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I flew into New York, but there was nothing wrong there, meaning it was somewhere else close to me that was in trouble. The X-men. It had to be Cyclopes and the team in trouble, what else could it be? I tried calling, but nothing was working. Nobody answered, then I knew there was trouble. I went back to the team and traced Cyclopes' glasses. The special high-tech ones I got him. I knew he would wear them no matter what, because we were still friends after all. He was in the middle of nowhere. I looked at the team, and they knew something was off at how scared I was. We all left for this place. It took hours and hours to get there, but it was pretty much worth it. Hope Hotman was ready for action as Phoenix. I just hope that nothing bad happens, as I feel that it will.

I got a call back from Cyclopes. Right away I picked it up. "Scott?" I asked.

"We need serious help here. Some aliens are attacking and we are getting our butts handed to us!"

"Okay, I'm on my way, and I'm bringing backup. Just keep fighting and we'll be there as soon as we can!" I called, and the line went dead. And I don't think that Cyclopes hung up on me.

This was it. The battle I was looking for. The X-men and Spider-man's team joining forces to save the world. This was the moment I was truly an immortal. Maybe this would be the fight that makes me become truly immortal. I've had dreams about aliens attacking, and in everyone one of them, I've died. I had to be a hero and sacrifice myself. I shot myself in the heart with a laser, took a blade for Danny, gotten in the way of one of Cyclopes' blasts. But today, something felt off about what was going to happen, like this was a dream, but would become real. I held a meeting, just because this was freaking me out a bit. Everyone gathered together and I started off.

"Okay guys. We're going against some alien race. They're destroying everything, and I'm not sure if we can stop them. This is the battle of a lifetime, but we are heroes, and we don't give up until the very last breath. And I for one, want to say something, in case this is my last battle." I told them, and we all looked down, knowing it might be anyone's last battle. "If I die, I want to die like this. Being a hero, and being with my friends." I told them, and they looked at me funny, but agreed with me.

We were getting closer to the battle, but it was still a few thousand miles away. I decided to talk to Sam about it, considering he was probably the only one I could tell who it wouldn't make them want to do something to stop what was going it happen. I sighed, and walked over to Sam, who looked like he was trying to relax a bit. When I walked in, he turned around and looked at me, confused.

"Amy, what's up?" He asked me.

"Can I talk to you about something?" I asked him. "Something secret, that you can't tell the others?"

"Of course. I won't tell anyone. What is it?"

"I'm dying. Well, I am going to die. Today, in this battle. I don't want anyone to stop it, because it's probably for the best. No one should have the powers of a god, and I certainly won't be able to control them forever. And I thought, because of your history, you might understand..." I said, and tees started rolling down me face. Sam jumped up and strangled me in a hug. "I don't want to die." I admitted.

"Nobody wants to, but it's life. You just have time to prepare for your end. You're lucky that you know when your going to die, because I could die any second, and there is still 100 different things I want to do in my life before I go." He told me. "Is there anything you want to do before you die?" Nova asked me.

I shook me head no. And really, I'd done everything I wanted. My death would even be the perfect death for me. Dying a hero, but the way I want it. "There was something that I think is very good in this situation to state. May I?"

"Go ahead." Sam said, sitting me down beside him.

"Either you die a hero, or live to see yourself turn to evil. I've been there already. I guess dying a hero was always a dream, but I never thought I'd go so soon. And you want to know the worst part?" I asked Sam.

"The worst part?"

"Today is my birthday. I made it to being an adult, I guess. Eighteen years old, and I going to die." I told him, tears streaming down my face, as he pulled me into a nice little hug.

"Happy birthday." He told me, and pet my hair down to try and comfort me. Then the ship stopped, and it was time.

"Promise me something?" I asked Sam.


"After I'm gone, tell Danny I love him. I always will love him, and I will always be there for him. Every time he looks at his tattoo, I'll be there. And tell him not to try and bring me back. It won't work. Like I said before, die a hero or fall a villain. I like die a hero better." I said, and he nodded his head.

"I promise to let the others know how you felt about them. And do you really know about my past?"

"Of course I do. I am god now. I know almost everything. I'm going to die anyways, remember? You're the last Nova. Your parents died, then you lost your sister and then became the last Nova. Now, let's go human rocket, before I can't do this." I told him, and we were off.

The last chapter of my life. That's all that was going through my mind. All those memories, and my last one would be fighting someone or something. When I saw what we were fighting, I looked over at Nova, his jaw dropped. Those were the aliens that wiped out the Nova's. Our eyes went wide, and he looked over at me too. A single tear fell down my face, and I got ready to go. Nova told the others about the aliens, and that was that. They knew we had to stop them at all costs. Hours were spent fighting and some had fallen already. Iron Fist, White Phoenix, Cyclopes and I were fighting in a group, in position Alpha Four, but you wouldn't know what what is.

I heard a noise, and turned around as fast as I could. Sam was hit with a laser! I screamed as loud as I could, and burned to blue flames! I burned brighter then I ever had, and couldn't control it. I was getting hotter and hotter! And that's when I knew, this was how I was going out. I was going to explode in the middle of nowhere to save my friends.

"Hey, what's going on?" Nova asked, rubbing his head as he slowly get off of the ground.

"You have to get everyone out of here! I'm sorry Sam, but you have to get them out of here!" I screamed, and winds started blowing! Elements were going crazy, and I couldn't control what I was doing! I was far too powerful for anyone to control. "I'm sorry!" I screamed, turning to Danny as tears stained my face.

"What? No!" Danny screamed as Nova pulled him away. "No! You aren't doing this! Don't do this to me!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, and everyone started to evacuate, except for the aliens, who thought they were giving up. I waved one final goodbye to my friends, and started floating into the air. Danny was have a total and complete melt down, and I was five seconds from going nuclear. My life flashed before my eyes, memories reminding me of how good I actually had it. "I'm sorry Daniel Rand!" I screamed, and that was the last thing I would ever said. Everything went black, and that was the end. Danny was my last thought ever, and I knew Sam would deliver the message. I smiled brightly and BOOM!!!

I was Amelia Hotman, and I died saving the world and my friends. I died a hero. And my friends had a nice funeral or me, with flowers and flames and lots of crying. S.H.E.I.L.D. didn't replace me, Nick Fury just didn't have the heart. Everyday he would pray that I was in a good place, and tell me he was sorry that he couldn't do anything more for me. Daniel would pray to me and tell me he loved me, no matter what. Sam would also talk to me sometimes, and every once and a while, I'd show myself to Sam. I might have died, but I was immortal after all. I still had a form, but I was truly immortal now. Just energy and light but together, but I was still there. We'd talk sometimes, and Sam would tell me what was going on and what I had missed. Everyone's lives went on, and now they were all living in Peter's house, and they were a family. Everything I ever wanted for them, happened, and I was so proud. And maybe one day, I could join them again. If I could ever figure out my powers, and figure out how to get back into a true physical form, which I'm sure Nova wouldn't mind helping me with.

✔️Fire Power (the Ultimate Spiderman/X men fanfic): book 1Where stories live. Discover now