Chapter 21: Waterfall

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"morning beautiful" I heard a guys angel voice whisper into my ear. "Erin?" I whispered. "No silly head it's me" Axen said crawling around me to my other side so he could see my face. The weather was warm, but not uncomfortable, a warm breeze blew my hair into my face. I realized how disgusting i must look, just waking up. I knew he didn't't care but i still felt self Conscious. And i probably smelled like a wild dog. But he did too. "No offence but you smell like a rat's ass" i said sitting up. I smiled jokingly though, he got the message. "your not exactly a field of roses yourself, K"  "k?' i said questionably. "Um, sorry it's was just.." he started to look worried, as if i was mad at him for giving me a cute little nickname. "A nickname?, i think it's cute" i smiled. "and i'll call you Ax" he smiled full of relief. "so Ax, i say we get cleaned up before anything, cause if i go another minute smelling like this, I'll rub mud all over me just to smell better" i said getting up. I stretched my arms out. Axen made a little face. Then he smiled jokingly like i had before. he stood up and put my arms down to my sides. "Believe me the mud would help" i stuck my tounge out at him, but then laughed. "And you could stand to brush your teeth a little bit" He said between giggles. I would have made up a clever and witty comeback....If i knew how. I kinda just stared blankly laughing, until it became awkward. "come on let's go get cleaned up" he said and grabbed my hand leading me toward the sound of rushing water. "let's go"

There was a  small  waterfall, that lead into a small river, were we had been getting water, and fish, for the past day, and a half. "come on" he said taking of his shoes, then his sock, then his shirt. He rolled up his pant legs while i just kinda stood there watching. He ran into the river and started shaking immediately. "Coolllddddd!" he screeched and ran back to me. by this time i had only taken off my shoes, and socks. I started rolling up the legs of my pants and dipped my toe into the water. "eee, that's really cold" i said shuttering. "I know come on" he said lifting me off my feet and into the air. "wait..wait..WHAT" I screeched squirming in his arms. "nope" he said and dropped me into the icy water. "wh..what..the...he..hell" i shivered running back to land before my clothes could get anymore drenched than they already had. Icould feel my lips turning blue. wasn't that a sign of hypothermia? Axen was laughing his butt off until he sall me curled into a ball in the grass.He ran to were i sat and pulled me into his arms on the ground. "I'm so sorry" he whispered hugging me, despite being in that water he as very warm. His bare chest and arms wrapped around me made me feel allot better. But my clothes were freezing my bones inside my body. they were drenched! "you should probably take your clothes off" 

"wha..whawha..WHAT" i shuttered. he look embarrassed but confident at the same time. Is that even possible? For him it was. "You clothes need to dry and you need to get clean, so just take them off, it's warmer up stream by the waterfall, so e can wash up over there. He explained. I shook my head as my teeth chattered. "If it'll make you feel better i'll take the rest of my clothes off too" he offered I would have giggled my my teeth were starting to freeze together. "you don't have to strip down all the way just to your garments" he said looking awkwardly at me smiling. "come on" he said and helped me up. He tried to help me lift my wet top over my head. "I got it" i hissed at him. he backed off and started taking off his past, reveling his black boxers. I pulled of my pants and stood awkwardly in my bra and under wear, which of course were also black. "well go" he said turned around so he couldn't see me. 'he's really respectful of me' i thought. 'and he has really good self control, i wonder if Erin would look if he were hear. Maybe. 

I made my way into the water by the waterfall. It was really beautiful. And just like he said the water up here was much warmer, it warmed my skin intimately. I stopped walking when the water level reached my chest. just barley covering my bra. "it's okay for you to come in now" i called to Axen but he wasn't were i last saw him. i started to panic, and frantically searched every spot of land i could see. then suddenly there was a loud yelling. "CANON BALL!" Axen yelled jumping over me in the water just missing my fore head by an inch. He splashed into the water causing it to come up and splash me.  I felt something tugging on my legs trying to pull me under. I kicked and Kicked as hard as i could when finally i took a deep breath and let myself be pulled under. Once the grip was released from my ankle i swam back up. when i resurfaced i saw Axen's face scrunched up in pain. "what's wrong/" i asked desperately. "You kicked me in the balls1" he shouted. i laughed out loud for a long time until he pinched my stomach. "owie" i said and pinched him back, that turned into a whole, full out splashing war. We slashed for so long w didn't't even realize a little white parachute dropped from the sky and was floating right next to us.

'wait..wait stopp, what's that" i said grabbing the little white parachute. i opened it up and found a little box labeled. "SOAP" now soap is something you don't see very often in the hunger games. we usually don't get all washed up with soap so you can imagine my excitement when i realized we had soap to get clean with. "SOAP!!" i giggled excitingly.  we spent the next the next  thirty minuets washing every part of our bodies, making sure everything smelled fresh and clean. please don't intemperate that the wrong way, we didn't't do it In front of each other of course. We just passed the soap back and fourth until there was only a shrivel of it left. which he kindly let me finish off. The water fall next to us was small and thin so we could climb through it into a little cave area. it was nice and cool in there and it really cooled us off from the sun which got hotter every second. we laid in the cave just giggling and nudging each other. "What would you do if someone told you they loved you" he suddenly asked out of no were. "um..i guess it depends on who said it" i said awkwardly, not looking at him. "what if i told you i loved you" he said suddenly turning over on to his side to look at me. I turned over too. "I don't know" i replied. "Bullshit" he said, it was jokingly or meanly it was just flat out plain. 'bullshit'. 

i turned over to avoid this conversation when i realized he had scooted right over me so now he was lying right next to me, his almost naked body toughed mine. It for some weird reason felt really nice. "I love you Kaida" he said " and i want to know how you feel, don't say i don't know, i want to hear an answer" i turned to look at him. " I don't love you Axen, but-"  "but? come one, say you don't feel a connection when we hold hands, say that there's no tingling in your stomach when i'm close to you, say that when we kiss, you don't feel the sparks, say......." he trailed off, looking angrily at me. "do you know the difference between loving someone and being in love with someone" i asked. he shook his head. "i didn't;t know there was one" he admitted. so i replied "loving someone is when you care deeply for them, being in love with someone means that there is nothing that can prevent you from loving  them and holding them and being with the in every moment" i paused for a breath of air, getting ready to say what i've been wanting to say for a while now. "I don't Love you Axen I'm in love with you"

*******Hey dudes and dudettes, (speaks in terrible hippie voice) i just wanted to like thank you all for like readin this man. Like thanks and stuff, your really like sweeet, and man" (back to normal) okay my hippie voice was terrible but my message was pretty clear (not really) I really do want thank you though for reading. Weird twist right? just wait it get's better! I'm SUPER excited for you to soon finish this fan fic. Super big thanks to my friends, family and, of coures my followers for all of the support. In the next chapter we'll find out why not to trust Erin, and how president snow's doing about all of this love stuff! i hope you've enjoyed so far. thanks again. Never losses hope and never give up on your dreams cuz if you do...i'll                                                                                                        -writeitout32423

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