Chapter 13: Let the Games begin

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'Let the games begin'

The Sound goes off. I'm didn't even realize i was running until i reached the cornucopia. 'grab something idiot' i tell myself.  It's begun. I grab a yellow backpack and a smaller purple bag. people were running straight for me, some with weapons. I run to the right entering the forest. 'keep running' my mind tells me. I'm suddenly really tired of running. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM.  Three. that's three people dead already. BOOM. BOOM. two more dead. I feel my legs slow to a walk "Erin" my mind suddenly flashes to the thought that one of those five could be him. "Alicin and Calic" they could all be dead. What it i'm already alone here. No the had to have made it. BOOM. BOOM.  Two more dead. That's seven dead in the first ten minutes. Seven Dead

I wonder who's already gone. Seven people. Could be anyone. Seven. BOOM. Eight. let's see there were twenty-four of us. Eight are dead. There's only 16 of us left. And all i know is I'm one of them. This should be fun. 

No more Cannons. Not for now. How long has it been? I should go back to the cornucopia to Look for them. Erin, and Calic told me to meet them there with Alicin, after The bloodbath. The bloodbath is what the call the beginning battle at the cornucopia, once the games begin. I turn around to see a girl running to me. She had a knife. She jumped to attack me as i grabbed her arm and pulled her to the ground. I heavily placed my knee on her chest, slowly cutting of her air. I pulled the knife out of her now very motionless hand, and pointed it at her Mouth. "please..please" she wheezed. "what's your name?" i asked . "YOUR NAME" i yelled. "Mm...Max....Maxine..."   "DISTRICT"  i yelled. "f..fff..five" she wheezed again. Her face went blue. I got off of her but kept the knife pointed to her face. "Go" i said staring at her. "wha..what" she asked inhaling deeply. "GO" i yelled. "Before i change my mind" i said as sternly as possible. She stood and Started backing away. "why'd you let me go?" she asked very scared. I could still see her shaking as she backed up slowly. "Live to fight another day" i Whispered unsure if she even heard me. It seemed like she did. "GO" I  yelled again. This time she ran away. 

I walked out of the Forest the way i came in getting stuck in many vines and bushes that just seemed to appear out of nowhere. They definitely weren't there before. Making it out of the forest, i slowly walked to the cornucopia which was now finally in sight. I was right. The careers were already joined up and still going through all of the things in there. I noticed Erin near the very back hiding. I walked quickly over to him, unnoticed. As i came closer i saw Calic and Alicin sitting there too. Oh good. i sighed quietly with relief. "hey" i whispered. "come on" Erin said in a quiet voice. "let's go" we sneaked Into the forest as quietly as possible. Once in the forest we decided to get a few miles away before setting up a shelter. I noticed Erin had a backpack too. So did Calic, only his was smaller. Alicin held a small bag in her left had. It was smaller than the rest but she held it tightly with her life. We walked for another two miles "look Alicin pointed, from atop my shoulders were she had be for the past twenty minuets because of her sore feet. We all looked. "what is that?" Calic asked. "it's a cave!" Erin said happily. We walked there. "hop off" i said to Alicin. she did and i looked around the cave to make sure it wasn't already a home. Nope. "okay everyone in while it's still daylight. We looked around. It was a little small for Four people but we'd be able to manage.

"put all of the stuff over here" i said putting the bags we had in a small pile. "we'll go through them in a sec." I started digging a small hole in the back of the cave. It had a strong dirt floor so it was hard to break ground. "okay we'll have to find a source of water and food, so let's go through the bags and see what we have and what we need" Erin said as i walked back over. "we'll also need weapons" Calic said He was sitting on a rock next to the bags. "oh..oh.mine first" Alicin said. She picked up her bag and handed it to me. I opened it. "umm..okay there are some small thin dart...things in here" i said pulling them out and examining them. Erin took of his jacket and held out his hand. "Let me see them" he said. I handed one to him. There were about ten of them. "they look like they go to some kind of dart gun or something" he said. "well they were attached to a big staff..thing" Alicin said. "then whoever got that has no use for it, that's good" i said smiling at her and putting the darts back in the bag. "what else we got" Erin said. Calic picked up a bag and tossed it to me. It was a back-pack. Unzipping it I pulled out a sleeping bag and a water bottle. A small knife fell out of the bag too. "look in the other pocket" Calic said. I unzipped the other pocket and pulled out a bag of nuts, and a second bag of dried fruits. "cool" I Said. "the water bottles empty" Erin said setting it down. We separated the food, from the other supplies and opened the second backpack. It contained another sleeping bag, three knives, and a container with bandages in it. The last bag had a Pack of matches and A larger bottle of water. "Is there water in this one" Calic asked giving it to me. i shook it. "no" i said. "wait there's something else in the bag" Alicin said grabbing it from me. "what is it" i asked. "It's a bottle" She looking at it. "Let me see" She handed it to me. I looked at it. A feeling of fear rushed over me and shivered down my spine. I almost dropped the bottle as i spoke  "It''s a bottle of  po...poison"

*********Hey people of the universe and beyond. How's it going? Sorry this chapter is so short next one will be longer i swear. I hope you liked it though. There finally in the games!!!! eek I can't wait for the next chapter. By the way the pic, of the girl on the side is Maxine Clover, she will be more introduced in the next chapter.  not much left to say so i'm just gonna                                      *skips away smiling* never lose hope and Never give up on your dreams! (i mean it if you give up for even a second i'll come to your house and bite you) Love your friend                                                                                                                                                             -writeitout32423

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