Chapter 11

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I think my dad has gone insane. But his insanity makes me very happy! I've got a brother just like I've always wanted to.

"Leo! Can you believe what dad has said?! " I asked him excitably.

"Well, he's telling the truth after all. " he grins.

I still can't believe Greg words. He just met Leo and he said he adopted him. And now he's my brother. Guess he didn't mind about it.

Leo look at me and gave a peck on my cheek.

"I'll be back soon as I've finished pack my things " he ruffles my hair before he left.


"Hey. " Leo came in my room when I was doing my homework on my bed.

I tilt my head to look at him. I see him approaching the frozen blue rose. He took it and bring it close to his face.

"It's cold. " he said as he touches the blue petals.

My eyes then focused on the papers on my lap, my fingers then bring then pen to write down on it.

"Of course it's cold it's frozen, silly. "I chuckled with my fingers still holding the pen, pressing its end on the paper.

"Really? It doesn't seems frozen. " he said confused. I put the pen down as I've remembered something.

Yeah, I forgot that I didn't tell him about it. I can see things which were froze but peoples don't. I took my books and papers which scattered on my bed, arranging them and brought them to my study desk. I headed to my bed again as I've put my things on my study desk.

My eyes easily caught his figure. His eyes were still on the rose, examine it like it's something extraordinary, an object he haven't seen before in his entire life. I chuckled as I see his eyebrows furrows with confusion. Gosh, he's like trying to remember a formula and trying so hard to remember it!

I made my way to my bed, plopped myself down on my comfy bed on the edge of it.

He turn to face me, "Sit here " I gesture him to sat besides me on the bed, taking a deep breath.

"After a dream where I spend time with him, this frozen blue rose was already besides me. I think he gave it to me. But can't you think it is weird when you dreamed about someone then he appeared right in front of your eyes the next day. " he listens to every word with interest, nodding as a reply to my explanation.

"Wait, I'm kinda lost" he said as I've done with the explaining.

I raise an eyebrow as I look at him. "I thought you get the point."

"Well.. I did but, who are we talking about?"

"The guy that I've told you."

"Him..okay" he mumbled. 

"um... it's hard for me to say a word about this. " he scratch the back of his head.

"Never mind, " I sighed,hung my head down.

We stay silence then Leo broke it with his words.

"I'll teach you how to defense yourself tomorrow. Would you like to spare your time? " he asked, waiting for my answer patiently.

I tilted my head up to look up at him.

"Sure! " I replied with a smile


He walk in front of me and I followed him from behind. He brought me to Greg's garage.

We walk into it till ended up standing in front of boxes arranged on against the cupboard. he put all the boxes to the side and revealed a wooden door.

I never knew about it. How come Leo knew it? I think Dad knows him first before I did and it seems that he's close with Greg too. I approach Leo as he made his way in.

"What is this place? " my eyes roaming to every corner of the room.

It's like a place where people train themselves to learn martial arts. The room is full with sharp equipments especially swords and javelin. Javelin is fun though! I did try how to used it in school. Well, you know what athletes do but I'm a sprinter.

"The place where you'll learn how to defend yourself. " he approach toward a wall where there's many kind of swords and daggers were hung.

He took a sword with a nicely carved violet handle. He gave it to me and I took it from his hand.

"This one suits you. Violet. "he smile.

I'm confused.. if I'm gonna learn how to defend myself, why the heck that I should do with this sword?! At least he asked me to punch a punching bag or something. But a sword?

And Greg.. he didn't even tell me about this room. A room which full with dangerous things.

"It's because we have trouble with the demons. And I'm not going to train you to defend yourself from peoples but from other creatures. " he explained like he had read my mind, what does he mean ? I don't get it.

"I'll explain everything later. You had to focused. " he paused for awhile and continues, "the sword is quite heavy though." he gave me reminder, but it seem really light unlike what Leo have said.

It's light as a pen.

"It's very light. " I mumbled.

"I knew it. " he smiled.

"Let's start our lesson. " he says ad he draws his sword to me.

I jumped a bit and my left hand which holding the sword automatically clings Leo's sword to the side hard till it hits the ground, no longer in his hand.

I felt amaze yet shocked after what I did. I never learn how to handle a sword before but before Leo could make a move my hands

"I didn't do that." I let go off the sword, raised both of my hands up.

Leo laugh seeing my reaction.

"Yes, you did! I saw it with my own eyes. "he said, picking up my sword and handed it to me.

"You were born to hold a sword. You were born talented " he smiles.

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