chapter 4: On the train.

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It took a while to process what really happened at the reaping. I don't remember much. I volunteered. So did Erin. Erin. The one and only person i have. Great. okay what else happened. I told the entire country that he was 'an innocent'. After that it was a blur. then something, one of the camera's or lights fell. It crashed into the stage. The people of district 3 scattered like ants when an ant hill gets crushed. People screamed and cried. Then peacekeepers came and tried to calm everyone down. i was crouched at the corner of the stage. The thing nearly killed me.

Gasping for breath Erin crawled over to me and hugged me. I did nothing but sit there in his arms. Candria spoke into the microphone "we're having some technical difficulties. Please calm down. Kaida Rose and Erin Colt our district three tributes" She said. She was trying a little too hard to keep the ball rolling.I felt Erin being pulled away from me. Peacekeepers Grabbed me by the arms and pulled me to my feet. They took me into a small room. I sat and waited for nothing to happen. No one was going to come. No one cares that i'm here. No one but Erin. I looked around. It was a very fancy room. Every thing looked super expensive. The Door opened with a squeak. I tall man dressed in a white shirt and brown pants walked in and sat down across from me. In followed a woman about his age and little Destiny Everhart. The girl i volunteered for. "Thank you miss" said the man i guessed was her father. he had a look on his face that told me he had pain. Lots of pain. His wife shared a matching look only she had more of a depressing pain, as if it pained her to see others in pain. Destiny's mother had dirty blond hair and and green eyes worn out from crying. I looked at destiny close up for the first time. She had sparkling blue eyes and soft looking blond hair. She had on a little blue dress with white bows. Her arm extended  out to me. In her hand was my Dragon Claw necklace.

"it fell of when the camera smashed into the stage" she said handing it to me carefully. i smiled. Her entire face lit up. "Thank you for saving me" she said and hugged me. "i'll see you when you get back" she whispered in my ear with the tiniest voice. i smiled. As they left Destiny's parents said thank you one more time and wished me the best. "May the odds be ever in your favor"  her father said as they closed the door.  I sighed and put my necklace back on. The door opened once again and there stood Cora Reesnet The most beloved girl at school. I suppose you could call her popular, although it would be an understatement. She's the mayor's daughter and the most beautiful girl in the district. Not that i like her. I've never said more than two words to her. "hey" she said and walked over. I didn't reply. i just looked at her confused. She sat across from me just as Destiny's family had. 'look here's the deal' she began. "we all have like no idea who you are so some of my friends, well more like everybody sent me in here to ask you.. well....who the hell are you" I widened my eyes at her. "i mean like" she continued "you never talk at school... and you just randomly showed up here after like nine or ten years and well' She trailed off and looked At me hopefully "you want to know who i am" i asked. she nodded "Watch closely" i said.  She looked at me with intense yet frightened eyes. She feared me. A peacekeeper came in and escorted her out of the room. A few minuets later they did the same to me. 

On the train i walked straight to my room and went to sleep. i slept for what felt like hours and finally got up. 'time to look around' i thought. i walked into a smaller train cart. It was the dining room. It ws dark in here, i couldn't see much. i walked over to what looked like the dining table and sat down.       "SURPRISE" the lights flashed on and out from the table popped Erin and Candria. "happy birthday"  yelled. i fell back in my chair. "are you okay" Erin rushed to my side "we didn't mean to startle you that much" he smirked. He helped me up off of the ground and led me to the head of the table. There was a giant cake sitting in front of me all lit with candles. I blew out the candles and dove in. It was really good. I'd never had cake before. i must have fallen asleep again after that because i woke up the next morning in my bed. 'we'll be in the capital by tomorrow morning'  i thought. I got out of bed and walked into the dining cart. breakfast was toast and little danishes. I had some juice to wash it all down. Then I walked over to another cart. There was Erin, Candria and a woman i didn't know sitting in there watching the television. Erin noticed me right away. "hey we're watching the reaping from yesterday. you're just in time" I walked over and sat  on the couch next to Erin. It was still on Distict 1. "we'll begin with the girls as always" said the capital lady. i Grabbed a pen and a small notepad from the table in front of me to write this down. 

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