Chapter 18: Night lock

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Calic was Dead. That's all i remember from last night. Okay time to get up. I found the will to finally stand, and get some food. I had brought some turkey and some dried fruit when i left yesterday. i nibbled on the dried fruit and saved the rest for later. I also brought water which i took a large gulp of.  My throat felt dry, and my head was cloudy. I just wanted to go back to sleep, but i had to get up and face the day.  I realized last night, that i had killed three people in all. Meanwhile, Roken probably has at least ten dead. No wonder i have no sponsors left. I wanted to find out how Calic died, or was killed but i couldn't just go ask someone. I could try to find Alicin, But what if she doesn't know?> what if nobody knows except the killer. What if the killer is, Roken? No, no offence to Calic but Roken doesn't go after weak pray, and i don't think the careers had anything to do with it. It had to be someone else.

*BOOM*  I Hear the familiar sound blast from a cannon.  Another person gone already. I wonder who. "NO" i heard someone screech from a few yards away through the trees. I suddenly felt my legs moving quickly beneath me. I ran to the sound, only to find a girl sitting another girl, holding a knife to her neck. "DID YOU KILL HIM" the girl on top yelled. I finally realized who it was. "ALICIN" i yelled pulling her off of the girl, who was barley breathing. "WHO WAS IT"  she yelled crazily throwing her knife to the ground. "I don't know" i said She fell to the ground sobbing like i imagine she'd done all night, considering her eyes were red. "shh it's okay" i said holding her in my arms. "i have to know who it was" she whispered. "maybe it was than one guy you told me about..what's his name, Ethen? Ellan?" asked the girl from behind us. "Erin" i answered. she nodded. "this is Marona, I met her after we split up" Alicin said. I turned and shook hands cautiously with Marona .I noticed she was wearing one of the friendship bracelets I had made for Alicin.  "Kaida" I said. "I know" she simply replied. "so you don't know who killed Calic?" I asked Alicin, already knowing the answer. "not yet" she said turning away from me and picking up a  water bottle and taking a sip. "I have to find out soon before they die" she said. she tossed the water bottle to the ground. Marona picked up a handful of berries of the ground and stuffed them in her face. she looked at me. "you want some?" she asked with a mouth full of berries. "what kind are they" I ask sitting down on the ground next to her. "They're called Night lock berries" she responded eating more. "isn't night lock poisons" I asked picking one up and rolling in between my fingers. "Only if you eat them wrong. the juice in poisons, but the berry part isn't, we've squeezed most of the juice out of these ones" she explained popping a few more in her mouth. "without there juice the most they can do is give you hallucinations, but we haven't had any yet so I think they're just fine" she hand giving me a handful. I popped one in my mouth. "what did you do with all the juice?" I asked "we put in in a water bottle and tied some string around it so we wouldn't drink any of it..why?" Alicin said. "I could use some of it"

They gave me the bottle without question and I left. I walked up and down some annoying hills and finally noticed something familiar. I could see the cornucopia sitting just a few yards away. And next to it were Axen, Rossi, and Roken. And another kid who they seemed to be messing with. I went in to get a closer look.  "some on baby, it's the hunger games you can't just have pity on every helpless little brat" I heard Rossi say to him. "Rossi's right, I'm sure she'll get over it, and when she dose we'll go kill her" Roken said. I could hear them hide there're laughter. "hey Axen maybe when we kill her we can kill, Kaida's boyfriend too, I'll make sure to save him for you" Rossi teased Axen. "shut up" he said coldly making her laugh even more. Roken joined in. "come on you even said you were gonna kill him, when you got the next chance, admit it you want him dead" "I DON'T WANT ANYBODY DEAD" he shouted silencing, Roken and Rossi" they turned away. I let my head rest on the ground for a minute.  I Woke to the sound of screeching pain a while later. it was a girl screaming. I sat up and saw Marona and Alicin, being terrorized by the careers., Marona was being held by the neck. Roken threw her to the ground. Her screaming stopped. *BOOM* She was dead just like that. I knew that they're next kill would be Alicin. Unless i did something. I threw the first rock i saw straight for Roken's head. It hit his arm, making him drop Alicin. He looked to me with a small smile. It was an evil smile.

