Chapter 20: Alliance

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It was dark. Really dark. But the sun would be up soon enough and the games will end. there's only four of us left, we'll all die soon, all but one. The victor. but of course you already knew that. I'm very confused at the moment. i've been wracking my brain all night trying to decide if what i thought Erin did is really what he did, or was i wrongly accusing him? But then if he's completely innocent of the crime than why was i told so strongly not to trust him. Did everyone else know something i didn't? My mind kept disagreeing with my heart, one said Erin was innocent, the other said not to trust him. all of this confrontation going on inside me was causing stomachs aches, migraines, and nausea. I've already thrown up everything i had left in me, which wasn't much. Erin couldn't have purposely destructed me so Roken could kill my partner....could he? it was impossible and i refused to believe it, i mean he's MY Erin, he'll always be my Erin... right? no my Erin would never hurt a fly....would he? i had to sit down again before i lost the rest of my stomachs contents. As i sat leaning my body against a large dead willow tree, I felt wind blowing all through my hair. i wanted it to be peaceful, but it wasn't no matter how hard i tried. Nothing about anything here was peaceful. It never would be. 

*swish swish*  

The tree's said as the wind blew through the're leaves. 

*swish swish*

I closed my eye's and focused on the sound that was almost calming my mind in a way. I started humming my favorite song. I somehow found the words and began to sing the always familiar tune.

 are you are

you coming to the tree                                                                                                                                                    

Wear a necklace of rope                                                                                                                                      

side by side with me                                                                                                                                                

Strange things have happened here                                                                                                          

No stranger would it be if we met up at midnight                                                                                                          

 In the hanging tree

I skipped to the end of the song. that was my favorite part . I've been singing that song allot recently.

*swish swish*

i listened to the tree's Swishing around as the sun came up, it slowly rose over the many hills and mountains of the arena. I didn't open my eyes but i could feel the early morning warmth on my arms and cheeks. i hummed and sang along with the song quietly. It shouldn't have been peaceful, but it wasn't. I was almost at peace....almost.

 *swish swish swi-CRACK*

the sound of a bear falling out of a tree startled me enough to make me stand and grab for my knife. i Looked through the tree's to see a bloody Axen emerging from the bushes. "what the hell are you doing?" i asked. "well um if you didn't notice i kinda just fell out of a tree" he said with a smug yet joking smile on his face. He made perfect eye contact with me and his eyes lit up. His smile spread to his cheeks. I noticed he had a black eye and bruises up and down his half-naked body. (he had his pant's on, just not his shirt) "of course i noticed dip thong, i meant what were you doing up in that damn tree in the first place" i said coldly, with a hint of sarcasm. i let a small smile of happiness escape. truth was i was glad he was here, so i didn't have to be all alone. He walked a little closer to me. "i'm here to protect you" he said smiling again. He looked like he was trying to play this cool, but the excitement of seeing me was pouring out through every part of his body. Or maybe that was just the blood oozing from all of the cuts he had. poor thing, although a question began to lurk into my brain 'protect me from what? "protect me from what?" i asked. then i suddenly realized how scared it sounded. i tried to sound more joking by adding "my "boyfriend"  he justlooked at me sternly even though it was a joke he said "yes" 

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