Chapter 23: Axhole

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"careful this rock is slippery" He said taking my hand. I didn't need his help though. In one swiftly Graceful move i pulled my hand out of his causing me to lose my balance and fall flat on my butt, and right into the shallow rushing stream. he just laughed. "oh shut up asshole" i said taking his offering hand to pull my self up. "hey what happened to my old nickname Ax? i liked that one better, now all you call me is asshole" he said smiling a cheeky smile. I had an urge to smack it off his face. "i don't know i like asshole better" i said. I carefully stepped off of the rock i had been standing on for the past few minuets trying not to fall. You'll never guess what happened at that exact moment. I fell again.Axen erupted into a fit of laughter for the third time today. "grr" i said under my breath. "did you just growl at me?" Axen asked still laughing. okay so maybe it wasn't to much under my breath. "no" i said rudely making him laugh more. You are an asshole, no your worse your an Axhole" i said intelligently forming his name into the swear word. "Axhole?" he asked when he could finally stop laughing enough to form a sentence. "yes Your an Axhole, Axhole"

"CAREFUL" Axen shouted again making me slip. It was the third time he had yelled it since we've been climbing down these wet slippery rocks. "are you even sure this is the way to the cornucopia?" i asked sitting in the water unable to get up. we were still in the same rocky stream, only now we were going up hill. "yes now come on, and quit falling your slowing us down" he said meanly, but with a soft smile. " i hate you" i said joking, lightly punching him in the shoulder as he pulled me to my feet once again. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me. it was a quick kiss but it was still sweet and i didn't want him to let go.  It felt weird to be in love with someone. I don't know if i was ever in love with Erin. I might have loved him, but i don't think i was in love with him. It's all very confusing so i'm trying not to think about it much. 

"oh my god...again?" Axen said as he turned around to see me in the water. "these rocks are slippery" i muttered getting up. i was temped to kick one of the rocks and call it stupid, but the last two times i did that i fell so i just carefully walked up to Axen and grabbed his hand so i wouldn't fall....again. he just chuckled. "so remind me why are we going to the cornucopia?" i asked. "Because Erin's there" he reminded me. "and?" i asked nudging him this time. i slipped a little as i nudged him but he steadied me. "because this has to end sooner or later, and sooner seems better than later" i didn't agree. " i'd rather spend as much time as we have together while we can and then go die" i said. he didn't like my idea though. we'd argued about this multiply times before. "can't we just spend more time together?" i asked. "we are spending time together" he said trying to avoid the subject. i could tell he didn't feel comfortable talking about this. 

"we're almost there he said later" he said a little while later. "come on" he said grabbing my hand and leading me  to the cornucopia. but i couldn't move. suddenly tears flood to my eyes as i realized what i've been trying to avoid. I was going to lose Axen. And Erin. No matter what would happen i'd loose them both. Whether i live or not, I was going to loose them both. And i couldn't do anything about it. I felt my knee's crumble beneath me. I fell to the ground struggling to breath. "shh..what's wrong?" ax said next to me holding me in his arms like a child. "i..i can't do it" i whispered through tears. My body shook in his embrace as he tried to calm me. I felt my stomach swish and before i knew it my lunch was making a reappearance. 

"what happened?" i asked waking up. i felt groggy and dizzy. i saw Axen looking down on me. "hey, after you  threw up you blacked out" he whispered softly. "what?" i asked barley able to make out his words. they jumbled up in my head making it hard for me to think straight. he chuckled. "you might have hit your head on all of those rocks" he smiled sweetly. i almost understood what he said this time. "were are we" i managed to say. "we're back in the woods, there were some shady tree's around here so i thought you could just rest here for a while" i smiled at his consideration. "so..what happened?" he asked. "why'd you faint and stuff?" i giggled a little bit, "I thought about loosing you and i kinda couldn't take it" i whispered,. i was trying to to be to loud because i was afraid it would spoil the moment. his smile grew so that it was stretching from cheek to cheek. he kissed me on the cheek and then looked at me with a cocky grin. "so you couldn't bare the thought of loosing me so much that it caused you physical pain" he said still smiling. i smiled and genitally shut my eyes. "asshole" i whispered. "oh, i believe it's Axhole" he corrected me. "oh yeah AXhole" i smiled he laid down nest to me and nudged me with his elbow. I nudged him back. somehow our nudging war turned into an all out tickle fight, which i was clearly winning.

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