Chapter 15: Kiss and Kill

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They were gone. For now. I crawled out from beneath the crumbled rocks, just as Calic and Max climbed out of there protective little tunnel. "how'd you know that would happen" Calic asked. " i didn't't but better safe than sorry"  "it's all my f...fault they heard screaming" Max said almost in tears "no it's my fault i almost killed you which is what made you scream in the first place" Calic said to her trying desperately to make her feel better. I didn't't see Erin anywhere. Or Alicin. "hey were are Erin and Alicin." i asked "oh Alicin was scared so Erin was trying to calm her down, they should be here soon, See there they are now"  He pointed as Erin walked up to me. he lifted me in his arms and kissed me. "wha..what are you doing" i asked astonished. "that was amazing what you did for us, you so brave" he said putting me down and kissing me again. "but Erin there all watching" he laughed. "let them watch" he kissed me a little harder, and lifted me into his arms again, swinging me around. i giggled. "you know by them i mean ALL of Panem" i said  making the ALL loud enough to get it through to his brain. His face went pale as he realized  what he had just done, in front of the whole country too. he put me down just as a little, white parachute fell. I picked it up. "It's a sponcer gift" i said excidedly. There was a note taped to it.                                                         

                                                                Kiss and Kill                                                                                                                                            -S

Saudria. Maybe she wasn't all that bad after all. We got a box of bread and crackers. We split the bread for breakfeast since it was about 4am and no one really wanted to go back to sleep, and we saved the crackers for later.  "let's split up into two groups and look for water..Calic and Erin will go right, the girls and i will go left. Each of us will take a water bottle, and each one of us will have a knife.  if you find water fill up your bottle and come back here" i said. "We'll split for two hours and meet back here. Try to find something before it starts getting hot out, it will be allot harder to find water in the heat"  i finished grabbing the water bottles and tossing one to Erin. "good luck" i said. "what if we get into trouble or something?" Calic asked. "Fight people off, and help your partner, if you hear a cannon everyone meets back here immediately, clear" i said. "Crystal" Erin said sounding upset. "okay let's go, once again good luck, and be careful" We separated and set of, in search of water. Once we were far enough away Max burst. "ohh, i've been waiting forever, for us to get alone to have girl talk... do you see the way Calic looks at me, and the way his eye's sparkle ohh, i think it's love!!!" she jumped up and down clapping her hands. " yeah i have and i'm worried about you two" i said not looking at her. i didn't want to upset her but she had to face facts. '"w..why" she asked suddenly very upset. "it's the games you know the Hunger Games, love can't happen here and...when it dose..." i trailed off. she didn't speak to me for a while after that we just silently searched for water. 


"so how are you and Max doing" i asked knowing full well how they were doing. They were in love it was obvious. But i was still a little worried about them. "we're fine..well were pretty good i guess...Well a guess you could say It's totally AWESOME, dude i thinks it's love" Calic said happily. I feel happy for him i really do,  and i wish he could make it out of here alive but eventually, he's gonna have to die. I mean i can't let kaida die. She has to win. I'll never let anything bad happen to he-*BOOM* oh shit.  "don't tell me that was a cannon" Calic said . "i woun't tell you but i think we better go find out." we ran back to the place we last saw the girls and sure enough they were all there safe and sound. "do you know who that was" i asked as we approached them. "no, i thought it was one of you" she said hugging me. Kaida didn't let go until i pulled her off. who do you think it was?" calic asked. "i guess we'll find out tonight. Yesterday night right before we went to sleep, The panem national anthem played and the dead tributes were shown. Kaida knew almost all of them, by name. there were eight dead.  The district 12 boy, the district 4 girl, both from 7, the girl from 6, the boy from 10 and both from 9. Eight dead in the first few hours of the games. It was frightening to say the least. "We should split up again." Kaida said. "we didn't find any water" "no i'm not leaving you again. i heard some water rushing up by were we where before, we can all go up there and fill up our water bottles" i said. "or you two can just kiss again and get us more stuff" Alicin said. Kaida and i looked sheepishly at each other. "umm, yeah i don't think so" kaida said "let's go get that water" i said changing the subject. we spent the rest of the day playing in, and drinking the water. We ate a few cracker before it got dark and finally left, making sure our water bottles were filled to the top. "goodnight" i said yawning as we all laid down for bed. "who's turn is it to keep watch" Kaida asked sleepily. "i'll do it" Max said happily. she was the only one of us that was wide awake. Even Alicin was already sleeping in her sleeping bag with Calic. Since she was small, Alicin slept in there with both Calic and Maxine. We were all about to drift until the Anthem played and the sky lit up with the faces of today's fallen tributes. There were only two tonight. Another bomb went of when we were in the water. The fallen were the boy from 5 and the girl from 12 Kaida saw the Girl from twelve and almost cried a little. Maxine saw the boy from her district and frowned. It's official i refuse to see Kaida up there. I Just can't live with that. She has to win, even if it means i' have to die. 


