Chapter 5: It's her

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I watched as the reaping for district 3 slowly ended. I wasn't sure of what exactly to do. It couldn't have been her could it? The last I've seen of Kaida Rose was when her father died in district two. Now there she was The female tribute for district three. I knew her so long ago i can't believe it was really her. How could it be? It's impossible. Me and her, Her and me, We had the best of times together. I wonder how much she's changed in the ten years we were apart. I know i've changed allot. Look at me i used to just be a peacekeeper in training. My dad and i working in district two. Now i'm President of Panem. What was that nickname she used to call me? Snowy. yeah Snowy. Suddenly i started feeling light headed. I left my big screen room that was now broadcasting District 4's tributes. Oh well i'll have someone write down the names of these kids later. i walked into my room. I live in my mansion in The city circle in the Capital. As a young boy i used to dream i'd live here. Now i look back horrified at the things i did to get here. I sat on my bed suddenly extremely dizzy.  I felt my body tense up. I laid down and shut my eyes I could feel myself drifting  I fell into an unpeaceful sleep  

*****FLASHBACK /DREAM*******

"I bet it's nice living in the capital" she said as we walked farther into the woods                                         "yeah i guess, but the people there sure are weird"  "but your from there" She giggled. "i don't mean me" i smiled at her. she started cracking up. "Weirdo weirdo" "oh shut up" i said annoyed but no super annoyed more like a playful funny annoyed.  "So what do they do in the capital, i mean besides raise weirdo's" She asked still smiling. "I'm not really sure i haven't been there in a while" i looked down at my feet. This girl my new friend knew more about me than anyone and i know all about her yet, i still have trouble talking to her without my face turning red as a tomato. Gosh she's adorable. And she's so old and mature for her age. I like gazing into her eyes...i could do it all day. "So what dose the president do" He umm... he Punishes people" i answered very unsure of my words. she burst out laughing again. "How dose he punish them? Dose he tie them to a pole rip out there tongues and feed them to a stray cat for supper" she smiled evilly "or dose he Cut off there heads and Drink there blood like fine wine". she hid behind a tree. "maybe he Has mutant dogs created in his own image devour them slowly and painfully"  she said still out of site. I went to the tree to find her. i don't know why but i love it when she acts like this. "Or maybe they just leave them alone for a while and then" I heard her whisper from  somewhere i couldn't see. i knew what was coming after that but i wasn't fast enough. "SNEAK ATTACK" She jumped out of a tree and tackled me to the ground. she was surprisingly strong for a six year old. "oh no you don't" i said and rolled her over so that she was now pinned to the ground. she rolled over me again to pin me down. I pushed off next to me. She grabbed my hand as we giggled and laughed. "Hey Kaida?" I asked "yeah she sat up and smiled at me. "Have you ever heard a gun shot?"

*******end of flashback//dream*******


"There it is" i whispered. "welcome to  the capital"


hey you guys sorry this chapter is short the next one will be allot longer.  i hope you all are enjoying my book so far. I just LOVE the hunger games and i really hope you like my fanfic. In the next chapter kaida and Erin along with the rest of the tributes will finally enter the capital. YIPPIE!!! I just  can't wait. hope you enjoyed reading so far. Never stop writing and never give up on your dreams your all so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!    Love forever                                                                                                                                                                                                -writeitout32423

P.S. there's a pick of Presidant Snow on the side. and may i just say He be looken Hawt!                         (keep in mind that in this book during the present day he is only in his twenty's so...yeah)

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