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The mind training started with mediation. Something to help calm my nerves. Something to make me not angry and frustrated and throw tantrums. I can't believe I couldn't figure that out myself. I guess when you think like a five year old, you only care about the stuff that you like, anything else you forget or don't listen by tuning it out. This was somehow supposed to help with that. And excepting my parents' death according to Danny. I'm basically putting all my faith and the remains of m pride into his hands here, so I hope he's going to treat it like a baby. Cause of he's going to eventually drop it and have me shatter like a glass, I'll never trust anyone again and I'm leaving S.H.E.I.L.D. Forever. And nobody will ever be the same again. Danny is probably one of the nicest people I've ever met, so I hope I'm doing the right thing here, and he won't shatter me into a million pieces. He made me sit and focus on the fire. My eyes started to become flames. My body burned and tried to focus on the heat and try to control it. Put my hand in front of me and started to create a ball of fire, like I was trying to do when Fury found me.

"What are you trying to do?" Danny asked me.

"Trying to make a big fireball. Something big enough to stop a big and strong villain. Something powerful enough to be thrown into a tornado and have it reach the villain inside. I'm also trying to fly while doing it. So far I can only do one thing at a time. So, I'm trying to fly and make a fireball." I told him.

"So, picture yourself doing it Amelia. Make it real." He told me.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I just kept breathing deeply to calm myself. My mind started to wonder, and soddenly I was back in K'un Lun. I was wearing green pants, a white top and a green belt to keep the top from opening. I didn't have shoes on and I was in the mediation room. I was listening to the other room, behind the wall. They were testing those who were suitable for the Iron Fist. Then testing was over for the time and it was my time to train. The students bowed and left. Danny smiling slightly at me as he left, encouraging me. I walked in the room and bowed. Of course, these monks didn't have powers, but they knew how to control them and teach how to control them. They were the monks of the Iron Fist, so they knew power. The teachers told me to do things, and I did them, even tough I couldn't hear them in my memory. And finally, they made me make a fireball. At first I didn't know how to, so they taught me a trick on how to do it. It was something like ti chi. It worked though, mostly because I couldn't properly do it so I frustrated and set on fire. Luckily for all of us the clothes they made, it was fire proof. I was completely on fire, and I made a fireball, something big that could blow up the room if I wanted it to. I opened my eyes and really focused now that I had the fireball. I started flying, concentrating on both by splitting my mind into pieces like they told me. So, I did. And I actually managed to do it, until my focus broke.

"You are doing great Amelia." Danny said quietly, but it was enough to make my focus crumble to dust. I went right into a wall and probably broke something. My arm was bent funny. Danny ran over to me to see if I was okay. I held my arm. It was definitely broken.

"Back up." I warned Danny, and he moved back a bit. My arm set on fire and it burned until it was healed. Like I said before, I'm like a firebird. I can heal fast by being on fire. Pretty cool if I do say so myself. Danny helped me up after that.

"You were doing so well. You were a baby bird learning to fly, then fell out of the sky. What happened to your focus?" He asked me.

"Nothing. I was focused. I'm going t go get some air." I said, but he grabbed my hand before I could leave, pulling me back towards him.

"Don't lie to me Amy. Lies are the poison of the soul."

I smiled at him. "I know. I was the one who told you that Daniel Rand." I decided to tell him. "Okay, so I was thinking about K'un Lun and training, then soddenly I was doing it. Then..." Then Spider-man came in and saved me.

"Fury wants to talk to all of us. Something about an emergency. He needs us all in the main area place." Spider-man said and Danny and I looked at each other before running out of the room, me pulling Spidey along with us. We got in and Danny made me stand beside him. We were in a line, waiting for Nick Fury to turn around and start talking to us about what happened.

"I found them." Spider-man told Fury, then got into line beside Nova. I was so relieved for this meeting, that I smiled brightly when Fury turned around to look at us, even though he had a frown on his face.

"Firebird. Nice to see you've already broken something. I found out everything about you, even the footage at K'un Lun." he said, and soddenly my smiled turned to worry. I cleared my throat.

"They don't have footage, do they?" I asked him, trying not to look or sound nervous. He looked at me suspious. "I mean, it's in the middle of no where, they couldn't have cameras. They wouldn't be able to get any feed or anything. Too far away from anything, too remote. " I said, trying to sound confidant, but on the last word, my voice wavered and I cursed my lying skills. Well, that would be impossible because I have no lying skills.

"Just wanted to see how you'd react to that." he told me. "Now, to the real problem. The Frightful Four are on the lose. I think this would be a great time to try out our new member. You are all responsible for her. Spider-man is in charge of plans. What he says goes. So Firebird, he tells you to stay back or help evacuate, you do it." he said, shaking his hand at me.

"I don't think that's a very good idea Director. I mean, I'd love to go out and be part of the team, but I don't think I'm ready for it. I came here for training so I don't blow up the city." I told him.

"I agree with the newbie." Nova said. "She's too inexperienced." He said, and I nodded at him for helping me. He just smiled at me and almost blinded me with his teeth. Such a flirt, I rolled y eyes after that. He hates me, but he likes, me. Idiot boy. Most boys are.

"My decision is final." he said.

"I agree with him." Danny spoke up. "Practice makes perfect, and the only way to learn how to fight villains, is by fighting villains. And sometimes you just have to take a chance."

I looked away from him trying really hard not to smile. I told him that too. I took a deep breath and focused. "Okay, fine. I'll do it. And I'll try not to destroy anything. Or mess up in anyway." I said, trusting that they were right about me. "Guess I'll just stick with what I know for no, which isn't a lot." I whispered to myself.

"You'll do fine. I believe in you." He told me, putting a hand on my shoulder, and soddenly I got a boost of confidence.

"Okay kids, go get the bad guys in jail." Fury said, and we were off.

✔️Fire Power (the Ultimate Spiderman/X men fanfic): book 1Where stories live. Discover now