"Hey Max" my voice startled her because she turned and pointed her knife at me. "oh sorry kaida, what's up" she asked whispering. "nothing i just woke up and thought you looked kina tired, i was wandering if you would like me to take over for you, so you can get some more sleep" i whispered. "that's very kind of you thanks" she whispered and crawled to bed. She snuggled into her Sleeping back With Calic and was softly snoring a second later. It was really dark out here. If something came at me quietly i'd be a gonna. "Hey babe" i heard whisper from behind me. Erin? i just wanted to tell you i really like you and all and i know we can't both win, but until The end i think we should take out relationship to the next level" the voice whispered. "but-" "shh". he was in front of me know with his finger up to my lips. I couldn't see his face even though it was right in front of me. behind him i saw the sun preparing to rise. Before i could look back to my dark stranger, his lips pressed hard into mine. He was kissing he with all his might pushing me over. "i love you Max" he whispered in my ear. "i'm sure she loves you too calic" He jumped off of me in a second. "Kaida!" he yelled "what are you, but ..why..huh" he started freaking out loud enough to wake up Erin and Max. "why were you pretending to be Max" he yelled. "why were YOU kissing someone you could barley even see" I fired back at him. "and I wasn't pretending to be Max, you're the one who tackled me to the ground with you mouth" "Bitch" he yelled "Asshole" i spit back at him. Now the sun was riding and i could see that see that Max, and Erin's faces were horrified. "Wait you two.. kissed" Erin  said looking angrily at Calic who now looked like a frightened puppy. "Actually i had no part in this except the victim," i Mumbled loud enough for them to hear. Erin walked over to Calic and Lifted him up by his shoulders. "I could kill you right now understand"  he said furiously and dropped Calic to the ground. "please Max it was just a mistake i didn't know it was kaida i thought it was you"  " what..really you mean you wanted to kiss me/" Max's face filled with happiness. She ran too Calic for a hug just a an arrow entered her back. The knife i had in my hand flew killing The person with the standing there with a bow. it his her straight in the neck. she fell to the ground coughing up blood. Calic and i Ran to Max. He held her in his arms crying. "i'm so sorry..i'm" "shh" she whispered."it's okay" she smiled at him her teeth bloody. "how can you say that how in anyway is it okay. Calic said holding her closer. "Because......of you..." he eyelids fluttered. "i love you Max" he whispered. "And i you Cal" she shut her eyes. *BOOM*BOOM* two cannons went of one for the girl i killed and one for Maxine Clover. i Felt my throat get tight but i held back tears. To much pain. Calic picked a blue wildflower  growing near by and placed it in her hand. I went to retrieve my knife from the girl i had killed. I was stunned when i saw who it was. One of the career's, what was her name? oh yeah. Pixie Roster. She had a pink flower in her hair. For a moment i considered taking it out but i left it. no matter what she did or who she is, she's still a person, And she never deserved this. I don't regret killing her. But still, she didn't deserve it. I noticed she had a ring on her finger. It was very even looked like a real diamond. Then i realized what finger it was on. The ring finger on her left handing, was an engagement ring.

*********************Aloha people of Wattpadia.(And by Aloha i mean hello not goodbye)   well here you go it's chapter fifteen. EEEK so much is happening. Maxine is dead, Calic Kissed Kaida. Erin is determined to have kaida win.....Talk about DDDDRAMA. and not only that but now we discover That Pixie was ENGAGED. i mean like WOW. And don't forget She was also Kaida's first kill.  i can't wait till you read chapter 16. There's a pic of Kaida and Erin kissing on the side!!!!! At least i hope it's Erin this time.   Never give up hope and never give up on your Dreams (or else i'll hire Dracula to come and suck your blood..Mwah ha ha) <3  i love you all                                                                                                                                                                          -Writeitout32423                                                                                                                                                                                          

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