Chapter 2: The stanger is my best friend.

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Chapter two: the stranger is my best friend.

Erin's POV

Gosh. Just look at her. It's been almost two months but it feels like I've been in love with her all my life. Well I kinda have but back then I didn't know her as well as I do now. She used to live in district three when we were younger. Her dad was here too. She used to tell everyone at school how she knew a bunch of people from the capital, Cornelius Snow, Who is now president of Panem. I liked to hear her wild exciting stories, But everyone else made fun of her for it. I remember she'd away crying. I'd follow her sometimes. She go into the woods. And she would cry and look at a little necklace. I never saw it up close until now, while she's lying here asleep in my arms. That little necklace. it's just so simple. All it is, is some Thick black string tied onto a little charm of a dragon's claw. I remember last week she told me how much she loved dragons. She loved going to the little library across town to read about them. Now the library wasn't knew and it wasn't perfect, and it wasn't at all times stable, but next to the woods it was her favorite place to be. She'd always tell me how books can take you to another world, which is exactly where she always wants to be. That might be where  everyone wants to be tomorrow. Yes tomorrow is the reaping. Kaida's not afraid to get reaped, She says she knows that she won't. I'm not so sure but I could never argue. All I said was that no madder what happens I'll do every thing I can to make her safe.

She stirred in my arms. Then she started squirming around. I recognized these actions. She was having a nightmare. This happened before, a few weeks ago I think. I woke her up when she started crying a little, but when she awoke she was angry at me for waking her up. She calmed herself down after a minuet of yelling at me and said, "next time let me wake myself up, I can't know what happens unless I see the rest of it" I asked her why she would want to see the rest if it's a nightmare. She simply replied "I like to she how it ends, or even how I end" She always talks like that. Not to sound mean or anything but she might be partially insane. She was still squirming. Her eyes fluttered open and her mouth opened for a scream but my hand covered it at the very last second. "shhh.. your okay..I'm here...shhh" I Whispered into her ear. "I know" She whispered. I don't think I was supposed to here that but I did and it  sounded like me being here was the problem. I ignored that thought though. "do you wanna talk about it" I asked softly rocking her back and forth. I knew the answer to that without asking her. "no thanks" she whispered. Usually I'd just say 'ok' But not now. I know it's bad for here to keep it bottled up inside her head. "are you sure " I whispered. She smiled and lightly punched me in the chest. She giggled a little bit to which made me giggle. I just love it when she giggles. "Yes I  fine" She said in between giggles. She turned to face me. I loved that smile of hers. It seems it only comes out once in a while but when it dose it's a moment to celebrate. This may sound selfish but I feel like it's my smile, she's only ever smiled for a few people, who by my knowledge are all dead now. it's my smile. And I can't help but love every thing about it.  About her.

"so how long was I asleep this time" she said not losing that perfect smile. "about two hours" Now she frowned. I hated that. Every time she frowns, even for the littlest things I instantly feel so much pain for her well up inside me. I just wish I can take her frown away, and put all of her troubles on my shoulders instead of hers. She's strong, on the inside and outside. But in a flash she can go from lifting the world on her shoulders to being crushed by it. 'you know what tomorrow is" she said solemnly trying to keep a straight face. "well it is your birthday" I said trying to save the mood. It didn't work. "it's also reaping day" she said looking away. She stood up, as did I coping her movements. She walked over to the edge of the little cliff I showed her the first day I really met her in the woods, two months ago. She wasn't facing me. "tell me the story again" she said quietly looking down. I smiled a little. I've told her the story so many time she could tell it back to me with every little detail. but she says she likes the sound of my voice when I tell it. "okay" I started I sat down, at the edge, as she sat beside me. "well Fifteen years ago tomorrow, The first Hunger games was created, and that day fifteen years ago was chosen as the reaping day.  Each district gave up a young man and woman between the ages of 12 and 18 to compete with each other in the arena. But what happened when they died? Well they say that if you die in the Hunger Games you come right here where we are now. where ever we are" She smiled. I knew how much she liked that part. "But where ever we are we known it's not Panem.  it's just this edge though. Just this one little place. And down there" I pointed down as she stretched her neck to look down. "Down there is where they put the bodies' I continued. I knew this didn't freak her out any more. "And do you know why they put them down there in 'not  Panem' She knew. "why " she said anyway, a smile forming between her two perfect lips. "because they say Panem is hell and when if you leave hell you go to heaven, and if that's true" I stared getting really close to her face, but she didn't move back or anything. "then I'm in heaven every day I'm here with you" My nose was touching hers. I remember my mom used to bring me here and tell me that story. I loved her so much, she say 'I love you Erin and I always will no madder where I am, I'm here with you' kaida knew that. She was the only one who knew that. She was the only one I ever told. My nose was still up to hers. Then is a sudden act of confidence I moved my face forward even more until my lips touched hers. I held her there kissing her for a few seconds then she started kissing me back. her lips were cold against mine. But they were soft and sweet. I could smell her. she smelled so beautiful like roses. I could feel her. her soft cold skin warming under my hands. I wish I could see her but my eyes were closed trying to save the moment. suddenly she pulled away. she had tears in her eyes. I instantly felt so horrible. I just stole her first kiss! How selfish. I didn't even ask or anything. "I'm sorry" I whispered. tears welled into my eyes but I didn't let them fall. " I'm sorry" she said as she got up. I wouldn't let her get away that easy though. I grabbed her hand. Once I touched her she turned to me and kissed me again. It didn't last as long as the other one but it was just as beautiful. She pulled away and brought her lips up to my ear. standing on her tiptoes. I closed my eyes. "I'll see you at the reaping" she whispered. I heard a rustle in the tree's. She had run away. She had left me here. I couldn't open my eyes. I didn't want to be right I wanted her to still be here when I opened my eyes. But she wasn't. And she never would be again.  


Hey you guys just wanted to say thanks for reading the second chapter, I really hope you liked it. Chapter three should be out my Sunday if not before. thanks for reading. If you like it so far tell your friends to read it , vote for it or comment on it. I love haring from you guys so comment me on anything at all. next week I'm starting a contest for coolest comment. if your comment is voted the coolest then I'm going to read all or any or you story's and vote for them, and even share them with all of my friends so leave me some super cool comments. And I promise to look at every single one.  I hope you all enjoy reading my stories. I gotta go. Love you all<3 3 -writeitout32423                   p.s. there's a picture of Erin Colt on the side. Hope you like it love ya bye.         -Writeitout32423

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