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At the last second, my whole life flashed before my eyes as I closed them. When I realized I wasn't dead, I slowly opened my eyes. Danny. He jumped in the way just in time. He punched the car and made it stop just before my heart stopped. At this point, I was so angry my hands just burst into flames. I walked into the building and twenty seconds later I was Firebird. I walked outside and flew into the air.

"Enough!" I screamed, erupting into flames! Everyone stopped to look at me. I was a living flame right now, burning inside and out. "No more! Put your weapons down, before I make you all melt into puddles!" I screamed at the bad guys, and they didn't take a chance. Everyone knows you don't mess with a teenage girl, but a teenage girl who has superpowers and is basically a god, that's where they draw the line. Especially when her best friend nearly died to save her.

"And who says we should listen to you? Who even are you?" Electro asked. I looked at him, and closed my hand. He fizzed out and became a normal person, for now at least. He looked at himself and I glared at him. "Who are you?" he asked again, this time scared for his life as well as everyone who wasn't on my side was. Even some of the heroes were scared of me. And they should be.

"Phoenix." Nova said, flying up beside me. "Her name is Phoenix."

The S.H.E.I.L.D. agents arrested all the bad guys. They were all to afraid to fight back, in case I actually would melt them. And to tell the truth, I was ready to melt them all. When they were all taken away, I set myself down on the street and stopped from being on fire. Nick Fury looked at me with anger in his eye, but didn't say anything, meaning I did good for a rookie. Danny nodded at me, and I smiled. I didn't even touch them, and they just gave up. Danny thinks I'm a good hero, and that's all I need to know. I looked so much different in my costume then without it on. Like I was a different person. Especially because someone finally got the mask right, and I was wearing something that only covered my eyes. MJ came running up to me, camera still on and ready to ask me a few questions.

"My name is Mary Jane. Do you mind if I ask a few questions?" she asked me. "It's so I can get into the Daily Bugle." I nodded my head and she started thinking about what to ask. "How does it feel to save someone's life?"

I thought about it, but it wasn't something I really needed to think about. I knew how to answer that. "All life is precious. And saving someone is something that doesn't just make you feel good, it's something that is indescribable."

"That was deep. Could you give your thoughts on Spider-man? Do you think he's a menace like some people do?"

"No way is Spiderman a menace. For those of you who think he is, I have something to tell you. Imagine what the world would be like without superheroes. Yes, they sometimes make a bit of a mess while fighting, but without them, it would be a thousand times worse, so I suggest you start thanking them, rather then putting them down, because one day, they'll die. Most heroes aren't immortal, and even the immortal ones die. I have seen it myself. If they didn't train new heroes, then our world would be a wasteland. So, think about what you are saying and get all the facts before you say something about someone. Don't judge a book by it's cover. And if you don't believe me, you try being a hero, saving people, and trying not to get yourself killed as well as fighting someone who doesn't care what they do, while trying to keep to a minimum amount of damage." I told the camera.

"That's a great way to put it. Now, as you are all teenagers, is there anything you can tell me about crushes in your group?" MJ asked.

"Well, of course there probably is. But you should remember, they might spread to further then jus the team. But yes, there is crushes, but no dating."

"Could there be some romance between team members in the future?" she asked me.

"You'll just have to wait and see, because if I'm telling the truth, I'm not sure what the future might hold. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go." I said, then walked off to the rest of the team. I wasn't smiling when I walked away. That question she asked, and what I told her. What we were talking about before everything got messed up. A tear fell down my check, evaporating as it fell. More fell, and I just kept walking past everyone, my head low. I started running, not knowing where I was going. I managed to figure it out as I got there. My parents' building. I went inside and sat down, tears falling down my cheeks like a river.

I just sat there and cried, until I heard some noise. I looked back and saw the team. I looked back at the building. This all started here. "Amy?" Nova asked. I just rubbed my ankle while hugging my knees.

"Amy, we want to help. What's wrong?" Peter asked me.

"I know why my powers were going haywire." I said, quietly.

"Great. Now we can fix it. Come on, let's go work on it now." Ava said.

Tears fell down my face. "It can't be fixed. It's not something that can be fixed. I shouldn't use my powers anymore. I should quit the team. I'm never going to get a handle on my powers." I said, tears falling down my face still.

"Of course you will." Peter told me, sitting down beside me. "As team leader, I won't let you give up on yourself until you get your powers fully trained."

"You're not understanding!" I snapped, standing up and bursting into flames. I winced at my ankle. It hadn't been in this much pain since I got the tattoo. I was so angry right now, yet really upset at the same time, and completely confused. The fire burned brighter and hotter. I sat down again, and just breathed, trying to calm down. The last time this happened, was when they told me I might steal the name of Iron Fist away from Danny, and I couldn't do that to him. And I can't be a hero now. "No. No, please don't do this." I whispered, stuck inside a memory.

"Amy?" Luke asked.

"I can't. No, I won't do it. I'd rather die. I'd rather you kill me right now. I won't do it." I said, burning bigger again. Tears streaming down my face, me sobbing hard. "You can't do this. I won't do it.

The monks held me down in their secret room. They tattooed my ankle. I screamed, but it was no use. Nobody could hear me, but I kept doing it, hoping it would somehow do something.  I cried my eyes out until I passed out from it. I couldn't take this from Danny, he worked far too hard for it. My eyes snapped opened, and blue flames were coming from my hands.  held my ankle, and it literally burned through the fire proof fabric. My leg was completely burned. My breathing was heavy, but I finally calmed down. I stopped being on fire and looked at what I had done to myself. I stopped crying finally and was now officially back in the real world, my friends scared and looking at me like I was crazy.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I can't... I can't control it. I can't control them." I told them.

"It's okay Amy." Peter said, slowly moving towards me. "I just want to know what's wrong with your leg? Why did you burn it?" he asked, sitting beside me. I couldn't hide it any longer. He rubbed away the thick layer of ash covering my leg. He wiped away the ask=h and his face went pale.

"Okay, wow. Yeah, um..." Was all he could say. "That's not creepy at all."

"It's not... no. I can explain..."

"okay, maybe you shouldn't be on the team." he whispered

"Peter, I swear, I have an explanation that's not like that. Please, let me explain." I said, standing up. "MJ said something, didn't she?" I asked him.

"Maybe she told me something..."

"Ugh!" I screamed in a whisper. "And you believed it? A few chosen ones got the tattoo. I swear I'm telling you the truth. I swear that it wasn't my choice to get it. It kills me everyday." I told him, wiping away years. "Just don't tell anyone, please? I'll tell you everything later, without a crowd."

"Fine, but you better have a good story other then, I was watching him for a while until he said hi and we became friends, then he became my favourite superhero and now I'm obsessed with him." Peter whispered.

"Thank you." I said, and hugged him, and Peter wrapped my leg up, like it was injured then helped me up. "You do realize that I'm never going to get this under control though, right?" I asked him.

"You need another talk with MJ. She can fix anything. Tomorrow at school, I'm sure she'll be able to do something."

"Really, because I think i'm unfixble."

"Well, i'm not good with that kind of stuff, so wither it's MJ, or the school counsellor."

"Yeah, Mj." I said, and started walking off.

✔️Fire Power (the Ultimate Spiderman/X men fanfic): book 1Where stories live. Discover now