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Fury wasn't there when we got back. He's be there in the morning before school though, and we all had to meet him before school tomorrow. The team dismissed me for the night, and I knew I had messed up. I heard arguing through the door. Some were defending me, others said I messed up really bad in the end. I was starting to believe it. My hands lit up from being angry, but I wasn't angry. They burned out and I just broke down crying. I was in the training room, by myself, crying my eyes out. How could I be so stupid? The first rule at the academy was to not let your person feelings and your powers together. And I went without having control of that yet, and I messed up. I cried and cried until someone walked into the room. I stood up and quickly wiped my eyes, as I tried to see who it was in the dark room. I saw a shape, and found it was Ava. I wipe my tears away and tried to stop crying before she turned the lights on.

"Amy? Is that you?" She asked, as I faced away from her, tears still falling down my face. "Is there something wrong?" She asked me, clearly and truthfully worried about me.

"I-it's nothing." I said, waiting away more tears.

"You're crying. That doesn't mean you're alright. You want to talk about it?" She asked me, turning me around to look at me. "We can go to my room to talk, if you want?" She offered.

"Just a little sick." I told her, biting my lip. It wasn't exactly a lie, but it wasn't exactly the truth either.

"Home sick or worried sick?" She asked me. "Or are you talking more love sick?"

"All three, maybe? I don't know. I guess all three." I told her. "You can't tell anyone though. I don't want people to know I had a breakdown on my first day. I mean, I knew it was going to e hard being here, but I was ready for physical pain, not emotion pain. This place reminds me so much of K'un Lun, without the nice views." I laughed a bit, as Ava wrapped her arm around me.

"Well, I'm going to give you some advise here. Boys are idiots. They don't know about girls. How old are you?" She asked me, taking me out of the training room.

"Uh... Oh, um... Seventeen, maybe. What month is it?" I asked her, then after she looked confused I started laughing a bit. "That was a joke. I'm seventeen, last month." I told her, smiling.

"So, the same age as us. That's cool. Do you like school?" She asked me.

"I'm smart, but I don't show it often. But school is fun, I guess." I told her.

"Then we'll be great friends. And I think you did a pretty good job out there, until your powers went nuts again and you flew into a post." She told me, trying not to laugh.

"Please, can we not speak of that again?" I asked her, rubbing my head and being shy about it. "It was really embarrassing, even though I know it was my first fight with a bad guy, ever." I admitted.

"Ever?" She asked, making us turn.

"Ever. Now, where are you taking me?" I asked, annoyed at how I had no idea where I was.

"I'm going to fix your home sickeness." She told me, smiling as we got to a door. It opened and it looked just like K'un Lun. I couldn't believe it.

"How'd you... What?" I asked, looking at her, amazed.

"They made it for Danny, for his meditation. I'm sure we could just sit and talk here for a while." She said, and Soddenly I felt sick. Like the first time I saw the training building. I turned around and ran before anything else could happen. I locked myself in my room.

"Amy? That didn't seam like you liked it to me? I thought you said you were homesick?" She asked me.

"Not a physical place. Family is who you care for and who cares for you. I miss my friends and family who were my home, not that place itself." I managed to say, trying to not have a panic attack.

✔️Fire Power (the Ultimate Spiderman/X men fanfic): book 1Where stories live. Discover now