Chapter 7

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I made my way to class but then my speed my pace up as I felt that I was being followed. Who the crap wants to follow me anyway? I bring my books close to my chest, held it firmly. I keep walking as I reach my class.

Betty who was on her seat talking with the others as usual look up at me as I entered the class. Her jaw dropped open as her eyes met mines. What's wrong with her?

I'm absolutely confused with her reaction. I plopped down on a seat which is a few tables away from hers and put my stuff on the desk. She turn around then she mouths "Who the hell is that?"

What does she means? Who is she talking about? I raise an eyebrow, puzzled at her words.

She let out a sigh "Behind you" she mouthed.

I turn myself then I caught brown haired guy with his emerald eyes darted on mine. A genuine smile takes place on his face. " Hi " he said with his eyes still on mine.

I gave him a sweet smile. Uncomfortable with his eyes gaze on me, I cleared my throat. His eyes blinks as he realize that he's kinda staring at me. Wow. No one had ever look at me like the way he did. Except for him.

"So what's your name?" I asked, trying to be friendly.

Besides he seems like he's new here because I've never seen him before.

"Leo. And you?"

"Cyrinna. A new student,huh?"

"Yeah. " he says as he rubs the back of his head.

"Oh Leo. Nice to meet you. " I replied with a smile.

"Me too. Um.. Cyrinna," he said with his eyes landed on my brown ones.

"You can call me Erina"

"Okay. So, if you don't mind can we go to the cafeteria later? I'm still new though. " he asks awkwardly but grinned in the end.

I couldn't refuse though because all of this time I spend a lot of time with Ariana, just the both of us. Things changed and I ended up being alone. But now I got a new friend.

Well hope this one would be better.

"Sure! That wouldn't be a problem at all" I chirp in excitement.

The teacher came and our conversation is at cliffhanger. A frown formed on my face. I want to talk to him again. It's fun to talk with someone like him.


I look around for Leo but I didn't even see his figure at all. Where could he be anyway? I thought he want me to join him. Without the urge to seek for him I manage to made my way to the cafeteria. Hey,I'm starving and I don't want this tummy growl in hunger! You can say that I'm kinda selfish when it comes to food.

I took a seat at an empty table then put my tray full with foods down. As I sat down, my eyes caught a quite familiar figure.

It's Leo! He's about to walk towards the table where I was but then his steps were stopped by..


I clench my hands as I look at him. Gladly he didn't notice me. I don't want to look at him, the betrayer's boyfriend.

He talk to Leo but I'm not sure what they're talking about. Maybe he want Leo to join his football team. Well,he's the school's football team leader anyway.

I decided to call for Leo instead of letting him to talk with that kind of person."Leo!" I gave him a wave.

Then he smiled. Ethan whom notice me, glance at me and says something to Leo.

Betrayer's bitchy boyfriend.

Stupid guy who choose a slut.

He should choose you instead of that girl.

Evil witch.

My wicked self subconscious said with despite of anger. I brush the thoughts away instead.

No, Cyrinna. You deserve better than him. There's many guy outside there. I said to myself.

I shook my head again. Then I saw Leo nodded in reply. Ethan held his hand out but Leo didn't took it but he gave him a smile. He left Ethan and made his way towards me.

I look up at him as I let out a breathe of relief. I gave him my best smile. Gladly Ethan had left. He took a seat next to me then he look into my eyes for awhile. He places his hands on mine, held it firmly in his.

"What's wrong? "He asked full with concerned.

I didn't reply and remains silent. He may notice that I didn't like Ethan but I didn't mind to open my mouth.

"Is it because that guy? "He asked again, hoping for me to answer his question.

A spark of pain greeted me as he mentioned that guy which he meant was Ethan. I swallowed hard before utter a word.

"I don't like to see him. " I lowered my head, unwilling to met his eyes.

I feel his thumb rubbed my cheeks, wiping my tears which I didn't notice it run down to my cheeks. He pull me into his arms and patted my back. I hugged him back and let my thoughts replace by my emotion which flooded in me.

"No one would dare hurt you. I promise." He said, stroking my hair with his hand and press his lips on my forehead.

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