn't feel fine" he sat down and looked at me as I placed my bag in the closet the room remained silent for a couple seconds
"It's okay...uh- do you know the know the sleeping arrangements?" I asked
"Yeah, we figured everything out, Jason is going to sleep on the hide a bed I also think he is tryna hook up with your friend.."He rubbed the back of his neck as I sat down next to him
"Matt gets his own room, I do Brian does, Zacky is, Johnny has a cot to sleep on, The berry's are taking the hide a bed. I could order you a cot too...If you want?" He gave me a weak smile
"Or?..." I smiled, It slipped out its not like I want to sleep with him...actually... Well I don't want to sleep with him, well I do but only laying in the same bed as him. That would be nice... I dozed off and Jimmy snapped his fingers in front of my face
"How much alcohol have you ingested into your body?" He raised his eyebrow with a grin
"Enough" I hiccuped
"I am going to get on your level" he chuckled
"Although I'm drunk, I want to sleep but I want to sit up with you guys" I couldn't make up my mind
"I don't know what to do" I sighed, he placed his hand on my thigh. I looked to him as he did the same, I swallowed hard feeling a tingle go up my back. The fact that he was older than me popped into my head, But I trust him.
"Jamie?.." My eyes went back up to his, his ocean blue eyes sparkled beautifulness caused me to smile
"Your so beautiful" he spoke above a whisper, he moved his hand up to my chin and slowly moved it toward me...
Closer... I could feel his breath on my lips, this is taking so slow...
"Jaa-miiiiie- oh"
JUST GREAT, We both glanced over to Jessica to was holding herself up on the doorframe.
"Talk about perfect timing" Jimmy chuckled
"Oooh soo-orry" Jesy covered her mouth with her hand and giggled
"I w-was wondering i-if It was cool if I sleep on the f-floor?... The rug i-is s-soo sooooft" She slowly slid down to the floor and laid their looking up at us, I busted in a tears laughing my ass off I rolled off the bed and landed next to her...
"Jesy you numb nuts! Your so silly" I looked at her as we both laid on the floor next to each other, only I was laying in the opposite direction.
"Jamie.. Your my best friend.." She sounded sober for a second and looked at me with happiness in her face, She cause me to smile widely.
"I love you Jesy, your my best friend..." I smiled brightly at her
"Are you guys going to make out now?" Jimmy spoke killing the beautiful moment that was happening between me and my best friend. Its not often that we actually appreciate each other like this.
"Fuck you" I looked at him and he laughed falling back onto the bed
"Yea dick ward" Jessica shouted
"Jesy, I am going to get us a pillow and blanket then we will both sleep on the soft floor" I said getting up and she nodded putting her arm over her eyes, Jimmy sat up when I stood straight. I walked over to the bed and stole a pillow, I dropped it on the floor next to Jesy.

Fifteen minutes later

I laid down next to Jesy on the floor, Jimmy has left to go drink with the guys. He told them to drink across the hall cause Jesy, Matt Berry, Jason Berry, and I are sleeping. I didn't mind sleeping on the floor, I felt safe next to my best friend. I am so scared to go back home, I don't know how my dad will react. I closed my eyes and let the drunken sleepiness carry me away.

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