Chapter 7: Gunslinger

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It's to late. To late to save her. She'll begin training tomorrow morning. After that it's the games. My bed feels abnormally hard like a brick wall. I feel numb all over. i can't fall asleep. I can't have another one of those dreams. i Have been refusing sleep ever since the reaping. more like the sentencing. The sentencing of 23 innocent children to death. How did i let it continue like this.  I wish i'd never have forgotten that Promise. 


"wow kaida you're a real gunslinger" i said *BOOM* "um thanks.. by the way what's a gunslinger?"              "it's a person who can shoot real well" said Kano walking up behind her. he's only a few years older than me but i've made him my roll model. i would never tell him that though, he thinks roll models are girly. "better than real well" i said just as kaida let another bullet blast from my gun. *BOOM* It hit bulls eye  just as all the other ones have. kaida's a great shot. "you know she really shouldn't be here, not today anyway" said Kano walking over to me. Kaida brought the gun back up to her shoulder and prepared to pull the trigger. "hold your fire" Kano put his hand on her shoulder. "why not today?" i asked "Mr. Sirlid is coming to inspect us today and he's bringing along the president, so it's kinda a big deal" Kano answered  "oh crap" i said."look you kids can continue shooting practice another time"  Kano said and walked away. "that's okay snowy i had fun" kaida said with a smile. "okay let's go"   "hey one more shot" she asked. i nodded and smiled a little. she raised the gun once again to her shoulder. "KAIDA ROSE"   yelled a man's voice from the back door entrance, the way we had come in. *BOOM*



"wake up" i hear a whisper in my ear. 'I don't want to wake up'  thought my mind. I felt strong arms rapped around me. Finally i realized where i was. i don't remember what happened last night but i woke up in Erin's bed with his arms wrapped around me, so i know it can't be good. i turned to him and sat up. he must of read the confused expression on my face he smiled and moved closer to me. he wasn't wearing a shirt. For some reason i started to worry about how i looked. A thought hit me. "we didn't.., did we" his smiling eyes suddenly turned very embarrassed as i said this. he new what i meant. " we didn't" he said putting his hand in front f him as if i were pointing a gun to his face. every thing suddenly felt super awkward. For like ten minutes we just sat there awkwardly. "KAIDA, KAIDA" i heard someone yell from the hall. i think it was Candria."WHERE IS KAIDA"  Erin and i looked at each other and giggled. "Erin do you know where" she cut herself off when she saw me in his bed. "oh no you two didn't...." "NO" we yelled putting our hands out. "oh i don't care anymore just get ready for training" she said and walked away. Saudria walked by and stopped by the door frame. she giggled" nice" she said and walked away before Erin or i could say anything. I hopped out of Erins bed and ran into my own room. I went to my closet and looked at a small sign that said TRAINING 'that looks about right' i thought. there were two of Training uniforms each labeled district three. One was white with light blue sleeves and one was black with green sleeves. i smiled the decision was already made

After showering and getting dressed i met Erin out in the hallway. We must think allot alike because we matched. It was kinda cute. he's kinda cute. 'oh shut up you stupid mind'  why do i keep doing that. i never think things like that. well not until i met Erin. "alright alright time to go" Candria said and walked us, or more like ran us to the training area. We were the last two tributes to show up at training. . Every face in the room looked at us when we walked in. I heard a few smirks and was instantly outraged. "all right everyone gather up" said some lady in the bluest training suit i'd ever seen. the worst part was it matched her hair. "Hello tributes" she said. I knew It was meant to sound friendly but it didn't. "my name is Vita, and this over here in my brother Vites" she pointed to a young man standing a few yards behind her.  "We are here to help you train" A few tributes smirked again. "You have two days to train for the games" she said. " over that time you will practice your weaknesses but also focus on your strengths. if i were you i would remember that the Hunger Games is not just killing people it's also surviving in a wild area. You have no idea what you could possibly come across" alot of the younger tributes started paining close attention, while older tributes looked around at all of the training stations. "Your fellow tributes are not the only things you might be facing in the arena, for example you could possibly die from: Heat stroke, or hypothermia, and any other possible bad weather. Also  Starvation, dehydration, poison plants, and wild animals. Be ready for anything and every thing they throw at you"  Just then Vites the brother walked over. "before we begin going over the stations are there any questions?" he asked. the room was silent.

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