Chapter 9: White as Snow

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Kaida's POV

There he was in the flesh. President Snow. I haven't seen him in years...not since, my father's death.  everything rushed to my head at once.  I saw some kind of blackness take over me and suddenly i was asleep. 


*BOOM*  "Daddy" i yelled. He'd just been shot and by who? none other than his own daughter. i didn't shoot him exactly.  I shot just as he yelled my name , it was Snowy that whirled me around to look at him as i shot. And i hit him on accident. luckily it wasn't a death shot i only got him above the knee. he seemed kinda angry. "daddy" i yelled again running to him. Snowy followed behind. "daddy are..are you.." i stuttered, tears sprang to my eyes "i'm fine" he said limping past me. he grabbed a gun from someone i didn't know and pointed it at snowy. "I thought i told you to stay away from my daughter, you little brat" he yelled at snowy. my Father brought the gun up to his shoulder and Begin to pull the trigger. "snowy" i yelled and ran to hug him. my father didn't shoot he just held the gun to us both. he looked astonished and angry. "No kaida go, run away go hide in the woods were your safe " Snowy whispered. i shook my head as i clung to him.  "just go some were were you can't here it" He  whispered and kissed the tears that dripped down my cheek. i watched as he stood up straight and tall and prepared for death. "daddy please" I whispered loud enough for him to here. "No more Death" i said still crying. I backed away from Snow, as my father prepared to shoot. "bye snow" i couldn't watch this.. " Drop your weapon sir" a voice yelled from across the room. "If you hurt my son i'll kill you myself, right now" he yelled. It was the president.

I looked at snow. "Your dad is the...the president." i said i was suddenly furious at everyone. But especially snowy. "You lied to me, you said your father was poor and that's why they sent you here to become a peacekeeper" i almost yelled at him. "you lied to me" i said crying "and you lived with it while i told you nothing but the truth about me" i said "kaida i'm sorry.. i"  "drop the weapon" The president yelled" my father looked at me. for the first time ever in my life i saw tears drip from his eyes . He dropped the gun. The president shot the gun he was holding, but not fast enough. snow yelled at the top of his lungs and grabbed the gun that my father had dropped. I shut my eyes.  after a while i peeked through my finger's to see what had happened. Snowy was shot and on the floor. But there were to gun shot's i remembered. i looked over at were the president once stood. He wasn't there, not alive at least.  The president had shot his son and in the act of saving my father Snowy had shot his father. 


A bright light flashed from one of My eyes to the next. it was a flash light. "she's waking up" someone said. i heard another voice,  an older  male voice. it wasn't Erin but it was familiar. "kaida, kaida" It was snow. i  was on the floor of the practice room. Snow and Erin were both crouched over me.   i sat straight up. "Snowy?" i asked "i..imean president sno.." "You  can call me snowy" he whispered. "it's catchier" i almost felt myself smile, but i didn't .  he smiled. "i guess you remember me then" he smirked just like old times. "i guess so" i said he was holding me in his arms. "come on" Erin said helping me up. " i guess we have some catching up to do". snow said looking at me. "i guess we do"  everyone was staring at us. "yep" i said awkwardly. "wow, well you look incredible" he said smiling again although i couldn't figure out why. "what has it been, ten years?" he said People's mouths dropped thirty feet into the ground when he said that. "come" he said taking my hand and leading me away. i heard Erin disagree but i kept going with him. his hand were cold. he was wearing a suit, with a white rose in it.  He led me into a small  room with a table and two chairs. "have a seat let's catch up"  he said sitting down. "are you here to kill me" i said almost too fast. "i..mean..i'm sorry' i said  he smiled. " like you rose"  I said.  he laughed a little. " You remember the day you told me about them don't you" he said "of course, it was the first day we met" i said.

I thought back to that day. "you were in the woods" he Began telling the story as i relived it in my head. "you wore a white dress with a little blue ribbon tied around it. Tears streaked you little cheeks. you had white roses in you hair"  he smiled. " i was ten years old, you were six. i remember asking why you had those roses in your hair. and you said.."  i knew he wanted me to say it. "i wear them because they hide the sent of blood" he smiled even bigger. "we spent the whole day after that just talking" he chuckled "i remember" i whispered. i could feel those tears forming again but i hid it as well as i could. "we were best of Friends kaida"  he said. " Were" i said  louder than i should have. his smile faded.  "yes were, until that day i taught you to shoot" i looked down at my hands in my lap. "that day i saved your father by killing mine" he said angrily he stood up. "you have no right" i said looking him in the eyes hatefully EXCUSE ME" he yelled down to me in my chair. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT, No right to come here and remind me of these horrible things, you think they don't keep me up at night too" i shouted, standing up. "You don't think i have hated these memories just as much as you have for the past ten years, you don't think i suffered, yes you stopped your father from killing mine but you didn't stop them from hanging my father the next day for what you did" i yelled now letting the tears fall "He was blamed for the murder of your father... the murder YOU committed, you didn't save him then" his face went white. he sat down. I sat as well. "i believe we are done here i said getting up and leaving. " i tried to save you" he yelled down to me. "well you didn't you not only didn't save me, you killed me inside, and then left me with nothing" he walked up to me and stared me in the eyes. "you' never even showed mercy, to your best friend" i stopped crying now. "But ...i" he said at a lost for words. "you say you tried to save my life, but you never took the time to learn how"  I left him standing there and went back to the practice room. i didn't say a word for the rest of the day. 


howdy everybody hope you like chapter nine. Yaaaaayy  this is getting  exciting. Snow's back and meaner than ever. but don't forget he still likes kaida (more like loves) what is going to do when the games roll around. i can't wait to find out. i hope you're enjoying it so far!!! there's a pic of Roken Harcle on the side...he may be a total jerk but he it H.O.T. Smexylicious!!!! love you all keep on writing and reading and never ever give up on your dreams, i mean it never ever. love                                                                                                                                                 -writeitout32423

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