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Something was happening. My hands were burning. That's not normal, is it? Maybe being a few degrees over the normal temperature was normal, but fire burning from your hands, not exactly normal. I knew something was up with me, ever since that day, and the fire at my parents' office, but this was just insane! Something impossible. Luckily it was just in the GIRLS HOME!!! Oh, I was so getting kicked out of this place too. First it was the orphanage for starting fights, then it was the transfer because they were getting some kids from a far away orphanage, and now I set the girls' home on fire with my bare hands. Of course, I was in the middle of a fight with the lady who worked there, but that wasn't my fault. I couldn't control what was happening to me. Something was very off, and considering that my hands were on fire, and not burning meaning hurting, something was up there. There was some heat radiation coming off of me, and my whole body burst into flame. I went speeding out of the house. Everyone was already out, except me. And I didn't just run out of the house like a normal person, I freaking flew out of the place.

Okay, that wasn't today. That was almost a year ago now. They sent me off to this place a long time ago, I can't remember what it was called, but they taught me how to control the flame inside me, and the rage that came with it and that came causing it. So, the spark to my internal flame was my rage. I was like a cute, girl sized, un-colour changing Hulk. I didn't grow either, but I did get super strength. I was like a phoenix. Regeneration, fire, anything to do with heat, including electricity. Too bad the name was already taken by an X-man. I like to call myself Firebird though, which basically was another way to say phoenix. So, that's my life. And it was all because of the fire that killed my parents' and all their research. Something that should have killed me. I don't talk about it very much though. Something I don't like talking about anymore. Oh, and I'm not a hero, yet I'm not a villain either. I live on my own, hidden in an abandoned building, so I cant hurt anyone else. I practice there, throwing fireballs, and learning how to fly and stuff. And the abandoned building, just happened to be the one that burned down to give my these powers. And today? Today was different. Today was the day everything changed, probably for the better. Probably.

Nick Fury walked in on me while I saw trying to find myself and ignite my inner flame, even though every time I try it, I can never do it. Just so happens to be that I can never get it when I want it. And when I don't want it, it shows up. That's why I'm better on my own. I knew he came in, but I kept my focus on trying to create a fireball in my hands, something made of pure energy. I made myself angry by thinking about things that usually anger me, but that only made a small ball. I tried to make it bigger, but Fury interrupted me. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"Oh, hello." I said. "Just trying to make myself burn. What do you want Fury? I've been trying to contact you for months, and now you show up when I don't exactly need you anymore."

"No, but you wanted help, right? With those uncontrollable powers? I saw what you did he other day on the news. And last year. I've been doing research on you, to see if you'd be compatible."

Sounds good so far. I perked up, listening to him fully now, standing up. "Okay, I'm listening. Go on..."

"And we have found that you are. You're going to need a lot more training, and you'll have to live at S.H.E.I.L.D. temporary headquarters until you get a handle on your powers. We'll give you a costume too. Something to hide your identity from the world. You'll be working with a team, lead by Spider-Man. The team will find out who you are after the first training session for you." he told me.

"And when is the first training session?" I asked him, hopping with joy.

"Now. We'll have to get to the hellicarrier though. Is that okay kid? Your not going to burn me or anything, right?"

✔️Fire Power (the Ultimate Spiderman/X men fanfic): book 1Where stories live. Discover now