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The bad guys were nothing. Spider-man just put me on crowd control, until he was nearly killed. A billboard fell, and I burned it to ash before it even hit the ground. My focus was now on saving these people. Spiderman called me over for help, and I managed to fly up with fire. I was so focused right now, nothing could break it.

"Firebird, I need you to work with Iron Fist and Nova to stop the Wizard. Can you do that?" He asked me.

"Whatever you need boss." I said, then flew off. A water tower got thrown off a building and I burned it all until it was all gone. I flew over to Wizard and nearly burned his head off. He tried to kill people, and he won't get away with it. Nova buzzed around him, while Iron Fist tried to punch Wizard. That wasn't going to work if they couldn't even agree on how to take him down. I flew over to Iron Fist. "What's the plan?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure. We are definitely not on the same page. We need a plan to stop him."

"Who? Nova or the Wizard?" I asked him. He gave me an evil eye and I knew I went too far. I stopped smiling, and got to work thinking on a plan. Soddenly it hit me. "Okay, remember you training? When you had to learn to punch before you could receive the fist. Well, you still remember when you had to punch the ground, right?" I asked him.

"Of course. Do you have a plan?" he asked me.

"Nova and I will distract the Wizard, knock that remote out of his hands. You'll destroy it, leaving only his gloves to rely on. Then we'll corner him off and he'll have no choice but to surrender." I told Iron Fist.

"Sounds like a great plan, but can you do it?"

"Of course I can. Just don't talk, okay?" I asked him, being completely serious. He nodded, confused, but ready for the plan. I flew off and told Nova the plan, and even he agreed it should work if everything goes right, so off went the plan. The others were battling one of the other four. The other two were in jail right now, so it was only the Wizard and Klaw. And we got the Wizard for some reason. I rolled my eyes and got ready for the danger.

The plan wen ton as planned. Nova distracted him, and I zoomed in knocking the remote from his hands. Iron Fist destroyed in at the perfect time. Every citizen who got a sphere was safely on the rooftop. I was so relieved, but I still didn't lose focus. I went back into my mind and memories and cursed myself for doing that. I remembered the training, and the day I got to watch training because it was my first day. At that time they hadn't even begun to see my true power, I was just new to K'un Lun, and the very first day, Danny said hello and we instantly became friends. He would always encourage me to do my best, and I the same for him. My mind heard him giving me a speech last year, and soddenly I lost focus. The only thing I could focus on was his voice.

"Nova, I'm losing fire power here." I said, becoming unsteady. I tried to stay up, but my eyes saw Iron Fist and I bit my lip, until the point it was bleeding. Blood was dripping down my chin and I still couldn't focus. I managed to crash land into the rooftop. Nova came down and saw the blood dripping from my mouth.

"You okay?" he asked me, holding my shoulders. I felt really dizzy now. I tried to keep my focus on the priority, but my heart was beating too fast and everything was dizzy. I coughed blood and made my head go on overdrive. I couldn't think about K'un Lun, not now. This wasn't the time.

"Just get back to the plan. I'll be fine for the time being." I said. The sun started setting and I ran over to corner him, keeping my focus on the Wizard. I only looked at him, thinking about how many lives we'd save by doing this. I felt like Spider-man was in trouble. I looked passed everyone and saw him struggling with keeping a billboard from falling. I looked over to Nova.

"Go." he said. "We got this." he told me, and I was gone before he could say anything else. I tried to keep my focus on saving people. I made a fireball tornado, and put it underneath the bill board. I controlled the thing to move the board to the ground where there wasn't any people or anything at all. It hit the street with an ompf. I flew up and saw Iron Fist knocking the Wizard out, which made me smile at first, then I started getting out of control. I let myself get distracted again. I really need to think of a way that I can turn it into becoming more powerful then a weakness.

"Oh no." I said, as I flew into a post of the billboard. I nearly knocked myself out. I got up and bit my lip even harder then I should have. Spider-man saw what I was doing, and when he saw that I was making myself bleed, he punched my arm instead, causing me to focus on him. I wiped blood from my face. I gave him an awkward expression and a shrug and he just walked off as the two villains were ready for pick up from the police.

"Let's get back to HQ. Then you can tell me what happened and why your powers are going haywire." Spider-man said, and I smacked my hand into my head. I really messed this one up, and Fury wouldn't take this lightly if Peter wasn't. Fury is going to kill me when we get back to HQ.

✔️Fire Power (the Ultimate Spiderman/X men fanfic): book 1Where stories live. Discover now