Chapter 22: Axen?

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AXEN'S POV (finally, right?)

"I'm in love with you" kaida said. I felt my face go pale, I didn't expect that. She closed her eyes to sleep, but i could never sleep again after i heard that! 'she loves me she loves me' my brain was dancing inside my head giving me a headache, but it wasn't bad, it was the best kind of headache! I was so excited i couldn't stop smiling. You know how people say they smile so much, that there cheeks hurt, Well, i didn't believe it until right now. I wanted to jump up and dance with her in the rain for hours and hour, never ending, i also wanted to stay here with her rapped in my arms. She was perfect, This moment was perfect. 

For a moment i forgot where we were. But i didn't care, i didn't care that we were in the Hunger games. I didn't care that one of us was going to die soon. Okay never mind, i DID care about that. I'd been worrying about it for days. I knew since the beginning, that Erin was no good, I promised to keep an eye on Kaida no matter what, and i'm not about to let her die here. I don't know about Erin, But i'd kill myself and anybody else for this girl,. 'i just wish she knew that' I hoped she did. although i've never really been good at expressing my feelings. I never really had the chance to. Not until i met Kaida.

I know what your thinking, "oh Axen you don't really LOVE Kaida, you only knew her for a few days, half in which, you didn't really talk to her because you were busy trying to keep her alive' well your wrong, she lived in district two for a year when we were young. . I wasn't really friends with her, but i like to think of her as an.....acquaintance? actually, my Friends and i used to make fun of her in those days, It was because she didn't have much of a family and was totally by herself except for her dad, (who almost no one ever even saw) and  this "imaginary friend" of hers who she used to talk about a little bit. she'd shut her self up when ever people would laugh but i could see her whisper to herself  when they left. I wanted to question her about that, but i never found the right time too, and plus i was afraid she'd remember what a jerk i was. oh well, maybe I'll ask her tomorrow. 

There were actually allot of things i wanted to ask her. I remember she called her Imaginary Friend "Snowy" It didn't make any sense to me, but i didn't want to judge her like everyone else. The thing was back then i thought being popular was actually "important" so i pretended not to like her like everyone else, even though i thought she was cute. Once i asked my friend if he thought she was pretty, he said and i quote" she's about as pretty as she is crazy, and she's crazyer than a bag full of nuts" I knew she overheard that because she had giggled at the unitended pun, (about the nuts) It didhn't seem to have an effect on her. Nothing really did. It was like she hardley had any emotions. She almost never smiled. she was like  a ghost.

I wanted to ask her about all of these things, but i was afraid of bringing up horrible childhood memories. I felt my eyes start to close as i was thinking about Kaida, she stirred beneath my arms suggesting that she was already asleep. I kept thinking about her hoping i would start to dream about her. 


"she's so weird" my friends laughed at her, she brushed it off like it was nothing, but i could tell it in her eyes that it stung. She was in pain, but i was the only one who cared, or noticed for that matter. she turned away and mumbled something, that i couldn't hear, but it sounded like"there being jerks again, and  tally is staring at me again. i heard that last part loud and clear as if it directed to me. I was tally, cause i was taller than everyone in the school, even the biger kids. I had, to be. I had to grow up fast in my family. No body made fun of me because i was tall, they didn't make fun of me because i didn't have much of a family either, i wished they would though they made fun of kaida for it. 

i was suddenly alone in the room with Kaida, the room turned dark. When i looked at Kaida she was different. She looked older, like a teenager instead of  a kid. she just stared at me. Suddenly she smiled. "I'm in love with you Axen" she said. i smiled, but then she changed. she turned angry. "you were mean to me as a kid, and i didn't forget that" she said making fist's" "you better apologize right now, or I'll kill you" she said i tried to scream my apology but my voice was gone, i was at the hands of an angry female, a place most men don't survive, and it looked like i was about to become one of those men. I started to panic as she jumped at me, making me silently scream. I desperately looked for things to keep her away with, but there was suddenly nothing in the room. Her eyes changed from there pretty, grayish green, to red, Her body was just a dark shadowy figure now. she was coming at me. i could move. she pushed her hand against my chest to hold me down. the Air in my body vanished as she pulled my ear next to her mouth. she shook me around and whispered. "Axen, wake up"

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