Chapter 6: The capital

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Kaida's POV

"Good morning"    i open my eyes to see a  squeaky voiced Candria smiling down at  me. "welcome to the Capital!" she says practically squealing in my ears. "oooooh i'm super excited" . she pulled off my covers and pulled me to my feet. "time to get ready, we'll be at the remake center in just a few minuets!" Candria rushed me to my closet and then left. That woman was always in a rush. "Wait what's the Remake center" i called after her. She didn't hear me. Oh well. I was still tired. 'time to jump in the shower; my mind told me. the shower's on the train had many buttons. I found out yesterday that each one is a different scent. on instinct i picked the one that smelled like Roses. i Used to love that smell. I looked in my closet for something suitable to wear. i decided on a green tank top with black and green ruffles and black denim pants. I Pulled my hair into two loose braids on either side of my head. i put on some gray sneakers and walked to the dining hall. Breakfast was nothing but some toast and a muffin. Once i Looked out the window though i didn't feel very hungry. it was true we were in the capital. the place i swore i'd never go. 

"The remake center is just that way" I heard Candria tell Erin.  "What's that" he asked. A smile of curiosity appeared on his face. "It's were you and your fellow tribute kaida will get your Makeovers for the opening ceremony tonight" His eyes light up at the word Makeovers. he smiled again but this time it wasn't curiosity, it was  mischievous. "Makeovers Hugh? I didn't think i'd live to see the day were Kaida Rose gets a Makeover" he looked at me with deviously playful eyes "keep talking and you woun't" i said with a sly smile  that matched his "besides you get one to, remember"  he smile vanished he looked at me like he had only just realized this. He made a fake pucking noise and pretended he was throwing up on the ground. I couldn't help myself to laugh. He laughed with me. He Ran over to me Picked me up and hugged me tight in his arms. wow this boy got to me. "look" i said pointing. he put me down and turned to see what i was talking about. There outside the window of our  now slowing train were millions of capital people all dressed like Total Freak shows. the train pulled to a stop. The doors opened and Candria let us out of the train "time to go"

"Please just let use do our jobs" the capital lady said. She was one of my stylist i think. There were three here. Aureila, Cloelia, and Lunia are all trying to makeover me. And i am NOT enjoying any of it. At first i was confused, i didn't understand what was going on. Now i think i do. "YOU"RE KILLING ME" i shouted. they looked very upset. "sorry i'm just not used to this kind of high maintenance" i said  "we're sorry to, but we have to get you ready for when your stylist shows up. He wants you to look perfect for the ceremony" one of them i think it was Cloelia said. '" i know" i said " she's ready" Cloelia said to Aurelia...or was it Aurelia who said it to Lunia. These capital people are all confusing to me. The three rushed out chattering like they had been for the past hour. 'How can people talk so much for so long and STILL have things to talk about' i thought. Just then there was a knock on the door. i threw on a white robe and sat down. 'Come in' i said through the door. The man who walked in to my dressing room was unlike any capital man i had ever seen. He was wearing a black shirt that showed part of his chest, with black pants. He looked almost totally normal. Except for the fact that his lips were painted gold. "um nice lips?" i said smiling at his shining mouth. He laughed 'thanks gold is a family color, i'm Cinna, the 9th to exact, it's a family name" "cool" i replied awkwardly. "Speaking of names, i do like you'res  Kaida Rose"

"you know i'm usually the stylist for district twelve but I decided to try something new this year and i had a brilliant idea for a dress for a girl tribute of district three. so at the last minute I switched places with the old stylist and here i am" Cinna finished. "that's really interesting, are you planning to go back to designing for twelve?"   I asked "ow" i said. He poked me with a needle. He was fitting me for my dress for the ceremony. "ops sorry, well no to answer your question but my son is, you see his wife is having a baby boy and he want's to design for district twelve  so that's were they are. "they're in district twelve?" i asked "yes he wants to see what life is like there so he can get some better idea's for designing." that's nice" i said. "ow" "sorry again" he stood up. "there, all finished" he looked at me in awe. "your magnificent miss Rose, simply magnificent"  he led me to a mirror. I looked at the mirror for a long time trying to figure out who was in it because it sure wasn't me. The dress was beautiful. a striking black dress covered in glowing blue lights. My shoes were the same. I had blue and gold colored diamonds decorated around my eyes. my hair now had blue and yellow streaks in it. My hair was down long except for a small braid going from each side of my face to the back of my head. i had to admit, I was beautiful.  

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