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When we got back to HQ, I hid in my room. I sat on my bed and listened to everyone trying t get information from Peter. He wouldn't say anything though. And Danny wasn't saying anything, meaning he was worried about me and wanted to know what happened. I couldn't hide in my room forever. I took a deep breath, then found myself walking into the meeting room. Everyone looked at me when I walked in, nobody speaking.

"I have good hearing." I told them. "Years of practice. I like to know what's going on. I can hear what's going on a mile away if I wanted to. But that's not what I came in here for. I know you want to know what's going on with me, and what happened earlier." I told them, sitting down, and finally ready to talk. "A team is a team because they can trust each other, with anything. And as you might know, I haven't told you everything about me yet. I haven't told you anything about me yet, so ask away. I promise I won't lie."

They all sat there, not saying anything. The only person who looked like they wanted to say something was Danny. I looked at him, ashamed I didn't tell him about the tattoo. I lied to him about why I left, and I can't handle it anymore. "I'm sorry." I told him.

"Sorry?" he asked back.

"I lied to you. The reason why I left K'un Lun. It wasn't because they were going to do something bad to me, it was because they were going to do something that I couldn't live with." I told him.

"What do you mean Amelia?" he asked again, really worried now.

"They weren't sure if you could become Iron Fist, so they did something..." I choked up, tears stinging my eyes, but not yet falling. "They wanted me to become Iron Fist, and I knew I couldn't do it, and you could, so I ran away before they could do it. I would have rather died then taken that from you. I'm sorry."

"Are you still quitting the team?" Peter blurted out.

"Yes. At least, unless I can control what's wrong with me." I told him.

"Are you going to tell us what's wrong with you?" Luke asked, speaking for the first time since I got put on this team.

"I can't. But I am going to try and get control of it. If I can't by the end of next week, I'm leaving and going to find a way back to K'un Lun. Or somewhere where I can't hurt anyone." I told them all.

"So, you have a week to fix yourself, and you won't let us help you? Well, that's great."

"You can't help me. Trust me. None of you can help me."

For the rest of the week and the weekend, I got nothing done. Everything I tried didn't work. Before I knew it, it was Monday. I needed some serious help from MJ. I ran into the school that morning and searched the place for her. When I found her, I nearly tackled her.

"We need to talk, now." I told her, and we rushed off.

"I think I know who you have a crush on." MJ said, smiling.

"Really?" I asked her.

"Is it Sam?" she asked me, hopeful. My expression went blank.

"You got the opposite. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. So, I've been trying to do my training, for T'ai chi, and I can't seam to focus because I'm thinking too much about them. And I think he's mad at me right now, because I nearly got the job he wanted, but didn't because I dropped out before I could, and lied to him about why I dropped out. I just told him the truth and he's mad at me and I can't handle it. What do I do?" I asked her.

"School dance is in two days. You could ask them about going with you. Maybe if you two hang out more, just the two of you, you might become more focused during your practice. And maybe he would stop being mad at you, and that might help. Unless he asks you out first." she told me. "Depends, who is it?" she asked me.

"Seriously? You still don't know? Wow, and you call yourself a journalist. Think about it." I told her, and the gears started spinning in her head. She looked shocked at first.

"Danny?" she asked, confused. "You like Danny Rand?" she whispered.

"Well, it's complicated."

"Wow, then your in for a surprise, because I just talked to him yesterday. Look nice for the field trip tomorrow." she warned me, and I couldn't believe what she just told me. I jumped up and ran for my first class, smiling my head off. I sat next to Peter, a smile on my face.

"Everything okay?" he asked me, looking at how happy I was.

"I think so. Are my eyes burning?" I asked him.


"Then I'm great. I think MJ just helped me figure out how to control it."

"So you aren't quitting?" Peter asked.

"If this works, I won't quite until the day I die, and that could be a long time from now. Considering that the monks in K'un Lun said I was pretty much immortal. Guess that's why they thought..."

"Say no more. You'll be fine. And Danny will forgive you. I know he will. He doesn't like to hold grudges." Peter told me.

"Yeah, I know. That's not what I'm worried about though. The field trip is tomorrow, and i'm nervous about that. Guess that's just going to be something I have to deal with though." I said, and class started.

I ended up getting partnered with Danny tomorrow. I looked over at him, and he wouldn't look back at me, and my heart broke like a fist through glass. And yes, I did just use that reference. Probably because I can turn myself into glass and he is Iron Fist, so kind of a sad pun really. Tears burned my eyes, and I felt my insides heat up. Oh god, this is good. Peter felt the heat coming from me.

"Something isn't working, is it?" Peter asked me. "Just stay calm, okay? Just breath deeply, or meditate or something. Anything but explode." he said, and I laughed.

"Do you know how hard it would be to mediate in here? Or that I meditate to set myself on fire? It's called focusing your chi..." I choked, and a tear went down my face and burned my cheek. That's never happened before. My tear was warmer then my skin. I shivered, and realized I was frozen.

"Amy?" Peter asked, confused.

"I've lost all heat. My powers generate on emotions, anger usually works best to set myself on fire, but I'm frozen."

"I'm sure it's nothing..." Peter said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "You feel like ice, through your tee shirt." he told me, and soddenly Danny looked over at me.

"The room is spinning now." I whispered, and the room went black. Everything went black, and I heard one last thing.

"Amelia..." Danny said, and I felt myself hit the floor and I couldn't move. I was so cold. I couldn't feel anything, I was completely numb.

✔️Fire Power (the Ultimate Spiderman/X men fanfic): book 1Where stories live. Discover now