Chapter 1: Where do i belong?

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Kaida's pov

Who is she? What's her name? Dose she even belong here? Those are the questions they ask each other as I walk by. The truth is I don't belong here, or anywhere. I never have. I was born in district thirteen. My mother and my father were part of the rebels group in thirteen. Back then the Hunger Games was just an idea in the back of the capitals mind. That was back before president Snow was even president. I was born the day district thirteen burnt to the ground. My father and I were some of the only survivors. That's because we got out before anything happened. We became stow always on a train heading to district three. By the time I was 4 years old there had been only three hunger games. People didn't expect them to continue for so many years but they did. They never ended. Even now I'm fifteen and still eligible to be reaped for the games. But I'm alone. My fathers no longer here with me. He's been dead for years now. I've been traveling all around. I've lived in almost every district. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10. I've lived in each of those seven districts for at least a year or so. And in every one I'm looked at as the outcast. I don't need friends or family or pity. I returned to district 3 last year. I'm planning on staying here for a bit longer. I live alone in a small place just about as shut away as I can get. I go to school. Sometimes. Sometimes I just take walks in the forbidden woods. We call it the forbidden woods because, well it's forbidden. The woods is the only place I feel safe from the capital, its my only real home. Figures, the only place I like to be is the only place I'm not suppose to be. I do go to school sometimes though. I like to learn as much as I can about Panem and our history. I excel in almost all of my subjects. I'm an all A's student. Not that I really care about any of that. I don't really care about any thing at this point. Too much has happened to me to keep caring. I think maybe that's for the best though. Why should I care, we live we die and we're  done. The end. Who cares? Not me. You could point a gun at my face and I would be perfectly calm. Go ahead I would say. What do I have to loose. That all may sound pretty negative but I have an excuse for thinking like that. We've all been though some crap I know. You don't need to tell me. Yeah people are starving and dying but what do you want me to do? Start a revolution? Yeah that worked great last time.

I should be at school right now. I don't know why I'm still here. I'm just here to think I guess.  

I always come here to think. I'm in the woods, in a large tree that I've made my own. I climb 

up almost every day and sit here to think. I'm alone like always. Who would want to go out in the woods with the crazy girl? That's also what they call me. I've heard the rumors. They all think I'm insane. I've heard dozens of rumors about why they think I'm an orphan, or why in ever stay in one place too long. People here in district 3 remember me from my child hood years. I wouldn't have come back. I shouldn't have. This place reminds me too much of my father. Out of all the districts I've lived here the longest. I know the people but they don't know me. Which is just fine it's not like the rumors of me killing my family, or murdering a bunch of peacekeepers affect me. Why should I care what they assume about me. They can all go die in a...*crack* I think I just heard a stick break. "is some one out here" I think to myself. *crack* I here again. Okay someone's definitely out here. I quickly began to search my surroundings. jumping out of my tree and slowly walking to where the sound was coming from I heard more and more branches break. Then I saw him. I instantly noticed his eyes. what color is that? I'd never seen anything like it before He stared at me with wonder and amazement. I tried to look away, to escape his gaze but I was trapped inside a sea of Blue, green, and gold. Nothing I've ever seen could compare. My greyish blue eyes were nothing in compare. I used all of my strength to look away from his eyes. He was wearing a dark blue shirt with a black jacket and denim pants with some warn out black shoes. He looked me up and down as did I to him. His hair was wavy and chocolaty brown, but it looked soft and sweet like you could just curl up and fall asleep in it. As for his body he didn't look all that bad. he looked strong but not totally buff. More like partially above average.(which is still pretty great) "'" he couldn't even manage to spit out his own name. he coughed and took a quick deep breath. "I' colt" Erin colt I know that name he goes to my school. I've never actually met him before. We don't have any classes together. I don't even think I've ever seen him up close before. "do you have a name miss" this time when he spoke he sounded more confident . his voice was smooth with a hint of something. was it Excitement? I didn't respond right away. I usually don't give out my name to people. especially people I don't know. "Kaida" I spoke softly, but not to quietly. "Kaida Rose" I said. He smiled. I didn't smile back. I kept a blank face. He chuckled and said "well miss Rose, it seems your in a bit of trouble" He smirked "as it turns out these woods are forbidden, and since I am a good doer I have no choice but to turn you in" his sly smile grew with every word. "You've been a very very bad girl today miss Rose" He was trying to make to laugh. It was going to take a lot more than that to make me laugh though. "you know your really not suppose to be here, you could get in a lot of trouble" He said rolling out a lot so that the T made a popping sound coming of his lips. His lips looked soft and sweet in that clever smirk. "do you know the penalty for breaking the law, miss Rose" He made a sarcastically surprised face at me. I muffled a giggle. The way he was acting I almost couldn't help it. "Ohhh your in so much trouble' He said In a stupid little kids voice it was enough to make me smile. But just a little. "Your going to be in as much trouble as I am" I said quietly, only showing a little smile. He looked at me as if he never even realized he was breaking the law as much as I was. Then he burst out laughing. I couldn't help but giggle a little bit. He had the cutest laugh. Wait. Did I actually just think that. Why would I think that. I never think about those things. First laughing and smiling, then thinking his laugh is cute. How could this stranger totally change my entire personality in only 2 minuets. "it wasn't that funny dude" I said over his laughing. he started howling with laughter. 'shut up do you want to get caught or something, someone's going to here you" he stopped laughing and smiled at me. "you know for a psycho maniac/murderer you pretty cute" I felt my cheeks go red. Is he actually referring to the rumor of me killing my parent and going insane, and to top it all of did he just call me cute? a breeze blew past. Making both his brown hair and my black hair sway into our faces. he started walking closer to me. When he was right at my face he whispered "follow me" he turned on his heal and started running. I followed with curiosity. I was a fast runner so naturally I caught up to him in a flash. "Where are we going" I yelled. the wing still blowing through my hair "you'll see" he replied and kept running. he started getting ahead. Oh no. no way was he winning this race. I may not have known where we were going but I was definitely going to be there first. 'what are you doing" he yelled "you don't know were your going" I just smiled and replied, "tag your it' "oh it's ON" he yelled. We ran neck and neck for ten more minuets. Then we came to what looked like a small cliff. I was about to stop running when He tripped me with his right foot, sending me rolling right up to the edge of the cliff. I grabbed on the edge and tried to pull myself up. It was a long way down I could see. Erin was right there in a second trying to help me back up. he looked extremely afraid that I might actually fall and die. He helped me pull my self up. 'are you ok" he asked me. I could see worry shoot through his eyes. "I'm so so so sorry are you okay" I couldn't answer for a minuet. He touched my arm. I flinched a the feel of his soft warm hand. It's been so long since anyone had ever purposely touched me. His hand was now rubbing my shoulder, while his other hand Lightly pulled the hair out of my face and placed it behind my ear. " I'm fine" I whisper. I know he heard me though. he let out a small smile and helped me up. Where are we' I asked. 'I don't know but I do know where we're not" I looked at him confused. "He smiled "We're no longer in Panem"


hey you guys this is the first chapter of my new hunger games fan fic. Please vote and tell your friends if you enjoyed it. I'll post then next update this week. Please leave a comment if you liked it or you had a question. oh and before I forget there's a black and white picture of kaida on the side. Hope you like it. Love you guys!!! -Writeitout32423

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