He ran to me, but i was to fast for him. I grabbed Alicin's  hand and pulled her away from everything, but Then Rossi stopped me in my tracks, swinging a sword a little to close to my face for my liking. I ducked and pushed Alicin to the side. "GO" i yelled to her. She ran into the woods without another word. Rossi Swung the sword again this time making contact with my ankle. It was bleeding, but the cut wasn't deep enough to take off my foot, not even close. I tried to run but, i had to limp. It was to painful. I managed to get to get away from Rossi. Roken stopped me. "Were do you think you're going?" he asked Grabbing my arms So i couldn't escape. He threw my now very weak body to the ground. He held me down and pulled out a knife. "say goodbye" i smiled at him evilly. "Goodbye" i said just as a huge rock pounded onto his head. Alicin Smiled. "thanks" i said. Rossi was knocked out too a few feet away. Axen came up to us. "are" he asked. "no, but they'll be asleep for a while" i said smiling and high fiving Alicin. "cool" He replied. We pulled Roken and Rossi, over to a near by tree, and tied them up with rope Axen gave us. "i really want to be here when they wake up" Alicin said giggling. i smiled "i don't, we are so dead" "why don't we just kill them now" Axen asked" "i could never kill someone when they're totally defenseless" i replied. "they could" Axen said looking down at his shoes. "could you?" i asked but immediately regretted it. "never mind" i Said before he could reply. Grabbed the bottle in my hand. i forgot i was holding it still. she opened it. "they killed Calic?" she asked Axen. I had a felling she knew the answer. Axen nodded. He didn't say anything.  "she Walked over to Rossi and poured a little of the poisonous juice into her mouth. "Alli NO" i yelled. But she didn't stop she poured at least half the bottle in her mouth. she saved the rest. She didn't kill Roken. "A life for a life" she said and started walking away from us, back to the woods. i ran to her. "what you did was wrong, you know that right?" i said grabbing her arm to try and stop  her. "Alic-" *BOOM* i was cut of by the sound of Rossi's cannon.  Rossi was dead.

The sun was going down over the hills. Alicin and I decided to stay together until morning. It was soon dark. I lied myself down on my sleeping bag and looked up into the sky. The anthem played and The sky displayed the faces of three people. A kid i don't know named Wallen Brunek, Marona, and Rossi i frowned realizing that the end of the games was nearer than i thought. There were only six of us left. I shut my eyes tightly and rapped my self up in my sleeping bag. I drifted after only a few minutes. I wasn't scared anymore. or Maybe i was. I didn't care, i just wanted one night of sleep without a nightmare. just one night were no one else had to die. just one-*BOOM* the sound of a cannon went off, making me lose my train of thought another cannon. Five.

********Howdy yall (speaks in terrible cowgirl accent) i hope yall did enjoy this here story yall, I think yall are gonna like the rest of this Book yall. (back to normal) okay sorry i don't know much about Cowboys but i do know a lot about the hunger games and according to this chapter, IT'S ALMOST OVER!!!! okay so yes i'm almost finished with my book, so um...yay. (SPOILER ALERT) In the next chapter we find out who that last cannon was!!! I start school soon and i want to finish this before school so i'm only doing a few more chapters. I might go up to 25 at the highest but i don't know. I do hope you all enjoyed taking this exciting journey so far with me and Kaida. i hope you enjoyed this chapter and i hope you'll enjoy the future ones, you know when i post the future. Thanks for reading, Never lose hope and Never give up on your dreams (cause if you do i'll send a cowboy to come and murder "yall" Love you, or should i say Love Yall, i probably shouldn't say never mind BYE!                                                     -writeitout32423

P.S. theres a pic of Marona on the side!!!

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