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"I hope you can understand what I am about to tell you isn't personal. Well, it is a bit, but I don't want it to be really personal." Scott rambled on.

"You're breaking up with me for Jean Grey. I know, and it's okay. I've known this wasn't going to work out for a while. That's what I wanted to talk to you about, half of it anyway."

"Wait, you knew?"

"What do you take me as Scott? They don't call me a god for nothing. I'm not stupid either, I've seen the way you've been looking at each other lately. I also wanted to tell you that I am going back to S.H.E.I.L.D. to train again. I am far to powerful to just be in a school and go on small missions. I'd rather be back in New York with my friends. I am going to be talking to Professor X about this tonight. Maybe I can be back by tomorrow afternoon. I hope you an understand what I am telling you."

Scott stood up and kissed my forehead. "Of course Hope, I mean, Amelia. You should be with your team now that you've got your powers all trained. And be back for your birthday in a few days." He said, and he caused me to remember my birthday was in two days. I would be eighteen in two days, and Danny was already eighteen, so no worries for me. Everyone was already eighteen, except for Sam, who would be eighteen for a few more months. "You know, you are way too smart for your own good." He told me, smiling.

"I know. I'm going to go talk to him now. I'll see you when I leave." I said, but it was more like a question then a statement. I left and transported myself back to the school when there was nobody around. I walked into the school and headed towards Professor Xavier's office, but he met me halfway.

"I heard what you want to do. I have already talked to Nick Fury, and he's on his way. He should be here in a few hours. You go pack you things and get ready to go back to your team. I will inform the others that you'll be leaving until the summer." He told me, and I nodded.

I walked to Rogue's and my room. I took out my suitcase and started packing. My friends came in and I turned around just as the door opened. No words were spoken, only hugs of affection and gratitude were shared. I took a deep breath and they all helped me pack. Multiple didn't even make a double of himself. Before I knew it, Fury was back and he gave me a hug, welcoming me back to the team. I was wearing my new outfit, because I was technically still an X-men, but only when it's really important or life threading to hundreds or more people. And sooner rather then later, I was taking a quick nap on the helicopter as we travelled to the HQ.

When I woke up, I checked my phone. 5 missed calls. Each one by a different member of the team. Well, maybe it was six calls, but the last call wasn't missed. I picked up Danny's call. "Amelia, what happened? You weren't answering any of us." He told me.

"No kidding. Now, could you wait a few seconds? I'm in the middle of something important." I told him, lying in order to surprise him for when I got in. The helicopter started to land and I smiled as Danny agreed. Nick got Coulson to take my stuff to my newly renovated room, as he took me with the rest of the team. He opened the doors, and made me wait outside and we decided to work together to surprise them.

"Okay guys, we have a new member to our team. She's officially part of S.H.E.L.D. Now and forever. We now own her, so I hope you all are nice to her." He said.

"But what about Amelia? She's coming back, isn't she?" Peter asked, and I couldn't wait anymore.

"Meet your new teammate, Phoenix!" I called out and walked into the room, everyone smiling. They all jumped up and hugged me, and I hugged them back. Sam hugged for a little longer then needed, but that was just Sam.

"What happened?" He asked me.

"Well, long story, but I decided to corn back after I got dumped for someone else, and now I'm here! I was coming back anyway, but it just sped up the time I am coming back for."

"Speaking of time sped up, we have a problem you have to deal with. Spider-man, this one is for you. We'll send Phoenix in for back up if needed. This guy can stop, speed up, or move the person he is touching through time. He can also just make you disappear in total."

"By sending them into another universe. I've heard of powers like this, but nothing that's been seen in years." I told them, smiling, until Danny put his hand on my shoulder and made me feel like I was missing something. I looked into his eyes and saw what he saw. "No. You aren't serious, are you?" I asked, confused and in denial.

"I am very sorry Amelia, but Maxwell was working on his own project, and something went wrong after it was disapproved..."

"Oh Max, what have you done to yourself?" I asked, looking at the screen, my eyes filling with fire. I turned around and blew in a good way. "I'm ready to be back up. Spidey, you go. If something happens to you, I can follow you through wherever it is you were sent to and take you back. I've been practicing. Sneaking into K'un Lun and stuff. Going through dimensions to K'un Lun and bringing someone there and back. It was training." I mumbled on, and realized I wouldn't have anymore missions with Cyclopes anymore, which made my mind wander over to Danny and Iron Fist. He made it, and I wasn't even there to see it. I didn't leave to help him, even though I probably could have just zapped myself there and back within a few hours. A tear fell down my cheek as I realized I had lost someone truly special. More fell, and I couldn't snap out of my memories. I wasn't on fire, but my eyes had phoenixes in them, like they always do when they're on fire. I just broke down after that.

"Amelia..?" Ava asked.

"I'm sorry. I just need a minute." I told them, then stormed out of the room. Spider-man left as I sat in my room crying.

✔️Fire Power (the Ultimate Spiderman/X men fanfic): book 1Where stories live. Discover now