Twenty Eight

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*Jamie's POV*

Matt Berry texted me while I was in the washroom letting me know they just got here, I looked myself in mirror and smiled... I look alright but also no like myself... I opened the door and the sound of the loud music filled my ears, I stepped out and walked down the small hallways entering the kitchen and dinning area, there he was I smiled and headed for his direction when Valary and some chick walked up to him, I slowly took another step then the chick wrapped her eyes around his waist... who is she?.. he looked lost but happy at the same time... I stopped and took a few steps back then I coward behind a bookcase and a few people, my heart felt like it was slowly shattering. I could feel the lump in my throat, I took a shot of my 83 to try wash it down. Jimmy's head looked around before he turned back to the girl and picked her up hugging her, I almost choked on my drink and swallowed it before I could spit it out. Who was that? My heart started beating fast, he put the girl down and he smiled at her as she took a bottle out of his hands and took a shot, Ugh. It made me angry but I don't know who that is, I can't just intervene with his life and friends. I trust him, all through it hurt... He leaned down and whispered in Valary's ear then she walked off, what if he asked if they can be alone? What if she is off to clean a room out? My breathing was almost out of control, I dropped my cup and headed for the nearest door as my lungs fell short of breath I walked around the book case and into the hall, at the end was the back door so I quickly made my way to it, I gasped for air as I kicked open the door, it led out to the pool area with a sitting area and BBQ next to the window viewing into the kitchen and was breathing in the fresh air, I fell onto my knees and continued to breath uncontrollably until my lungs caught up with me. After that I got back up and dug into my pocket pulling out a joint, I lit it as my heels clicked on the sidewalk, I made my way over to one of the chair and just sat down smoking my joint. I needed to cool down, but my I couldn't help but think of Jimmy, where is he now? What is he doing? Who was the girl he was with? I sighed at the thought of him cheating, this is my fault. I let myself fall for him, he is a drug dealer for christ sakes..If he cheats I leave him and never get involved with 'Bad boys' again, His beauty obviously attracts other females... but he doesn't seem to let them know he has someone thats what hurts me... trust him this one time. I just don't want to be around if it happens, cause who knows what I could do. I looked down at my dress and shoes, I did this for him and I will look stupid if he cheats...because this aint me... I sat in the chair for about an hour and a half just smoking joints, I didn't realize until I looked at the time on my phone. I sort of just drifted off, just like how I kinda am right now, I am high. Then my phone started buzzing in my jacket and I took it out and answered it
"Jamie, where are you?"
"Jesy, I am outside smoking a J want some come to the back. I need you" I almost choked at the end but hung up, I took another hit of my joint and it was half way done. I used my phone to look at my face and saw the makeup looking a bit runny under my eyes so I used my index finger and whipped underneath it.
I herd the door open and I looked back, Jesy almost falling over but holding the door knob was keeping her from falling. I giggled and she wobbled over to me, she held a red solo cup and sat next to me
"Valery is looking for you"
"I don't know, let me hit that now" I passed her the joint
I let the highness take over my mind, And I let myself forget about the shit that might go down. I sighed and closed my eyes
"Yea love"
"I am scared Jimmy is going to leave me..."
"Cause he has someone inside and has no desire to come find me, he is drinking with her while I am outside smoking..."
"If he leaves you, he is the fool.. Because you are a treasure Jamie"
"Thanks, I don't want to intervene with his life but it hurts to see him with her"
"Do you trust him?"
"Of course, to much... I love him I think but what if he has history with that person and we are in his home town.."
"Then they have history cause you are his future and if he wants to live in the past then his fault"
I sighed she was obviously drunk cause she would of been inside searching him down just to make a scene, but she is more chill when she is drunk so thank god I guess
After we finished smoking, Jesy started rolling another one. I laid back on the chair and watched as her nails pulled apart pieces of weed, after it was grinded she pulled out flavoured papers, it was watermelon flavour. She looked like she was doing someone FBI stuff cause how careful she was, She them rolled the paper back and licked it along the edge and finished it off. Then we both jumped as the sound of a window smashing, we both looked towards the door. Screaming could be heard, we both got up and began rushing towards the door.
"BRIAN!" We herd Matt yell and we started running inside
We got into the house, entering the living room everyone was surrounding Brian and a tall guy, he had a buzzed haircut and a black leather jacket, We pushed our way to the front, then four other guys dressed similar pushed us aside to get to Brian and they pulled him off the guy and held him as another one hit him in the gut, then Matt handed his drink yo Valary as did Jimmy with that other women...My heart was beating fast they both got the guys to let go of Brian as Michelle was screaming for Brian to stop
"STOP!" Valery yelled
"YOU GUYS!! SOMEONE STOP THEM!" That girl Jimmy was with yelled trying to stop Jimmy, one of the guys that stood in front of me put his hand on a gun tucked in the back of his pants
I gasped knowing something bad is about to happen, I grabbed Jesy's arm as Zacky then jumped in and everyone was getting shoved as the guys were fighting and people were leaving..
Everyone stopped, My legs became weak my ears were ringing then I felt the pain on my side. My hand rubbed over it and warm liquid covered my hand, I slowly looked down and found blood on my hand. Just great, I thought this night couldn't get any worse here I stand corrected..
"JAMIE!" Jesy screamed so loud as I fell and she caught me, I started breathing really rapidly and the pain felt more painful every time I took a breath in, Everyone's eyes looked to me then they started running out of the house.
"Jamie!" I herd Matt yell over the music and peoples yelling
The guys in black also ran out the door one of them cursing at the other one and Then Jimmy finally saw me on the ground, Leana's arm was just around his arm as like she just pulled him off someone.
He shoved her off and ran over to me with Matt and Brian, they were pretty bloody as well. My hand stayed on my left side and my breathing is still uncontrollable, I swallowed the fluid that I felt come up my throat
"Jamie, Shit Jamie come on your fine" Jimmy put his arm under my neck and his other arm under my knees and got up
"Jim-my, Where.. a-are we go-ing?.." I almost choked, I tried to spit the liquid out but it just dripped from the side of my mouth... why... why now...
"Jamie listen to me okay, you are fine... We are going to get you to a hospital okay? I NEED TO A RIDE!" He yelled
My vision was getting blurry, I could hear Jesy crying. Everyone who ever was left was talking and sounded shocked, I coughed up abit
"MY CAR- My car" Valary yelled
"Keys!" Matt yelled
We got inside, As I laid in Jimmy's arms. My breathing was slowly down and My head was falling, he grabbed my head and held it up "look at me" I forced my eyes open but it was still blurry, the pain was almost unbearable
"FUCK! JAMIE! Look at me
Okay?! Your fine! Look at me" he kept his face inches away from mine I could see the girls standing outside the car looking worried
"Ji-im... Woo... she-" I managed to let out but blood came up my throat and caused me to choke again
"She is someone I shouldn't have been worried about... I should've been there with you Jamie..." his voice was shakey, Matt was in the driver's seat. My eyes closed but I was still able to hear everything, I could hear the cars honking as we drove by, I could hear Their breathing
"Jamie...please" Jimmy's voice sounded shaky and scared he put his hand on my cheek
"You going to be fine Jamie we are almost there just hang on okay?" Matt rubbed over my head, I coughed and blood shot out of my mouth.
"I ain't- I ain't okay..."
Jimmy's grip on me tightened
"Yes you are, baby you are fine...right here Matt hurry stop" He spoke and that was the last thing I herd as I drifted off into darkness

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