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So, it's been two more weeks, and all my testing is done. I'm officially emotionally sound. And one of the X-men. Phoenix, Hope Hotman. I am no longer part of S.H.E.I.L.D. Apparently Nick Fury doesn't want me a part of his team anymore, in case something happens. So, I work with Cyclopes. We go on missions together, and I guess something clicked. After all this time, and in a few years I might be Hope Summers. I still love Iron Fist, but more as a best friend and a brother, and he feels the same for me.

I was training with Magma and Storm and Jean. But during the training, something went off in my head. Something wrong. I jumped into the air and stopped them all. I left the room. I bumped into Scott on the way out, but kept going. "Sorry Scott!" I yelled, then opened a portal and went through it. I managed to go through it, and waved bye to Scott. I got to S.H.E.I.L.D. HQ. There was an attack or something. The ship was tilting and I had trouble staying up. I ran around like crazy, looking for my friends or whatever was doing this.

"Help!" I heard Luke call. "Someone! I need help here! Hero down! I repeat, hero down! Someone, please!" He screamed, and I went running towards the call as fast as I could. I found Power man and Iron Fist in a collapsed room. I burned the metal down into lava and saw that Danny was seriously hurt.

"What happened here?" I asked, scared for all of us.

"I don't know. Something attacked the ship from the outside, but we got caught in here. The others are fighting whatever knocked down HQ." Power man told me.

"You go help, I've got Danny. I have healing powers. I'll get him somewhere safe and make sure he gets completely healed up. I promise you he'll be okay." I told Luke.

"Okay, go." He told me, and I opened a portal back to the school and took Danny with me. I managed to get into my dorm room, and laid Danny down on the bed. I put a hand on the wound on his arm, which looked like the worst wound of them all, but to be honest, I didn't know if I could fix him on time. He was already dying. I couldn't give up on my best friend though. I held his arm and burned, fixing up his wound the best I could. I started crying when he wasn't getting any better. I fixed him up the way I could, but he was still knocked out and dying, his breathing getting shallower and shallower as the minutes rolled by, and there was nothing I could do. The battle was over, I could feel it, so I took us back to the others. Tears filled my eyes and fell down my checks. I started blubbering and hugging Danny, trying to get him to get better.

"Is he..." Spider-man asked.

"Not yet, but he's dying and I'm not sure I can fix him. I'm tying though, with all my power." I said, tears flowing down my face and staining Danny's costume.

"Try harder!" Ava snapped.

"I am!" I screamed back! "Please wake up Iron Fist. You're still my best friend, and you can't die. Not yet. Best friends for life, remember? And my life isn't over yet. Not even close, and yours isn't either. You're only eighteen. You can't die yet. Please?" I begged, and I notice a glow coming from both is us. Our tattoos were glowing, burning, almost like it was connecting us somehow. Like Shou-Lou was in us both, and Shou-Lou was helping me save Danny. Everyone just stared as it happened. My power went into him, and he got better. His breathing went back to normal and I cried in happiness. I guess it was just fate this happened. Thank you tears, chi energy, powers and Shou-Lou!

Few hours later, Danny was awake again, and Ava gave him some tea. "I guess that's my cue to go back to the school. I'm missing school to make sure your going to stay alive." I told Danny, and he was really confused, then just hugged me. He had an Iron hug now. Spider-man wasn't kidding, he near killed me, and I'm a god like him. A living, Immortal, weapon. I smiled at him then stood up.

"I'm sorry." He told me, grabbing my arm. "You came back for me, even though you could have died trying to save me. I shouldn't have told you..." I but him off.

"Daniel, don't, please. I've moved on with my life, but your still my best friend. Take care, and make sure to find someone good." I told him, kissed his forehead, then fire travelled back to my room.

I realized what I had done. And thoughts of what might happen filled my head. I took the blood covered sheets off of my bed and burned them before anyone could see the evidence. I made it seam like it wasn't on purpose though. Just in case.

I couldn't believe what had happened. We basically merged into one person. I wonder if I could actually do that? Melt into someone else, giving them my powers. I should try it one day. My phone buzzed and it was Danny. He just said thanks and that he wanted to come visit me again as well as the rest of the team. I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but smile. Daniel Rand was still my best friend, and nothing could change that.

"Hey Hope." Scott Summers told me, walking into my room. "Your burned the blankets again? Why does that happen every time you take a nap?" He asked me.

"I don't know. Uh, you wanna go get something to eat?" I asked him, smiling slightly. I had to tell him that I was considering going back to Danny and Spider-man's team again. They were my team first, and they always would be my first team. I would still come here during the summers, but I needed to be with my friends, and after today, I realized just how much they needed me, and how mug I needed them. Danny almost died, and I realized I still loved him more then anyone else on the planet.

"Good, I need to talk to you, alone. You want to go out for lunch today?" He asked me, and I followed him out onto his motorcycle.

✔️Fire Power (the Ultimate Spiderman/X men fanfic): book 1Where stories live. Discover now