Chapter 8: Training

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"Time to get to work" Erin said coming up behind be and grabbing my hand. He led me over to the survival station. I looked around "can we start out at the fight station?" i asked. "everyone else is over there" i said "so? we're not everyone else" he said. "yeah but...didn't Saundria say something about gaining respect in the games" i said " yeah she did at dinner last night... Wait how do you know that you eren't even there" he said "i was listening in".. anyway i think we should  go show them what we can do"  "what can we do?" he asked. "let's go find out" i said. we started walking from on end of the room to the other. It was longer than the Run from my house to Victor's village, that's over 120 yards. "wait i know what we can do" i said stopping " what" he asked i could feel a smile creep to my face. "who are the two fastes runner's in Panem" i asked "umm, let me think" "us dumdum" he smiled "RACE YA" we yelled at the same time We took off at the speed of light. No the speed of sound, No the speed of, well idon't know something faster than light or sound. But we were fast. faster than ever before. And we blew away every tribute in that room. Except maybe district two boy. he would not be impressed. Not by us anyway. finally we stopped at the wall. Gasping for air Erin and i High fived as some younger tributes came up to us. "how did you go so fast"  one of them asked.  i smiled and then turned around there he was District two guy.i think i'll just call him D2 until i learn his real name. For some reason i couldn't remember his name from my list. "you're fast i'll give you that much but you can't run away from Death kaida" he turned and walked away. Freak. " hey what's with that guy" i said to Erin. "oh yeah he dosn't like us, specifically you" "but why" i asked. "maybe because he's used to being the pretty boy with all of the attention, and then at the Parade when we came strolling in on our chariot basically lighting up the place Mr. pretty boy turned from spray tan orange to envious green" he said "well spoken" i replied and laughed to myself. i remembered how i glowed at the opening ceremony and how hateful all of the other tributes looked.. Then i smiled to my self thinking how much they all must hate me. 

I walked over to a rack of small knifes for throwing. I grabbed a few.  I carried them over to a target and started throwing from about 6 feet away. i missed with the first one.i heard D2vstiffle a laugh. i threw the next one another miss, but i got it on the target this time. i threw again, it got a little closer. i looked over D2 was still laughing,leaning up against  the wall. i thew another knife. It didn't make it on the target.. " why are you even trying" D2 yelled okay that's enough of that. i picked up my last knife and threw it. But this time i wasn't aiming for the fake dummy.  I almost fell to the floor cracking up. The knife went right were i meant for it too. Into the shoulder sleeve of D2. he souldn't get his arm un stuck from the wall. The knife was dug to deep into the wall that he was stuck. i walked over still giggling. "you missed me he said mockingly still trying to get his shoulder sleeve unattached from the wall. "i'm sorry do want me to try again" i said with a smile. I watched him try to pull the knife out with his other hand. "eh ehm" i coughed. i pulled the knife out in one swift tug. He looked at me. His eyes full of hate and anger. "what do you have against me" i asked "just ignore her Roken, she's Not worth your time" said the district two girl coming up behind him. Her name was Rossillia. So i guess his name is Roken. "Look i know we're all like gonna have to kill each other and stuff but.. i mean that dosn't mean we can't just be friends and stuff i said" sarcastically trying to hold back laughter. "Come on Rossi let's go" D2, er i mean Roken said. "Rossi i thought your name was Rossillia' i said as they turned to leave. "it is to you" she yelled back "aw come on Rossi can't we just be friends" i said still holding back laughter. "no'" she yelled back. "Come on Rossi Ross" i said "No" she yelled again. "but Rossi" she gave me the silent treatment "I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL" i yelled with fake emotion. A bunch of people racked up along with me. "Fuck off" she yelled. i laughed even more.

i stopped laughing when I heard the doors swoop open again. in walked some Capital trainers. i could tell because the were wearing training uniforms just like Vita and Vites were."hi everybody i'm Antonia and this is Atticus we're here to train you, the um last trainers decided quit"  "yeah quit breathing Erin came and whispered in my ear. "and they didn't choose to at all" i couldn't help but giggle he said it in such a funny voice. i went over to the one named Atticus. I think Erin was watching me. "hey would you mind helping me practice my hand to hand combat.?" i asked sweetly. "sure" he said with a smile. "happy to serve" he finished. "Great" i replied and prepared my stance on the mat while he put on some padding. " Hey be careful buddy the last person she practiced with broke his arm" yelled Roken from across the room. I heard Rossi whisper" yeah he got his toung cut out to" "Ignore them" i told Atticus "now feel free to try and hit me back" i saaid "don't worry ii'm trained in hand to hand fighting"i cut him off by grabbing his arm and flipping his onto his side. "damn did you see that this girl just can't stop breaking people today" Roken yelled again. everybody looked at me. " i walked over to Atticus "you okay" i asked "i'm fine nothing broken you just got me by surprisesss" I flipped him again. "you're very good miss" he said "kaida, call me Kaida" i said as he got up. i readied my stance. "ok...GO" he yelled i Jumped into the air and did a side kick. he stumbled back a little bit. i turned and did a double kick and a punch. then i did a flip kick that landed him on the ground. "okay you're allot better then very good" he said. 'thanks" i said looking around again. everyone was still staring at us. I spotted  Erin and  a few others in the survival section making weapons. he was sharpening a long wooden stake, and i could already guess what he was thinking about doing with it. "you know kaida" he started "hand to hand combat is a very useful skill however it's not really the best for the Hunger Games" he informed me "yeah i know but it's pretty much all i'm good at" i said "and that might be okay since you're pretty much the only one who's good at it but if you'd like i'd be happy to introduce you to some dideran't forms of weaponry. "how's your aim" he asked "fine i guess depending on what i'm throwing, or shooting" i answered "can you do archery he said walking me over to some racks of weapons. "i tried it once but it ended in a miserable failure' i answered. "okay how about, Knife throwing" "i already tried that too but i could really use some work" i said "ok can you throw a spear" "no" i answered. "can you lift heavy things and throw them, like skull breaking rocks, or  bricks" "okay no i'm strong but i don't think i could break someone's skull with a flying rock" i said. "can you shoot anything" she asked. i almost didn't say anything. "i can shoot.....a gun" i said it quietly yet every one heard me loud and clear. "please were did you learn to shoot a gun" Roken yelled over to be "i don't know were did you learn to be such an ass hole" some people laughed."kaida how do you know you can shoot a gun? it's against the law for citizens of Panem to have guns" Atticus stared at me intensely. "i don't have a gun" i said. "then when did you ever shoot one"    "she never did she's lying, she never shot a gun' Rossi yelled ."yeah if she really did then prove it" Roken added. "how is she supposed to prove it" Erin said coming to my rescue "she's telling the truth" "how do we know she's not lying" Roken yelled i Didn't want to say it but i had to. i said "Ask President Snow"

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