Chapter 25: Epilogue (presidents Snow's p.o.v.)

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I woke up early, more ready than ever for today.  The seventy fourth annual hunger games.  Even though i am an older man now I still remember Kaida Rose and all that she was to me. After she died and Erin Colt won the hunger games i kept tabs on him. He started drinking allot until his early twenty's when he hung himself. He left a note saying that he had to go join Kaida were ever she was. I am still president and plan to be until I die. I married and Divorced years ago. I have two children, A boy named Krypton and a girl named Athana. They are both grown up now. Krypton is in District two training to be a peacekeeper just as i had. Athana Dies last year and left her only daughter in my care. Her name is Rosie, she's my granddaughter obviously. She's the most important thing in my life. In so many ways she reminds me of Kaida. She's thoughtful, and clever. She'll sit for hours everyday in my white rose garden just thinking. Her black hair rolls down her shoulders as he sniffs the little white flowers. When Kaida died I had my Game makers grow white roses all around her body. Thew grew and grew until she was just about covered in them. Then i had them create a Dragon like the one's in the books she liked to read. It flew over her as if to say goodbye. I may have imagined it but i could have sworn i saw he lips move. I could here her say. "Bye Snow" just as she always had when i left her. It pained me to see little Rosie some days, but some days she brightens my day. She even laughs at my name "Cornelius" when ever she hears it. Just like Kaida did. 

"oh Mr. Presidant, i thought you'd want to see this" Daphany said coming in. my secratery showed me a vidio of the disrtict twelve reaping from today.  This girl, Katniss Everdeen, she reminded me of Kaida some how, i knew already that she would do something in that Arena. I could already see it know. Heck maybe she'll even win. But anyway back to kaida. She was a differant kind of girl with an understanding of more things normal people should understand. I knw from the day she died that if i hadn't interfeared she would have won. And i kill myself a little bit everyday for it. Kaida was more than a brave and couragus person she was a hero to so many peopl. One things For sure Kaida Rose was My Hero.

****************Welcome Welcome to the end of my fan fiction (speaks in terrible capital  accent)

I do hope you all enjoyed this stoy. (back to normal) All names From the real HUnger games book are NOT  mine. They belong to Suzanne Collins offical author of the hunger games Trilogy. Thanks again for reading. Never lose hope and never give up on your dreams! (if you give up i'll reap you for the next games, I don't play games girlfriend!) Happy Hunger Games, may the odds be ever in your favor GOOD BYE!


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